Haute Stuff 香奈儿:低调的奢华
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年12月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:455
A Stylish Little Number
Those in the fashion know understand that every woman simply must have a “little black dress” in her repertoire. The fashion essential has proved itself as timeless as the French icon who introduced it into our fashion vocabulary – Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel.
Chanel revolutionized haute women’s wear in spite of an impoverished upbringing – and, indeed, owing to it; her relatively destitute background played a pivotal role in defining her life’s direction as well as her unique style.
While other young Parisian women were swanning inside nightclubs, hidden under corsets and lace, the young, spirited, and penniless Chanel was to be found in the fresh air of the countryside. Her unconventional attitude and charismatic joie de vivre made her an attractive companion for affluent young playboys.
Having such silk-stocking companions but little money of her own, Chanel found herself on the outskirts of fashionable society. She could not afford the dressy clothes of the era, and anyway, those designs couldn’t afford Chanel the freedom of movement that her active lifestyle demanded. Beginning with the head and working her way down, Chanel began to create her own style, one that would steadily metamorphose into the now much revered “Chanel look.”
拥有这群穿着入时的伙伴、自己却没什么钱,香奈儿发现自己身处时尚圈的外围。她负担不起当时那些高档服饰;而那些设计也无法让香奈儿活动自如,满足不了她积极的生活方式。于是香奈儿先从头顶着手,渐次向下,创造了自己的风格,这种风格逐渐转化成时下所尊称的Chanel Look。
haute【法】高级的 fashionably elegant
stylish [ˋstaɪlɪʃ] adj. 时髦的,流行的;漂亮的
in the know 知道..实情, 掌握..内幕
repertoire [ˋrɛpɚ͵twɑr] n.(一个演员所能表演的)全部节目
essential [ɪˋsɛnʃəl] n. 必需品; 不可缺的东西; 要素,要点;必需品
timeless [ˋtaɪmlɪs] adj. 万古长新的; 永不过时的
icon [ˋaɪkɑn] n. 偶像﹐ 崇拜对象
impoverished [ɪmˋpɑvərɪʃt] adj. 穷困的;赤贫的
upbringing [ˋʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n. 养育;教养,培养
destitute [ˋdɛstə͵tjut] adj. 穷困的,贫困的
pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 关键的;重要的
swan [swɑn] v.【口】闲荡,游逛
corset [ˋkɔrsɪt] n.(妇女用的)束腹,紧身褡
spirited [ˋspɪrɪtɪd] adj. 活泼的;生气勃勃的
charismatic [͵kærɪzˋmætɪk] adj. 有吸引力的; 有感召力的; 有魅力的
joie de vivre 【法】〔由于活着而产生的〕快乐兴奋 hearty or carefree enjoyment of life
companion [kəmˋpænjən] n. 同伴,伴侣;朋友
silk-stocking [ˋsɪlkˋstɑkɪŋ] adj. 穿着入时的人的; 贵族的;富裕的 fashionably dressed
outskirt [ˋaʊt͵skɝt] n. 外围, 边缘
dressy [ˋdrɛsɪ] adj.〔服装〕适合正式场合穿的﹐ 讲究的
metamorphose [mɛtəˋmɔr͵foz] v. 使变形;【地】使变质
revere [rɪˋvɪr] v.【正式】尊敬﹐崇敬
Sentence of the Day
It cramped her style.
cramp one’s style: to restrict or prevent from free action or expression
A Helping Hand
Thanks to financial backing from generous lovers, Chanel’s creative dreams became realized. She opened a hat store in Paris, eventually expanding into Biarritz, Deauville – and clothing. Believing fashion “…is in the air,…. in the sky and on the road,” Chanel’s designs drew heavily from things she saw around her.
Her use of rural materials such as wool and jersey, coupled with her clean, crisp lines, ensured that her clothing was unique. The fickle fashion industry soon took notice, and Chanel’s star rose to legendary status – but what goes up must eventually come down.
As the result of an affair with Nazi officer during the occupation of Paris, Chanel spent eight post-war years in exile, mostly in Switzerland. However, in 1954, a seventy-one-year-old Chanel braced herself for a comeback. Although she received an icy reception in France, the United States could not get enough of her. Fervent support from the likes of Audrey Hepburn and Jacqueline Kennedy ensured Chanel’s phoenix-like rebirth.
Coco Chanel passed away in 1971. Two gold interlocking C’s remain the logo of her still-flourishing fashion house. They have garnered a place in haute couture as being synonymous with utmost luxury, elegance, and style – the legacy of a different and irreplaceable woman.
-by Katherine Bosher
backing [ˋbækɪŋ] n. 支持﹐ 帮助﹐ 资助
draw [drɔ] v. 汲取
jersey [ˋdʒɝzɪ] n.(尤用于制作女性服装的)平针织物,略有弹性的织物
crisp [krɪsp] adj. 干脆的,干净利落的
fickle [ˋfɪk!] adj. 易变的,无常的
what goes up must eventually come down 花开总有花谢时 However high something rises, eventually it has to come back down.
exile [ˋɛksaɪl] n. 流放;流亡;离开本国,离乡背井
brace [bres] v. 做好准备[(+for/against)]
icy [ˋaɪsɪ] adj. 冷冰冰的,缺乏热情的,不友好的
fervent [ˋfɝvənt] adj. 热情的; 炽热的; 热烈的; 强烈的
phoenix [ˋfinɪks] n. 凤凰〔古代传说中一种生于火中的神奇的鸟〕; 复活的人(或事物)
interlock [͵ɪntɚˋlɑk] v.(使)相互扣住; (使)连结
garner [ˋgɑrnɚ] v. 获得;贮藏,积累
haute couture(总称)高级女子时装(或时行样式)
synonymous [sɪˋnɑnəməs] adj. 同义的;同义词性质的
utmost [ˋʌt͵most] adj. 最大的;最远的;极度的
legacy [ˋlɛgəsɪ] n. 留给后人的东西; 遗产;遗赠
Sentence of the Day
She did it after a fashion.
after a fashion 达到一定程度(但尚未令人满意), 勉强, 马马虎虎
Coco Chanel
Coco Chanel