Citizen Kane 大国民
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年12月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:569
Citizen Kane is often hailed as the greatest film ever. The result of the inspired efforts of Orson Welles, who co-wrote, produced, directed, and starred in the 1941 production, almost every convention of modern cinema, from camera angles to storytelling conventions, was either invented or perfected in Kane.
Kane was an epochal film for many reasons. First, the story was a thinly veiled criticism of the life of William Randolph Hearst – the most powerful man in American publishing of that era. But more importantly than Welles’s boldness in portraying Hearst, Kane was the first film to decisively overcome the limitations of producing movies on an indoor soundstage.
One technique used inKane that revolutionized cinema was deep focus photography. This technique allows filmmakers to distort the audience’s perception of distance and size by employing a combination of lighting and lens choice so that the entire frame is in focus. In one exquisite sequence we see a normal-size window behind Kane as he signs away his fortune. Yet when Kane walks towards the window, it appears enormous and dwarfs him. A deep focus illusion symbolically illustrates how small Charles Foster Kane has become.
To this day, Citizen Kane remains a filmmaker’s textbook for its technical virtuosity, dramatic excellence, and sheer panache.
hail [hel] v. 承认……为;拥立[(+as)]
inspired [ɪnˋspaɪrd] adj. 得到启示的; 有灵感的
convention [kənˋvɛnʃən] n.(艺术上的)传统手法
epochal [ˋɛpək!] adj. 新纪元的, 划时代的
thinly [ˋθɪnlɪ] adv. 薄薄地;稀疏地;细细地; 勉强地,几乎没有
veiled criticism 含蓄的批评
veiled [veld] adj. 隐含的; 隐藏的;模糊的
portray [porˋtre] v. 描绘﹐描写﹐描述
decisively [dɪˋsaɪsɪvlɪ] adv. 决然地;果断地
soundstage 摄影棚
distort [dɪsˋtɔrt] v. 使变形; 使失真; 使反常
exquisite [ˋɛkskwɪzɪt] adj. 精美的;精致的;制作精良的
sequence [ˋsikwəns] n.(电影中描述同一主题的)连续镜头
sign away 签字让与, 签字出卖
dwarf [dwɔrf] v. 使显得矮小
illusion [ɪˋljuʒən] n. 错觉,幻觉;假象
illustrate [ˋɪləstret] v.(用图,实例等)说明,阐明[(+with)]
virtuosity [͵vɝtʃʊˋɑsətɪ] n.(在美术、音乐等方面的)精湛技艺
panache [pəˋnɑʃ] n. 夸示, 假威风, 炫耀
Sentence of the Day
He was a person who never did anything by halves.
not do anything by halves 做任何事情都力求完全彻底
Dorothy, a film society member, is eating dinner with her husband, Harry: 电影社社员多萝西正和她的先生哈利一起吃晚餐:
D: Rosebud.
H: Pardon? Isn’t this ravioli?
D: “Rosebud” was Charles Foster Kane’s final word in Citizen Kane. We watched it last week, remember?
H: Right, right. It was great, but unfortunately I fell asleep.
D: And so never found of what “rosebud” meant.
H: No. But I loved that scene in the cabin where Kane is a child. The camera goes right through where a table was a moment before.
D: Ah, the invisible furniture. The table was moved out of the way as the camera moved past, then slipped back into space before the camera panned down. But if you watch closely, you can see that the hat on the table is shaking slightly from the move.
H: Orson Welles certainly had some tricks up his sleeve.
D: Not only Welles, but also his director of photography, Gregg Toland. Welles gave Toland equal billing with himself in the film credits.
H: You know, it struck me that the tragedy of Kane was that he was incapable of loving anyone around him.
D: Absolutely, even though he desperately wanted to. It’s like he manipulated others for their love, but could never give any of his own.
H: What was “rosebud” anyway?
D: Watch the movie and find out.
-by Iain Ferguson
ravioli [͵rævɪˋolɪ] n.【义】(单复同形)略有馅的水饺
cabin [ˋkæbɪn] n. 小屋
pan down 降下镜头拍摄…
pan [pæn] v. 摇镜头;摇摄
have something up one’s sleeve 运筹帷幄, 胸有成竹; 有独门绝活 hidden but ready to be used
billing [ˋbɪlɪŋ] n. 节目表里演员依重要性排列次序
desperately [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] adv. 绝望地; 拚命地
manipulate [məˋnɪpjə͵let] v.(熟练地)操作,运用
Sentence of the Day
Kane looked at the world through rose-colored glasses.
through rose-colored glasses 用过分的愉快、乐观或恰当的态度看待事物
Citizen Kane - The Theatrical Trailer
Citizen Kane from 土豆網