Gone Fishin’ 钓鱼趣
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年1月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:278
After hours of patient waiting, you first feel a slight pull, and then a sharp tug on your fishing rod. The float suddenly plunges under the water. You’ve finally hooked something! The struggle begins as you start to reel in your prize. You may not know it, but you are continuing a tradition that goes back at least 10,000 years.
Many ingenious methods of fishing have been developed over the years. For example, the Inuit in Canada’s far north lived in areas where lakes were frozen over for much of the year. Not to be deterred, they used chisels to cut holes in the ice in order to fish. Because live bait was difficult to acquire, the natives would carve elaborate fish-shaped decoys out of wood. They were carved in such a way that they appeared to swim when placed in the water.
In China and Japan, fisherman harnessed the natural hunting ability of birds called cormorants. A cormorant would be released with a ring clamped around its neck. Instinctively, it would locate and capture fish, but the ring would prevent the cormorant from swallowing them. When it returned, the fisherman would collect the fish and release the bird to hunt once again.
Today, fishing remains a popular pastime and an excellent way to bond with those closest to you. For children around the world, family fishing trips are a rite of passage. The serenity and natural beauty that a fishing trip provides can be appreciated by everyone.
−by Sean Stevenson
plunge [plʌndʒ] v. 陷(入)
deter [dɪˋtɝ] v. 威慑住,吓住
harness [ˋhɑrnɪs] v. 利用
rite of passage 成年礼
rite [raɪt] n. 仪式;惯例
passage [ˋpæsɪdʒ] n. 通行;通过
serenity [səˋrɛnətɪ] n. 宁静
instinctively [ɪnˋstɪŋktɪvlɪ] adv.(出于)本能地
ingenious [ɪnˋdʒinjəs] adj.〔计划﹑主意﹑发明等〕巧妙的﹐精妙的
pastime [ˋpæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣
elaborate [ɪˋlæbə͵ret] adj. 精心制作的
hook [hʊk] v. 钓(鱼)
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tug [tʌg] n. 强大的拉力; v. 用力拉(或拖)
rod [rɑd] n. 杆,竿
float [flot] n.(钓鱼用的)浮标;浮筒
reel [ril] v.(卷着)拉起[(+in/up)]to pull someone or something toward you
go back 追溯
Inuit [`ɪnjʋɪt] n. 伊努伊特人〔居住在北美北部严寒地区〕
chisel [ˋtʃɪz!] n. 凿子
appear [əˋpɪr] v. 似乎,看来好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)]
cormorant [ˋkɔrmərənt] n.【鸟】鸬鹚
clamp [klæmp] v. 钳紧;夹住
bait [bet] n. 饵
decoy [dɪˋkɔɪ] n. 诱饵; (诱捕鸟兽用的)假鸟,假兽;诱饵动物