Fuzzy Grammar 文法的灰色地带
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年11月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:435
Irked by that squiggly green line underneath your sentences when you’re word processing? You’re not alone. Although the vast majority of grammatical rules are necessary to maintain clarity of meaning, the logic of some grammar rules is somewhat fuzzy.
One dubious rule of grammar that probably originated with a highly respected source, seventeenth-century poet and playwright John Dryden, is that one may not end a sentence with a preposition. This is false. Indeed, there is evidence that such usage is rooted in Old English – the ultimate reference for all English rules of grammar. Possibly, Dryden was unduly influenced, as were many English writers of his century, by Latin. When Winston Churchill noted that an editor had corrected his preposition usage in one of his books, he retorted, “This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.”
Unnecessary imitation of Latin is probably responsible for another cherished grammatical notion: that infinitives – such as “to read,” and “to follow” – should not be split by an adverb. Although split infinitives have been used since at least the fourteenth century, few grammarians objected until they became common in the nineteenth century. However, as fans of the television series, Star Trek, can attest, it is permissible “to boldly go ….”.
【注】:丘吉尔原来的句子“This is the sort of English I will not put up with.”意思明显清楚。但是他为配合编辑要求正确的用法,把句子改成“This is the sort of English up with which I will not put.”反而增加嘲讽效果,愈发显出该文法规定的不适当。
fuzzy [ˋfʌzɪ] adj. 模糊不清的
irk [ɝk] v. 使厌倦;使苦恼; 使恼怒; 使气愤〔尤指因对局势无能为力时〕
squiggly [ˋskwɪglɪ] adv. 弯弯曲曲地
word processing 文字处理
grammatical [grəˋmætɪk!] adj. 文法的
clarity [ˋklærətɪ] n.(思想、文体等的)清楚;明晰
dubious [ˋdjubɪəs] adj. 暧昧的,含糊的
preposition [͵prɛpəˋzɪʃən] n.【文】介系词,前置词
unduly [ʌnˋdjulɪ] adv.【正式】过度地 ﹐过分地
note [not] v. 注意,注目;注意到[+(that)][+wh-]
retort [rɪˋtɔrt] v. 反驳,回嘴说[+that]
put up with 容忍, 忍受
imitation [͵ɪməˋteʃən] n. 模仿,模拟
infinitive [ɪnˋfɪnətɪv] n.【文】不定词
adverb [ˋædvɚb] adv. 副词
grammarian [grəˋmɛrɪən] n. 文法家
attest [əˋtɛst] v. 证实,证明[(+to)]
permissible [pɚˋmɪsəb!] adj.【正式】〔根据法律或规定〕允许的﹐许可的﹐准许的
Sentence of the Day
Sometimes you must close your eyes to the grammar check.
close one’s eyes to 闭目不看, 视而不见; 熟视无睹; 不理会; 拒绝考虑
But the list of fuzzy grammar rules doesn’t stop with split infinitives. For example, the previous sentence breaks the schoolmarm rule that one shouldn’t begin a sentence with a conjunction like “and” or “but.” Actually, beginning a sentence with “but” is not only correct, but creates an effective contrast with the previous sentence.
The rule concerning not beginning a sentence with “and” probably emerged to teach children not to string sentences together in this manner: “We played. And we ate hamburgers. And we …” Nevertheless, this construction was used in a manuscript from A.D. 855, then later by Shakespeare. And how can one question such authority?
Our final grammar rule is the subject of much recent debate. Many modern English speakers bemoan the absence of a non-gender-specific singular pronoun. For example, the statement “Everyone has his favorite movie.” Now strikes many as sexist (by only using the masculine pronoun) and misleading (by suggesting that only men like movies). Rather than the awkward “his or her” or the unpronounceable “(s)he” most speakers now say “their favorite movie.” Though this usage can lead to subject-verb agreement problems, in spoken English at least, its use is standard.
Next time you face the green line, remember that some grammar rules aren’t clear – they’re fuzzy.
-by Iain Ferguson
schoolmarm [ˋskul͵mɑrm] n. 装出教师派头的人
conjunction [kənˋdʒʌŋkʃən] n.【文】连接词
manuscript [ˋmænjə͵skrɪpt] n. 手稿;原稿
bemoan [bɪˋmon] v. 悲悼;为……恸哭
gender-specific 只(适)用于男性或女性单方的;特定性别的
strike [straɪk] v. 给……以印象[(+as)]
sexist [ˋsɛksɪst] adj. 歧视妇女的﹐ 性别歧视的
masculine [ˋmæskjəlɪn] adj. 男性的,男子的
pronoun [ˋpronaʊn] n.【文】代名词
misleading [mɪsˋlidɪŋ] adj. 使人误解的;骗人的;迷惑人的
unpronounceable [͵ʌnprəˋnaʊnsəb!] adj. 不能发音的; 〔单词或名字〕难发音的
agreement [əˋgrimənt] n.【文】(人称,性别,数,格的)一致
Sentence of the Day
It's necessary to bend the rules at times.
bend the rules (根据情况)放宽规定; 变通; 通融