Bossa Nova: Beating with the Heart of Brazil 巴莎诺瓦:舞动巴西的心
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年2月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:500
With its lilting rhythms and smooth, breathy vocals, Brazil’s bossa nova revolutionized the international jazz scene in the 1950s and early 1960s. Early bossa nova – literally new trend in Portuguese – was an eclectic mix of traditional Brazilian samba and cool American jazz that became the soundtrack for the lives of Brazil’s nouveau riche. Its atmospheric and unconventional sound, with vocals and rhythmpulling indifferent directions, evoked images of a bohemian lifestyle that also appealed to a whole new generation of Brazilian youth.
João Gilberto, whose unique guitar-playing earned him the moniker father of bossa nova, epitomized this bohemian spirit – in his life as well as his music. Born to a wealthy merchant father, he incurred his family’s scorn for rejecting a normal job to pursue a musical career. Despite his obvious talent, it took Gilberto nearly eight years to gain public attention. It wasn’t until his collaboration with songwriter Antonio Jobim in 1958 that Gilberto’s slowed-down samba rhythms and soft vocal harmonies secured widespread popularity – and bossa nova really took off.
The success of bossa nova was due, in large part, to the economic prosperity and changing politics with characterized post-war Brazil. If samba was passionate music for the working classes, then the new bossa nova was languorous music – better suited for enjoying cocktails on the beach.
Bossa Nova 桑巴舞曲与摩登爵士混合的音乐;用这种音乐表演的双人舞
lilting [ˋlɪltɪŋ] adj.(音调)抑扬顿挫的;(音乐)旋律轻快的
breathy [ˋbrɛθɪ] adj.〔尤指嗓音〕带有气音的﹐带喘息声的
vocal [ˋvok!] n.〔音乐的〕歌唱部分〔相对于乐器演奏部分〕
scene [sin] n.【口】活动领域
Portuguese [ˋportʃʊ͵giz] adj. 葡萄牙语的
eclectic [ɛˋklɛktɪk] adj. 兼收并蓄的; 五花八门的; 不拘一格的
samba [ˋsæmbə] n. 桑巴舞曲;桑巴舞
soundtrack [ˋsaʊnd͵træk] n. 声道; 音带,声带; 声迹; 电影配音
nouveau riche [ˌnuvoʊˈriʃ] n.【法】暴发户
atmospheric [͵ætməsˋfɛrɪk] adj.(地方、音乐等)有情调的,有魅力的,有感染力的
evoke [ɪˋvok] v. 唤起(记忆等);引起
bohemian [boˋhimɪən] adj. 放荡不羁(的文化人)的,不受世俗陈规束缚的; 波希米亚(人)的;波希米亚语的;捷克的
appeal [əˋpil] v. 有吸引力,迎合爱好[W][(+to)]
moniker [ˋmɑnɪkɚ] n.【俚】名字;绰号
epitomize [ɪˋpɪtə͵maɪz] v. 成为…的典型
incur [ɪnˋkɝ] v.〔因自己的举动而〕招致〔不愉快的事〕﹐招惹﹐ 遭受
scorn [skɔrn] n. 嘲笑;奚落
collaboration [kə͵læbəˋreʃən] n.〔尤指在科学﹑艺术等方面的〕合作﹐ 协作
harmony [ˋhɑrmənɪ] n.【语】和声
due [dju] adj. 因为,由于[(+to)]
languorous [ˋlæŋgərəs] adj. 令人倦怠的
Sentence of the Day
He sang for his supper.
sing for one’s supper 通过提供服务赢得帮助或好处
Jason and his girlfriend, Emily, are watching a bossa nova dance competition: 杰森和他的女朋友爱蜜莉在观赏巴莎诺瓦的舞蹈竞赛。
J: It’s strange to think that bossa nova shocked people in Brazil when it first came out.
E: I know! It seems so tame now.
J: Well, when Joao Gilberto first started playing it, his friends and family called him insane for making such un-macho music.
E: Philistines! Others criticized him for changing traditional samba, while many thought bossa nova was simply too decadent.
J: It is kind of indulgent, though. Listen to the lyrics!
E: You’re right. Singing about the beautiful women walking down the beach somehow doesn’t fit with the revolutionary spirit that was so prevalent in Brazil in the sixties.
J: That’s why bossa nova had to change with the times; once Brazil’s economy collapsed, people didn’t want to hear about the lethargic lives of the rich.
E: But they kept the same rhythms, right? They only changed the lyrics.
J: Exactly. Musicians started using the sounds of bossa nova to express their frustration with the government and the plight of the poor.
E: So, bossa nova only became politicized once the economy deteriorated.
J: Yeah. But, in good times and in bad, bossa nova always spoke to the hearts of Brazil’s people!
-by Francoise Raunet
tame [tem] adj. 驯服的; 平淡的; 无精打采的
insane [ɪnˋsen] adj.【非正式】愚蠢的﹐疯狂的
macho [ˋmɑtʃo] adj. 大男子气概的
philistine [ˈfɪlɪˌstaɪn] / [fəˋlɪstɪn] n. 偏狭自满、趣味庸俗的人
decadent [ˋdɛkədnt] adj. 堕落的;颓废的;衰落的
indulgent [ɪnˋdʌldʒənt] adj. 纵容的;放纵的
prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt] adj.〔在某时或某地〕普遍的﹐盛行的﹐ 流行的
lethargic [ləˋθɑrdʒɪk] adj. 无精打采的﹐懒洋洋的
plight [plaɪt] n.〔坏的﹑严重的或悲伤的〕境况﹐ 困境﹐ 苦境
politicized [pəˋlɪtɪsaɪzd] adj. 卷入政治的﹐ 政治化的
deteriorate [dɪˋtɪrɪə͵ret] v. 恶化;质量(或价值)下降;退化;堕落
Sentence of the Day
They changed their tune.
change one’s tune 改变态度
Garota de Ipanema by Joao Gilberto