Splish Splash: What’s Hot in Swimwear This Summer 夏日戏水:泳装流行趋势
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年6月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:435
With summer here again, it’s time for many of us to shed pounds and choose the perfect swimsuit. Most of this summer’s trends are based on the spring season colors, styles, and motifs featured at the Dior Haute Couture Spring-Summer Show on January 20 in Paris. At this show, leading fashion designers, like Chanel’s Karl Lagerfeld and Christian Dior’s John Galliano, set the “in” trends. Let’s take a sneak peek into what’s hot this year.
Basic white and basic black remain important this season, but bright hues such as turquoise blends, deep blues, loud pinks, yellows, and lime green have gained prominence on the runways. Hot styles include bikinis in geometric shapes complemented by slinky, low-hipped bottoms which emphasize the mid-section. For more conservative consumers, the one-piece swimsuit has also made a comeback, but now with plunging, V-shaped necklines.
Through celebrity endorsement and large-scale advertising campaigns, these fashion trends are disseminated to the public. However, if you aren’t in the market for haute couture, middle-end brands like Giordano and Guess are quick to emulate the designs of high-end fashion houses.
Now that you know what’s “in” this summer, it’s up to you to choose the perfect swimsuit!
splish splash 水花四溅
splish [splɪʃ] v. 溅, 泼 (splish, splash, splosh) another word for splash
splash [splæʃ] n.〔液体〕溅泼声﹐ 飞溅声
shed pounds 减轻体重
shed [ʃɛd] v. 流出,溢出;泻去
swimsuit [ˋswɪmsut] n.(女)游泳衣
motif [moˋtif] n.(服装设计等的)基本图案,基调
haute couture(总称)高级女子时装(或时行样式)
sneak peek 偷窥
sneak [snik] v. 鬼鬼祟祟地行动﹐ 偷偷地走﹐潜行
peek [pik] n. 偷偷一看; 一瞥
hue [hju] n. 色调,色泽,色度
turquoise [ˋtɝkwɔɪz] n. 蓝绿色
loud [laʊd] adj.(衣服颜色等)鲜艳的,花俏的
lime green 莱姆绿(的),淡黄绿色(的)
lime [laɪm] n.【植】酸橙树;酸橙
gain prominence 成名﹐崭露头角
prominence [ˋprɑmənəns] n. 显着;杰出,卓越;声望
runway [ˋrʌn͵we] n.【美】伸入观众席的延伸舞台
geometric [dʒɪəˋmɛtrɪk] adj. 几何图形的
complement [ˋkɑmpləmənt] v. (使)〔优点〕显现; 使更具吸引力
slinky [ˋslɪŋkɪ] adj.〔衣服等〕紧身的﹐显出体形线条的
-hipped [hɪpt](构成形容词)表示"有……臀部的
bottom [ˋbɑtəm] n.(两件一套的衣服的)下件,裤
plunging [ˋplʌndʒɪŋ] adj.(女服领口)低V字形的,深开的
neckline [ˋnɛk͵laɪn] n. 领口
endorsement [ɪnˋdɔrsmənt] n. 代言
disseminate [dɪˋsɛmə͵net] v.【正式】散布﹐广泛传播〔消息﹑观点等〕
emulate [ˋɛmjə͵let] v. 效仿﹐模仿
Sentence of the Day
A fine swimsuit really lets you strut your stuff.
strut [strʌt] v. 炫耀;卖弄
Jenny is shopping for a swimsuit with Lucas, her best friend, who is also a fashion designer: 珍妮和身为服装设计师的好朋友卢卡斯一起去选购泳装:
J: Thanks for coming shopping with me. I desperately need advice choosing the perfect swimsuit for my getaway next weekend. I was thinking of just getting a new Speedo.
L: Uh, I don’t think so. Your needs are aesthetic, not athletic. Let’s take a look around for something with a bit of pizzazz.
J: Hey, what about this Gucci one-piece with the brown bandana print?
L: No, that swimsuit is definitely not you, even though V-shaped plunging necklines are “in.” You should try a bikini – something sexy and slinky.
J: What about this black Chanel with the white crocheted borders? Black and white is still in style this season, right?
L: It is, but your style is more light and colorful. What about this metallic blue D&G bikini with the V-shaped front? Bright hues are definitely en vogue this spring.
J: That is perfect! I’ll charge it.
L: Since vivid colors are the thing this season, you should get some really wild sandals to complete the ensemble.
J: You sure do know your stuff.
L: Hey, what are “designer best friends” for? Now get that credit card out. And then we’re going for daiquiris by the pool.
-by Annie Lei
desperately [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] adv.【口】极度地
getaway [ˋgɛtə͵we] n. 短假
aesthetic [ɛsˋθɛtɪk] adj. 美的;艺术的
pizzazz [pɪˈzæz] n.【非正式】活力﹐激情﹐ 生气
bandana [bæn'dænə] n. 印花大围巾﹐ 大头巾
crochet [kroˋʃe] v. 用钩针编织
en [en] prep. <法>在,在…中
vogue [vog] n. 流行;风行;时髦
vivid [ˋvɪvɪd] adj.(色彩,光线等)鲜艳的;鲜明的;强烈的
ensemble [ɑnˋsɑmb!] n. 整套服装; 整体;总效果
know one’s stuff 了解本行, 精通业务
daiquiri [ˋdaɪkərɪ] n. 代基里酒〔一种由朗姆酒与果汁制成的甜味酒类饮品〕
Sentence of the Day
“It was an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini …” sung by Brenda Lee (1960)
「就是用布很少的那种黄色波尔卡小圆点比基尼泳衣…」.。--- 1960年布兰达‧李所唱
itsy bitsy [ˋɪtsɪˋbɪtsɪ] adj. 小巧玲珑的;可爱的
teeny weeny [ˋtinɪˋwinɪ] adj.【儿】小小的;一点点;微小的
polka [ˋpolkə] dot 圆点花样; 〔尤指衣料上的〕圆点图案