Crisis in Japanese Education 日本的教育危机
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年5月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:420
Asian excellence in math and science education would not come as a surprise to many. What has proved surprising, however, are the results of a new survey showing that Asian students, the Japanese in particular, abhor math and sciences! In terms of personal interest ranked second from the last place – one rank ahead of the ex-Soviet republic Moldova. Parents and educators are obviously concerned that this loathing will lead to a decline in academic standards.
Japan is hardly noted for its scholastic joie de vivre. For instance, Japanese education features mostly rote learning; bullying is common and many students attend special cram school until 10 or 11 o’clock at night following their regular schooling. Secondary education culminates in what has been described as “entrance exam hell”; such exams can determine the examinee’s academic and professional future.
Japan’s Education Ministry is afraid that traditional Asian pedagogy is not preparing students for the new millennium. Test-centered and rote learning instruction was, arguably, very useful for Asian economies after the chaos of the Second World War, when a relatively uniform work force was required to staff corporate ranks and factories. In contrast, the globalizing marketplace needs individuals able to question authority and use reason to solve problems – abilities which, until now, have been underdeveloped in Asia education.
abhor [əbˋhɔr] v. 厌恶;憎恶
loathing [ˋloðɪŋ] n. 嫌恶;强烈的反感
noted [ˋnotɪd] adj. 有名的[(+for)]
joie de vivre [ˌʒwɑdəˈvivrə](法)人生的极大乐趣,生活之乐 hearty or carefree enjoyment of life
rote [rot] n. 死记硬背
bullying [ˋbʊlɪɪŋ] n. 霸凌;恃强欺弱(行为)
culminate [ˋkʌlmə͵net] v. 达到最高点;达到高潮[(+in)]
examinee [ɪg͵zæməˋni] n. 应试者;受检查者
pedagogy [ˋpɛdə͵godʒɪ] n.【术语】教学(法); 教育学
millennium [mɪˋlɛnɪəm] n. 千禧年
arguably [ˋɑrgjʊəblɪ] adv. 可以认为
chaos [ˋkeɑs] n. 大混乱; 紊乱; 无秩序状态
uniform [ˋjunə͵fɔrm] adj. 相同的,一致的
staff [stæf] v. 给……配备职员
underdeveloped [ˋʌndɚdɪˋvɛləpt] adj. 发育不良的
Sentence of the Day
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
teach an old dog new tricks 使守旧的人接受新事物
To make students happier and more motivated, Japan’s Education Ministry is instituting a revised curriculum. The new curriculum will reduce school from six to five days a week, allow students greater individual choice of their courses and introduce at least three hours a week of flexible time for students. In addition, Japan has added socially and emotionally-based subjects to its scholarly program. Courses with evocative titles such as “Zest for Living” and “Education of the Heart” are intended to enhance students’ happiness and overall well-being.
Despite their new, softer approach, critics hold that education bureaucrats are too involved in some areas and not involved enough in others. For example, large classes and inflexible exam standards leave school little autonomy while, on the other hand, most textbooks have been simplified in an effort to make them less demanding.
As with educational reforms in other countries, many are pointing fingers and looking for reasons why the reforms are so slow to work. Some blame parents for not encouraging learning, others blame teachers and schools for their lack of imagination and many, as always, blame politicians. Other developed Asia countries face very similar issues and are keenly observing the outcome of Japan’s reforms. Whether or not they will be effective, only students’ smiles and time will tell.
institute [ˋɪnstətjut] v. 创立;设立;制定; 开始;着手
curriculum [kəˋrɪkjələm] n.(一门)课程
scholarly [ˋskɑlɚlɪ] adj. 学术性的
evocative [ɪˋvɑkətɪv] adj. 唤起回忆的; 引起感情共鸣的; 唤起……的;引起……的
zest [zɛst] n. 热心﹐热情; 快乐
well-being [ˋwɛlˋbiɪŋ] n. 幸福
bureaucrat [ˋbjʊrə͵kræt] n. 官僚; 官僚主义者; 官僚作风的人
involved [ɪnˋvɑlvd] adj. 参与某活动[某事件]的; 与某活动[某事件]有关联的
autonomy [ɔˋtɑnəmɪ] n. 自治;自治权
keenly [ˋkinlɪ] adv. 渴望地;热切地;热衷地
Sentence of the Day
He's got a lust for life.
lust [lʌst] n. 强烈的欲望
Fred, a Japanese senior high student, is writing online to Emily, his American Internet friend: 日本高中生佛烈得,正和他的美国网友爱蜜丽进行网上交谈:
F: You don’t know what a cram school is?
E: Sometimes I cram for school, but I’ve never heard of a school for cramming.
F: Lucky you! They’re these schools we go to after regular school to improve our scores in subjects like English, math, and science.
E: I have friends who do sports or music after school, but no one takes extra academics. Are many students enrolled in cram schools?
F: Almost all. It’s routine for students to be at school from 8 A.M. until 10 or 11 P.M. But, you know, I’ve studied so much math and science that I can’t stand it anymore!
E: I’d feel the same way. You must be going to cram school for English, though. How else could you write me so well?
F: True. If not for cram school this conversation would probably be difficult. But everything we do is about preparing for tests, tests and more tests. I hate it!
E: We do tests, but our evaluation is more based on essays, group projects and class participation. However, I can’t manage that geometry we discussed last week; you’re clearly ahead of most American students there.
F: I guess so. I just wish there was a happy medium between Japanese and American education.
-by Iain Ferguson
cram [kræm] v.【口】(为应考)死记硬背;填鸭式地教
enroll [ɪnˋrol] v. 参加;入学,注册
routine [ruˋtin] adj. 日常的,例行的,常规的
essay [ˋɛse] n.(学生就某门课程所写的)论说文
geometry [dʒɪˋɑmətrɪ] n. 几何学
happy medium 中庸之道, 折衷办法 a way of doing something which is good because it avoids being extreme
Sentence of the Day
He's working his fingers to the bone.
work one’s fingers to the bone 不住手地做