City Lights: Charlie Chaplin’s Sounds of Silence 城市之光:查理卓别麟的沉默之声
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年2月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:570
A master director, comedian, producer, and music composer, Charlie Chaplin was first and foremost a performer. When silent film carried the promise of a universal language, Chaplin was its most innovative representative; he perfectly appreciated the essential purpose of motion pictures to picture motion.
City Lights was released in 1993, just as that promise began to fade. Four years after the first talkie, 1927’s The Jazz Singer, the cinema was returning to the theatrical norm of emphasizing dialogue over action. At a time when everyone else wanted to hear themselves talk, Chaplin’s most famous character, the Tramp, remained silent in a world of visual gags and pantomime.
The opening scene of City Lights makes clear Chaplin’s resistance to sound film and social hypocrisy. We see politicians and socialites unveiling a statue in a public park, but their motives are revealed as less than philanthropic when they discover the Tramp enjoying a morning nap beneath the veil. As they pompously deliver their speeches, all we hear is squeaking.
Technology may have given film characters speech, but Chaplin, the cinema’s greatest champion of the underprivileged, showed us they said nothing worth hearing. As a symbol of Everyman, the Tramp spoke most eloquently by not speaking a word.
first and foremost 首要的
foremost [ˋfor͵most] adj. 最重要的
appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] v. 体会,领会
picture [ˋpɪktʃɚ] v. 拍摄;(生动地)描绘
talkie [ˋtɔkɪ] n.【口】有声电影
theatrical [θɪˋætrɪk!] adj. 剧场的﹐剧院的; 戏剧的; 演剧的
norm [nɔrm] n. 基准;规范
tramp [træmp] n. 流浪;流浪者
gag [gæg] n.【非正式】玩笑﹐ 笑话
pantomime [ˋpæntə͵maɪm] n. 哑剧;哑剧演员
hypocrisy [hɪˋpɑkrəsɪ] n. 伪善;虚伪
socialite [ˋsoʃəˋlaɪt] n. 社会名流
philanthropic [͵fɪlənˋθrɑpɪk] adj.〔人或机构〕慈善的; 仁慈的
pompously [ˋpɑmpəslɪ] adv. 傲慢地,盛大壮观地;大模大样
squeak [skwik] v. 吱吱叫;嘎吱嘎吱响
champion [ˋtʃæmpɪən] n. 出类拔萃的人(或物)
underprivileged [͵ʌndɚˋprɪvəlɪdʒd] adj. 社会地位低下的;下层社会的
everyman [ˋɛvrɪmæn] n. 普通人,凡夫俗子
eloquently [ˋɛləkwəntlɪ] adv. 善辩地;富于表现力地
Sentence of the Day
“What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
pass over 忽视, 置之不理
Michael and Gloria are surfing an online auction website: 麦可和葛罗莉亚正在网络上的拍卖网站浏览着:
M: Hey, look at this! Someone is selling a copy of Charlie Chaplin’s FBI file!
G: Why did the FBI have a file on Chaplin?
M: Well, he always sympathized with leftist political causes. During the Cold War, rumors surfaced that he had been associated with the Communist Party.
G: Oh, I thought it might have been his fondness for teenage girls!
M: Well, his marriages provided more fodder for J. Edgar Hoover, then director of the FBI, to have Chaplin’s American re-entry visa revoked while Chaplin was out of the country.
G: That’s right: he was British, wasn’t he? After he left America, he lived the rest of his life in Switzerland and never returned to America, right?
M: Not quite. He did return to the States one last time in 1972, just before Hoover died, to accept an honorary Oscar.
G: You know, City Lights was on television the other night, and I caught my niece watching it. She was laughing hysterically.
M: And yet the closing scene of the film is one of cinema’s most poignant moments.
G: Apparently, the legendary Russian director Eisenstein was moved to tears when he saw it.
M: So, should I bid?
G: Nah, save your money for the movies.
-by Charles Leary
auction [ˋɔkʃən] n. 拍卖
leftist [ˋlɛftɪst] adj. 左派的;左翼的;左倾的
cause [kɔz] n. 目标,理想
fodder [ˋfɑdɚ] n. 素材;材料
revoke [rɪˋvok] v. 撤销;废除
honorary [ˋɑnə͵rɛrɪ] adj. (学位等)名誉上的
hysterically [hɪsˋtɛrɪk!ɪ] adv. 歇斯底里地
poignant [ˋpɔɪnənt] adj. 令人伤心的﹐ 令人充满同情[惋惜]的
move to tears 被感动得流下眼泪, 感激涕零
Sentence of the Day
The FBI kept close tabs on Chaplin.
keep tabs on.. 密切关注;时刻监视; 记录
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