ADHD – A Hurdle, Not a Dead End 注意力不足过动症是种阻碍吗?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年12月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月09日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:495
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), though classified as a behavior disorder by clinical psychologists, is commonly treated as a learning disability because of the difficulties it causes for students and teachers. While some have argued that this disorder is just a quick-fix diagnosis for a complex body of problems, increased public awareness has given kids with ADHD the chance of a better life.
ADHD is sometimes difficult to identify. Symptoms may include impulsive or overactive behavior, difficulty paying attention, and physical restlessness. Children with ADHD are also often prone to aggressive or disruptive behavior, poor academic performance, and low self-esteem. It can be even more difficult to identify children with ADHD when hyperactivity is lacking [often called simply Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)]. Such dreamy, distant children usually don’t call attention to themselves with disruptive behavior, though ADD still affects their studies. Because everyone occasionally displays ADHD-like behavior and the disorder can’t be tested for medically, diagnosis can be largely a matter of interpretation.
To complicate matters, people with ADHD often exhibit what are termed co-morbid conditions, such as learning disabilities or anxiety issue. But the picture isn’t all grim. Research is providing an increasingly clear picture of ADHD, and some treatments have proven effective.
deficit [ˋdɛfɪsɪt] n. 不足; 不足额
hyperactivity [͵haɪpərækˋtɪvətɪ] n. 活动过强
clinical [ˋklɪnɪk!] adj. 临床的
psychologist [saɪˋkɑlədʒɪst] n. 心理学家
quick-fix 【口】应急之道;权宜之计 without depth, detail
awareness [əˋwɛrnɪs] n. 意识
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 识别;鉴定,验明
impulsive [ɪmˋpʌlsɪv] adj. 冲动的
prone [pron] adj. 有……倾向的,易于……的[F][(+to)][+to-v]
disruptive [dɪsˋrʌptɪv] adj.〔指行为等〕扰乱性的; 捣乱的
dreamy [ˋdrimɪ] adj. 神情恍惚的﹐心不在焉的
distant [ˋdɪstənt] adj. 冷淡的,疏远的
interpretation [ɪn͵tɝprɪˋteʃən] n. 诠释; 对…作某种解释
morbid [ˋmɔrbɪd] adj. 疾病的;疾病所致的
grim [grɪm] adj.【口】糟糕的
Sentence of the Day
Kids with ADHD aren’t necessarily slow on the uptake, rather they’re unable to focus on what’s going on.
It must be stressed that ADHD is a biological problem, not a character deficit. The underlying cause is genetic, not improper parenting or schooling. Modern tools like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have demonstrated that the areas of the brain responsible for attention are underactive in those with ADHD. For this reason, stimulants like Ritalin are prescribed to treat ADHD. Stimulants usually impair concentration, but Ritalin, ironically, allows those with ADHD to concentrate normally.
The treatment of ADHD with medication has received a great deal of media attention, especially in the U.S. Some feel that too many children have been diagnosed with ADHD, and that Ritalin is prescribed to make the problem disappear, not to help children cope with symptoms. However, medication merely provides a window of opportunity to tackle the problem. Once the physical symptoms of ADHD are lessened, children can be taught study and organization skills, relaxation techniques, and other self-help tools. If ADHD remains undiagnosed or untreated, the problems experienced by these kids may snowball into more serious problems.
If you’re concerned, arrange for a qualified health professional with ADHD experience to examine your child. The good news is, with proper treatment and diagnosis, ADHD can be overcome.
underlying [͵ʌndɚˋlaɪɪŋ] adj. 基本的,根本的
underactive [ˌʌndɚˈæktɪv] adj. 不够活跃的; 机能不全
prescribe [prɪˋskraɪb] v. 开(药方)
ironically [aɪˋrɑnɪklɪ] adv. 具有讽刺意味的是; 出乎意料的是
a window of opportunity 一线机会
lessen [ˋlɛsn] v. 减轻
snowball [ˋsno͵bɔl] n. 雪球
concerned [kənˋsɝnd] adj. 挂虑的,担心的
Sentence of the Day
It would be excessive to say that Ritalin works wonders for kids with ADHD, but in some cases, it provides much needed help.
Joseph, a school counselor, is meeting with Sally, the mother of a student: 一名学校辅导员约瑟夫正和一名学生的母亲莎莉会面:
S: As you know, my daughter Lisa was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I wanted to see how we can make her schooling more successful.
J: I’m glad you came. We’ve done a psychoeducational evaluation on Lisa and found that she’s very intelligent and has plenty of potential.
S: She’s smart, but she does have problems staying focused. Perhaps we could minimize distractions by seating her away from the windows.
J: That, and it would be best if Lisa sat at the front of the class where her teacher can give her extra support. Also, we can provide Lisa with extra time during tests. In the past, some parents complained that this practice is unfair, but we believe it just levels the playing field.
S: I’m glad to hear that! Otherwise, you’d be testing how children deal with their learning disability, not what they know. At home, we find that interspersing homework time with exercise helps her concentrate.
J: Of course. Likewise, we encourage teachers to alternate physical activities with sit-down activities.
S: That sounds great. I’m glad this school helps children achieve their potential.
J: With hard work and the correct support, I’m sure Lisa will excel.
-by Darshan Tyler & Iain Ferguson
counselor [ˋkaʊns!ɚ] n.(协助学生解决问题的)指导老师
psychoeducational [saɪkoˌɛdʒəˈkeʃənəl]adj. 心理教育的
level the playing field 创造公平竞争环境 to give everyone the same advantages or opportunities
intersperse [͵ɪntɚˋspɝs] v.〔大量〕点缀着﹐散布着
alternate [ˋɔltɚnɪt] adj.(两个)交替的,轮流的
excel [ɪkˋsɛl] v. 突出;胜过他人
Sentence of the Day
Concerned parenting and effective teaching make a world of difference for kids with ADHD.
ADHD: What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? (Part 1 of 3)
ADHD: Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Part 2 of 3)
ADHD: Treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Part 3 of 3)
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)