America and Bilingualism: Who Gets the Last Word? 美国的双语教育
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年8月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月04日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:420
With approximately twenty million Spanish speakers, two million Chinese speakers and many others, the United States is something of a modern day Babel. Though English is clearly the de facto language of the U.S., immigrants have often pushed for the right to be educated in their native tongue. As the U.S. had no official language, this is understandable; but without English fluency, most achievements are unthinkable in America. Therefore, the government has consistently pushed for rapid integration into the English-speaking mainstream. However, whether unilingual education (English-only) or bilingual education (English plus a native language) generates English fluency more rapidly is an unresolved political and educational issue.
Supporters of bilingual education claim it permits learners to build on the more advanced cognitive development they have reached in their native tongue, thereby accelerating second language acquisition. Conversely, others believe unilingual education forces learners to “sink or swim”; that is, to learn a new language quickly to survive.
Until masses of immigrants arrived on American soil in the early twentieth century, the U.S. was often tolerant of bilingual education. New York, Chicago, and other cities funded bilingual schools throughout the nineteenth century. However, anti-immigrant backlashes convinced Americans that unilingual education was the only option and, moreover, that it had always been so.
【注】:巴贝尔塔(圣经中古巴比伦建一塔,巴贝尔塔。建塔者欲使该塔高达天庭,触怒上帝,使建塔者突操不同语言,彼此无法沟通,因此未能建成该塔;或译为巴别之塔,Gen,11: 1-9。
the last word 定论, 最后决定权
something of a 有几分
Babel [ˋbeb!] n.(圣经中城市)巴贝尔塔
de facto【法】事实上(的)
tongue [tʌŋ] n. 语言;方言;口语
achievement [əˋtʃivmənt] n. 成就,成绩
unthinkable [ʌnˋθɪŋkəb!] adj. 极端不可能的
integration [͵ɪntəˋgreʃən] n. 整合;完成
bilingual [baɪˋlɪŋgwəl] adj.(能说)两种语言的;双语的
fluency [ˋfluənsɪ] n. 流畅的说话(或写作)
build on 以…为基础;依赖
cognitive [ˋkɑgnətɪv] adj.【正式或术语】认知的﹐ 认知过程的
accelerate [ækˋsɛlə͵ret] v. 加快﹐加速
acquisition [͵ækwəˋzɪʃən] n.〔新知识﹑新技能等的〕习得﹐得到
conversely [kənˋvɝslɪ] adv.【正式】相反地; 另一方面
sink or swim 孤注一掷, 不管好歹
backlash [ˋbæk͵læʃ] n.〔对重大事件的〕强烈反应﹐反冲
Sentence of the Day
They drew the shortest straw.
The U.S. reintroduced bilingual education in the early seventies, prompting the formation in 1983 of “U.S. English”: a highly influential lobby group which campaigns to establish English as the official language of the United States and to eliminate bilingual education. California revisited this conflict in 1998 when its citizens voted in Proposition 227 requiring that students be instructed “overwhelmingly” in English. Ironically, a proposal to dictate English usage in 1780 was dismissed by the Continental Congress as undemocratic.
What are the facts concerning the effectiveness of bilingual education? Research is limited, but recent longitudinal studies conducted in California support two conclusions: (1) Immigrant students instructed at least partly in their native language often experience greater success in all subjects; (2) Similar students in English-only classes often cannot catch up academically with their native English-speaking peers. Another study found it took up to four generations for students of immigrant families to close this performance gap. When it comes to sinking or swimming, most students flounder.
What moral can be drawn from the American experience of bilingual education? Perhaps, that it is better to assist, rather than insist, if we want someone to learn a language quickly. This allows students to build on their existing strengths while they develop new ones.
【注】:The Continental Congress大陆会议,1774到1789年间英属北美13个殖民地的代表会议,美国独立战争期间的立法机构。这段期间包括美国独立革命时期和13州邦联宪法时期。
prompt [prɑmpt] v. 促使;激励
lobby [ˋlɑbɪ] v. 对(议员等)进行游说(或疏通)
campaign [kæmˋpen] v. 从事运动
revisit [riˋvɪzɪt] v. 回到〔某问题以重新讨论〕
proposition [͵prɑpəˋzɪʃən] n.〔尤指商业﹑政治上的〕提议﹐ 建议
dictate [ˋdɪktet] v. 命令,规定,要求
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v.【律】驳回,不受理
undemocratic [ˋʌndɛməˋkrætɪk] adj. 不民主的
longitudinal [ˋlɑndʒəˋtjudənəl] adj.【正式】历时性的; 纵长的﹐纵向的
flounder [ˋflaʊndɚ] v. 挣扎;蹒跚
moral [ˋmɔrəl] n. 道德上的教训;寓意
assist [əˋsɪst] v. 帮助,协助
Sentence of the Day
They're not speaking the same language.
speak the same language 有共同的信仰观点
Miguel from Los Angeles is visiting Judy in Taipei on a teachers exchange. They are discussing Judy’s class: 洛杉矶的米谷耶因为一项教师交流计划来台北拜访茱蒂。两人讨论到茱蒂的班级:
M: Your ten-year olds are certainly comfortable speaking English, considering how little opportunity they have to practice English outside of class.
J: Thank you. I think it’s because we give them time to consolidate their Chinese before they start English in grade three.
M: They start that late? Surprising. I’m a firm believer in bilingual education – I went through a Spanish-English program myself in L.A. – but it strikes me that the younger one starts learning a new language, the easier it is.
J: Considering the number of little ones in English preschool, many Taiwanese agree with you. But our Ministry of Education recently decided that public English instruction should begin in grade three so that kids won’t be disadvantaged in Chinese.
M: I’m not sure students are disadvantaged by learning a second language early. I wholeheartedly agree with supporting students’ native languages, but look at Canada’s experience of bilingual education.
J: What happened in Canada?
M: Many people believed English students who studied in French immersion would suffer in their English studies. It didn’t happen.
J: These are tough issues. But if students are happy and learning, that’s what’s important.
-by Iain Ferguson
consolidate [kənˋsɑlə͵det] v. 巩固,加强
strike [straɪk] v. 打动,感动,给……以印象
preschool [ˋpriˋskul] n. 育幼院;幼儿园
disadvantage [͵dɪsədˋvæntɪdʒ] v. 使..处于不利地位;损害
wholeheartedly [͵holˋhɑrtɪdlɪ] adv. 全心全意地
immersion [ɪˋmɝʃən] n. 专心〔做某事〕﹐投入
Sentence of the Day
They're talking shop.
talk shop 谈论本行