Beating the Bullies 反击校园恶霸
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年4月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:560
Stupid! Retard! Geek! Nerd! As kids, most of us found ourselves on the receiving end of put-downs like these. In fact, many children brush up against bullying every day, whether in the form of physical aggression, intimidation, the theft of or damage to belongings, or even rumor-mongering.
For years, children have bullied each other as a means of establishing a social hierarchy within a given peer group. However, recent studies have shown a noted increase in this behavior. The University of Illinois found that the number of middle school children who engage in bullying has increased from fifteen to eighty percent over the past few years. The seriousness of bullying is underlined in a report released by the U.S. Secret Service. The study found that a common denominator amongst the perpetrators of school shootings is that they were bullied continually at school.
Although it’s difficult for teachers to know just when to intervene – and they often avoid intervening at all because of the valuable class time lost while dealing with a bully – all hope is not lost. In the U.S., ten states have introduced laws that mandate anti-bullying programs in schools. Although experts predict no overnight changes, they see this as a definite step in the right direction.
nerd [nɝd] n. 书呆子; 【俚】讨厌的人;笨蛋
put-down【口】轻蔑的话;令人不能招架的反讥(或反驳)a critical, disparaging, or slighting remark
brush up 重温;复习
bullying [ˋbʊlɪɪŋ] n. 霸凌;恃强欺弱(行为)
intimidation [ɪntɪməˋdeʃən] n. 恫吓,恐吓;胁迫
belongings [bəˋlɔŋɪŋz] n. 所有物; 财产﹐财物
monger [ˋmʌŋgɚ] n. 表示"专门制造(或散布)……的人"(如:rumour-monger造谣者)
hierarchy [ˋhaɪə͵rɑrkɪ] n. 等级制度
underline [͵ʌndɚˋlaɪn] v. 强调;使突出
denominator [dɪˋnɑmə͵netɚ] n. 共同点〔一组织中不同成员共有的态度或质量〕
perpetrator [͵pɝpəˋtretɚ] n. 做坏事者;犯罪者
intervene [͵ɪntɚˋvin] v.〔尤指本身不直接牵涉在内﹐但为了停止争吵﹑战争或解决问题而〕干涉﹐干预
mandate [ˋmændet] v. 批准;颁布;强制执行
definite [ˋdɛfənɪt] adj. 明确的,确切的
Sentence of the Day
They don't want to muscle in.
muscle in 强行挤入(以便分享利益);强行插手
Sarah calls her friend James to discuss her son’s recent behavior: 莎拉打电话给她的朋友詹姆士,讨论她的孩子最近的行为:
S: Every day it’s a struggle to get Gary to school! I’m at a loss. He used to love school.
J: Maybe somebody is picking on him. When my daughter Julie was refusing to leave the house, it turned out she was being bullied.
S: Yes, I remember. But Gary has never come home with cuts and bruises or torn clothes. It’s just his mood that’s off.
J: Well, that’s also a sign. If he’s moody and bad-tempered, quiet and withdrawn, or if he’s suffering from insomnia or anxiety, it can mean he’s being bullied.
S: Well, if that’s the case, how can I find out who the bully is? I want a word or two with his parents!
J: No, keep your distance! Rather, approach the school, speak to Gary’s teacher, and ask her to keep an eye on the situation.
S: I’ll submit a written complaint so they have it on record.
J: Good idea! Also, ask them if they have an anti-bullying policy. And if they don’t, they should start one!
S: I’ll do that. And, if the school won’t help me, I’ll take the matter to the Department of Education!
Nothing is stronger than a mother’s love!
-by David Needham
at a loss 不知如何是好, 茫然, 困惑 perplexed; puzzled
pick on【口】找...的碴儿; 对...唠叼; 指责
turn out 结果成为
bruise [bruz] n. 伤痕,青肿
off [ɔf] adj. 情况不好的
moody [ˋmudɪ] adj. 闷闷不乐的,郁郁寡欢的
withdrawn [wɪðˋdrɔn] adj. 沉默寡言的;怕羞的
insomnia [ɪnˋsɑmnɪə] n. 失眠
keep an eye on 照看;注意; 仔细看守好; 细心照顾
complaint [kəmˋplent] n.〔口头或书面的〕投诉
on record (指事实、事件等)记载下来的; (尤指)正式记录的
Sentence of the Day
Bully for her.