Wake Up and Smell the Coffee 饮咖啡也要思源
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年12月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:388
Some people cannot imagine starting the day without a cup of coffee. From the most fashionable cafes of Paris to the breakfast stands lining the streets of Taipei, coffee has firmly established itself as one of the world’s favorite beverages. For such a well-loved drink, however, few people are aware of its curious origins.
As legend goes, coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual. He disseminated the news about the wonderful berry, and soon monks were hailing it as an elixir and drinking the brew to stay awake during evening prayers.
Although coffee originated on the plateaus of Ethiopia, it was the Arabs who first cultivated it around 1100. They were also the first people to roast it and boil it. By 1475, people in Constantinople were enjoying a cup of coffee in the world’s first coffee shop. Coffee spread to Europe around 1600 and to the New World seven years later.
These days, it seems you can get a cup of coffee just about everywhere you go. Every year, coffee lovers consume more than 400 billion cups of one of the world’s biggest commodities – second only to oil.
well-loved adj. 备受喜爱的
frisky [ˋfrɪskɪ] adj. 活跃的; 活泼的; 欢蹦乱跳的
disseminate [dɪˋsɛmə͵net] v. 散播;宣传
elixir [ɪˋlɪksɚ] n.【文】灵丹妙药; 不老药
brew [bru] n. 酿制饮料
Ethiopia [͵iθɪˋopɪə] n. 衣索比亚(东非国家)
Constantinople [ˌkɑnstæntəˈnopəl] n. 君士坦丁堡
commodity [kəˋmɑdətɪ] n. 商品;日用品
Sentence of the Day
The rest is history.
Jerry and Lisanne are shopping for coffee at the supermarket. 杰瑞和莉莎妮正在超市选购咖啡。
L: Any suggestions?
J: Anything but what we got last time. That stuff nearly sent me into spasms!
L: In that case, let’s go for arabica.
J: Arabica? I don’t see that anywhere.
L: It’s not a brand name, silly. It’s a species of coffee, and it has a low caffeine content.
J: Never heard of it – and I’m a confirmed coffee freak.
L: You’d probably be more familiar with its subvarieties, like Brazilian.
J: OK, so what was that ultra-stimulating stuff we were drinking before?
L: That was a variety of robusta, which is mostly used in specialty blends because of its high caffeine content and strong character.
J: No wonder I couldn’t sit still. So there are big differences between the two?
L: Even the beans look different. Arabica beans are greenish-blue and elongated, while Robusta beans are round and brownish-yellow.
J: I assume that Arabica comes from Arabia, but where does robusta come from?
L: It was first discovered in the Congo more than a hundred years ago, but now you can find it wherever the climate is unsuitable for arabica.
J: I guess the name says it all – it’s a hardy species.
L: Yes, and it’s more resistant to parasites.
J: Well, that all may be in its favor, but I still prefer to get my fix without the jitters.
spasm [ˋspæzm] n. 痉挛,抽搐
arabica [ə'ræbɪkə] n. 阿拉伯咖啡
freak [frik] n.【俚】背离社会习俗的人; 【俚】狂热爱好者
stimulating [`stɪmjəˏletɪŋ] adj. 使人兴奋的
robusta 粗壮咖啡豆
elongated [ɪˋlɔŋgetɪd] adj.(极其)瘦长的
Congo [ˋkɑŋgo] n. 刚果(非洲中部的国家)
in one’s favor 对其有利 to its advantage
fix [fɪks] n. (维持身体或心理需要所需的)一个剂量; 状态
get one’s fix to get something that someone has been wanting or craving
jitter [ˋdʒɪtɚ] n. 紧张不安的状态
Sentence of the Day
It keeps me on my toes.
keep someone on their toes: 使某人随时准备行动; 使某人保持警觉