Getting Schooled by the U.S. 留学美国精打细算
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年2月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:491
U.S. President George W. Bush stated “Education belongs to everybody. High standards belongs [sic] to everybody.” Bush himself certainly set high standards for his education, honing his mind at two of America’s most prestigious universities: Yale and Harvard. These Ivy League schools, along with a handful of topflight technology-oriented universities, played a major part in attracting 600,000 international students to America last year – more than any other country on Earth. How did American gain this competitive edge?
The most commonly cited reason is that entry into America’s elite universities provides access to the world’s best research programs. There can be little debate concerning the preeminence of American universities’ research facilities, which have benefited from corporate donors and a reliance on exorbitant tuition fees. This translates to funding for equipment and faculty that foreign universities, at the mercy of government funding, simply cannot match.
By contrast, severe budget constraints have forced Rome’s La Sapienza to run classes in circus tents and parking garage. Meanwhile, debate is raging in Britain about a proposed tripling of university tuition to an average US$4,500 in fees. To truly emulate the US, though, these countries should be mindful that the average price for a year at Harvard is now upwards of US$37,000.
school [skul] v. 教育,训练
hone [hon] v. 磨练﹐训练
prestigious [prɛsˋtɪdʒɪəs] adj. 有威望[声望﹐威信]的
a handful of 一小撮,少数
topflight [ˋtɑp͵flaɪt] adj.【口】一流的;优秀的;最高档的
cite [saɪt] v. 引用; 引……为证;举出
preeminence [priˋɛmɪnəns] n. 卓越,杰出
exorbitant [ɪgˋzɔrbətənt] adj.〔价格﹑费用﹑要求等〕过高的; 过分的
translate [trænsˋlet] v. (将…)理解为; (把…)解释为
at the mercy of 任由某人/某事物摆布或控制
raging [`redʒɪŋ] adj.〔感情〕强烈的
tripling [ˋtrɪp!] n. 三倍数;三倍量
emulate [ˋɛmjə͵let] v. 效仿﹐模仿
mindful [ˋmaɪdfəl] adj. 记住的;留心的
Sentence of the Day
International universities are taking a leaf out of America’s book.
take a leaf out of someone’s book 学某人的样
By the time the average graduate of an American university receive her diploma, she’s already US$16,000 in debt. Perhaps that’s the price one pays for the world’s most coveted diplomas in a free-market system. As America’s 600,000 foreign students provide no small boost to the economy, developed nations are all scrambling to get in on the profits.
Now, Singapore with over 50,000 overseas students, is an emerging frontrunner in the global education business. Universities from the U.S., Britain, and Australia are negotiating with Singapore to put branches in the city-state. The Singaporean government is hoping its squeaky-clean image, combine with a plethora of post-secondary options, will triple its foreign-student enrollment within fifteen years.
Even France, generally loathe to follow America, aims to market French universities, “like we sell champagne or perfume,” according to the director of EduFrance. However, one wonders if France would be willing to give up French as the language of instruction in order to do so. In Germany, the introduction of English-only degree programs has driven up foreign-student enrollment by 30 percent since 2000.
With almost two million students studying abroad worldwide, and 45 percent of these from Asia with its burgeoning middle class, global competition for the scholastic buck is bound to remain fierce.
-by Charles Yonts
coveted [ˋkʌvɪtɪd] adj. 渴望得到的;梦寐以求的
boost [bust] v. 提高;增加
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 争夺,抢夺[S1][(+for)][+to-v]
frontrunner [ˋfrʌntˋrʌnɚ] n. 领先者
squeaky clean【口】纯洁的;无瑕疵的
squeaky [ˋskwikɪ] adj. 品行端正的; 行为正直的; 发出短促而尖利声音的
plethora [ˋplɛθərə] n.【正式】过多﹐过剩﹐过量
post-secondary 专上程度的(指高中毕业以后的更高的学习)
enrollment [ɪnˋrolmənt] n. 招收, 入学
loathe [loð] v. 厌恶,憎恨
drive up 使...上升
burgeoning [ˋbɝdʒənɪŋ] adj. 增长迅速的,发展很快的
scholastic [skəˋlæstɪk] adj. 学校的﹐ 教学的
bound to 一定会(做)certain to
Sentence of the Day
Universities are getting in while the getting is good.
getting ['ɡɛtɪŋ] n. 利益