Crossed Swords: The Genius of Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai 刀剑交锋真英雄:黑泽明的七武士
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年6月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:496
With the recent appearance of several high-profile Hollywood samurai films, like Kill Bill or The Last Samurai, it is worth revisiting one of the genre’s classics: Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai. Made in 1954, Seven Samurai is widely acknowledged by critics as one of the greatest films ever made.
The story itself is simple: a farming village hires a group of wandering samurai to protect them from raiding bandits. Much of the film details the samurai’s preparation for battle, juxtaposing moments of tranquility with moments of stirring violence.
With their succinct yet dynamic plots, many of Kurosawa’s films have inspired other well-known action films – especially westerns. Yet it was John Ford’s classic western, Stagecoach (1933), with its long, sweeping shots of open space, that particularly influenced Kurosawa when making Seven Samurai. Kurosawa combined Ford’s broad, epic style of camerawork with extreme action close-ups. The resulting cinematography – combining sweeping battle shots with slow-motion death scenes – has since been adopted by filmmakers from Sergio Leone to John Woo.
Because of his enormous influence on American and European filmmakers, many Japanese critics accused Kurosawa of ignoring Japanese audiences. Kurosawa vehemently dismissed these charges, and insisted instead on privileging the story of individuals over any one group or nation.
high-profile 倍受瞩目的; 高姿态的
samurai [ˋsæmʊ͵raɪ] n.【日】(日本封建时代的)武士阶级
genre [ˋʒɑnrə] n.【正式】〔艺术﹑写作﹑音乐等的〕类型﹐体裁
wandering [ˋwɑndərɪŋ] adj. 流浪的
raid [red] v. 侵略;掠夺
bandit [ˋbændɪt] n. 强盗,土匪
detail [ˋditel] v. 详述,详细说明
juxtapose [͵dʒʌkstəˋpoz] v.【正式】把…并列[并置]〔以作比较或制作新东西〕
tranquility [træŋˋkwɪlətɪ] n. 平静;安静
stirring [ˋstɝɪŋ] adj. 激动人心的﹐令人振奋的
succinct [səkˋsɪŋkt] adj. 简练的;简洁的
dynamic [daɪˋnæmɪk] adj. 有活力的;有生气的;强有力的
sweeping [ˋswipɪŋ] adj. 广阔的;广泛的;全面的
cinematography [͵sɪnəməˋtɑgrəfɪ] n.【术语】电影摄影术[学]; 电影制片术[学]
slow-motion [ˋsloˋmoʃən] adj. 高速摄影机拍的,慢镜头的
vehemently [ˋviəməntlɪ] adv. 激烈地;强烈地
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 拒绝考虑〔某人的观点﹑意见等〕
instead [ɪnˋstɛd] adv. 反而,却
privilege [ˋprɪv!ɪdʒ] v. 给予……特权(或优待)
Sentence of the Day
Kurosawa’s peasants decided to fight fire with fire.
fight fire with fire 以火攻火,以毒攻毒
Co-workers Adam and Margaret are leaving the theater after watching The Last Samurai: 亚当和同事玛格丽特看完「末代武士」后离开戏院:
M: So what did you think of the film?
A: It was pretty sweet! I loved the battle scene between the samurai and the army with machine guns.
M: Yeah, that was a cool scene. I got a sense the director was influenced by Akira Kurosawa. Have you seen his film, Seven Samurai?
A: Of course, I love that movie! Remember the first battle in The Last Samurai that takes place in the forest? That scene reminded me of all those rainy, muddy fights in Seven Samurai.
M: I see the similarity. Also, both films focus on keeping one’s honor, or rediscovering it.
A: The samurai code of Bushido was tough to follow. A samurai was always preparing for his death.
M: What did you think of the scene in which Tom Cruise’s character is allowed to wear a dead samurai’s armor?
A: It reminded me of a similar in Seven Samurai. Remember when the farmer’s son led the other six samurai to a secret stash of armor?
M: But that scene unfolded differently: Kurosawa’s samurai were angry because the armor had been stripped from the bodies of dead samurai.
A: It’s amazing to watch themes recur that started with Kurosawa!
-by Charles Leary
muddy [ˋmʌdɪ] adj. 泥泞的
code [kod] n. 行为准则; 道德规范
Bushido [ˋbuʃɪ͵do] n.(日本之)武士道
armor [ˋɑrmɚ] n. 盔甲
stash [stæʃ] n. 藏匿处
unfold [ʌnˋfold] v. 呈现; 展开
strip [strɪp] v. 剥,剥去
recur [rɪˋkɝ] v.(往事等)再现
Sentence of the Day
Tom Cruise started the film as a hired gun.
hired gun 【俚】职业杀手
Seven Samurai by Akira Kurosawa
The Last Samurai