Evil is Next Door in The Exorcist 「大法师」中的恶魔咆哮
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:584
In late 1973, a series of shocking images sparked public outrage. Given the date, one might guess it was footage from Vietnam, but instead it was a film that featured a preteen girl vomiting green effluvia, spinning her head around like an owl, and speaking in tongues. Director William Friedkin and writer William Peter Blatty had scared the hell out of audiences with The Exorcist.
The Exorcist tells a deeply Roman Catholic tale: the possession of total innocence by absolute evil. Unlike campy horror films, The Exorcist establishes twelve-year-old Regan, her mother Chris, the troubled Father Karras, and the exorcist himself, Father Merrin, as real characters. By establishing a “docudrama” air, supernatural events seem hauntingly real.
The film’s grotesque make-up and powerful cinematography are complemented by equally unsettling sound design. Early on, distorted dog howls and unnaturally loud telephones create a powerful sense of foreboding. In the climactic exorcism, Merrin warns Karras not to converse with the demon, yet Karras is compelled to when it speaks in his deceased mother’s voice.
Thirty years later, The Exorcist still makes for queasy watching. Like Chris and Father Karras, we’re forced to struggle with the irrationality of Regan’s possession until nothing remains but the reality of supernatural evil.
exorcist [ˋɛksɔrsɪst] n.(以祈祷或符咒)驱邪的法师
spark [spɑrk] v. 引起﹐导致〔麻烦﹑暴力等〕
outrage [ˋaʊt͵redʒ] n. 义愤,愤慨
footage [ˋfʊtɪdʒ] n.〔某个事件的〕影片
preteen [ˋpriˋtin] n.【美】十三岁以下的孩子;(尤指)九岁至十二岁
effluvium [ɛˋfluvɪəm] n. 臭气;恶臭 (复数: effluviums, effluvia)
speak in tongues(在宗教拜神仪式中)讲不为人知的语言 The ability or phenomenon to utter words or sounds of a language unknown to the speaker, especially as an expression of religious ecstasy. Also called glossolalia, gift of tongues.
scare the hell out of someone 吓坏了.. to make someone feel extremely frightened
deeply [ˋdiplɪ] adj. 浓浓的; 深厚的; 深深的
possession [pəˋzɛʃən] n. 鬼魂附体;附身
campy [ˋkæmpɪ] adj.【俚】装模作样的
docudrama [ˋdɑkjudrɑmə] n.(电视)以实际发生之事件为根据而编制的戏剧; 文献(电视)片﹐纪实片
hauntingly [ˋhɔntɪŋlɪ] adv. 萦绕于心头地;难以忘怀地
grotesque [groˋtɛsk] adj.(艺术等)怪异风格的
cinematography [͵sɪnəməˋtɑgrəfɪ] n.【术语】电影摄影术[学]; 电影制片术[学]
unsettling [ʌnˋsɛt!ɪŋ] adj. 使人不安的
distorted [dɪsˋtɔrtɪd] adj. 弄歪了的;歪曲的
foreboding [forˋbodɪŋ] n.〔对将发生不愉快事的〕预感
climactic [klaɪˋmæktɪk] adj. 高潮的;形成高潮的
exorcism [ˋɛksɔr͵sɪzəm] n. 驱邪﹐驱魔
compel [kəmˋpɛl] v. 强迫,使不得不
queasy [ˋkwizɪ] adj.(感到)恶心的﹐想呕吐的
Sentence of the Day
The Exorcist makes one’s skin crawl.
Huge and his girlfriend Stephanie are discussing what film to show at their upcoming Halloween party: 修和他女友史达夫妮正讨论他们即将来临的万圣节派对要放什么电影:
S: I say Night of the Living Dead or The Thing.
H: Great choices. But to really gross out our guests,The Exorcist is my call.
S: Oh my gosh, that film terrified me when I was a kid! It still makes me shiver.
H: Hey, the actors were shivering, too. Most of those scenes in Regan’s bedroom were shot on a special refrigerated set. It was minus twenty Celsius on-set to make the actors’ breath visible.
S: What gets me too is the contrast of eerie quiet with harsh noise. Even that gentle Mike Oldfield tune, “Tubular Bells,” seems creepy to me now `cause it was used several times in the film’s score.
H: It’s not just the violent changes of volume that are shocking, but the language that Regan uses.
S: You’d think profanity like that would be old hat by now, but it seems so evil coming out of a young girl’s mouth.
H: Did you know the story was based on an alleged possession that took place in 1949, while the writer was at university?
S: Hmmm. Let’s put the Ouija board away for the party.
H: Right …. can’t be too careful with these things.
-by Iain Ferguson
gross out 讨厌的;令人作呕的 to fill with disgust; nauseate
gosh [gɑʃ] int. 感叹词 <非正>(表示惊讶)哎呀!;天啊
shiver [ˋʃɪvɚ] v. 发抖,打颤
eerie [ˋɪrɪ] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的
tubular [ˋtjubjəlɚ] adj. 管状的;管子做成的
creepy [ˋkripɪ] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的;不寒而栗的
score [skor] n.(电影,歌舞等的)配乐
profanity [prəˋfænətɪ] n. 亵渎;不敬的言语
old hat【口】【贬】不新; 非独创的; 老掉牙的 behind the times; old-fashioned
by now 这时, 到此刻为止
Ouija board [`widʒi ˏbɔrd] n.【商标】灵应牌﹐灵乩板〔一种上有字母和符号﹐用于接收亡灵信息的乩板〕
Sentence of the Day
Regan’s demonic ranting and raving may be the most unsettling aspect of The Exorcist.
demonic [diˋmɑnɪk] adj. 魔鬼般的
rant [rænt] v. 大叫大嚷地说
rave [rev] v. 胡言乱语;狂骂
The Exorcist