In Search of Chinese Roots 华裔美人的寻根之旅
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年7月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:464
Immigrant families in the U.S. face a formidable challenge: how to become American without losing touch with their heritage. Despite the efforts of first-generation immigrants to pass on traditional knowledge, American-born Chinese (ABC) children often grew up unfamiliar with their ethnic roots. They find Chinese customs alien and the language difficult to master. As a result, many ABCs travel to Asia on a quest to discover their birthright.
In Taiwan, hua chiao easily blend into a crowd, but their broken Mandarin makes them stick out like a sore thumb. Even fluent speakers, however, still feel like outsiders. Their western upbringing continually prevents them from fullyassimilating into the country. Instead of becoming more Chinese, many ABCs realize just how western they are.
By local standards, ABC are not considered truly Chinese, nor are they perceived as being American, which is generally reserved for Caucasians. In the words of hua chiao “[Taiwan] isn’t used to having a melting-pot culture … Chinese culture in general is you’re either in or out.” Likewise, in the U.S., they aren’t American, but Chinese-American. No matter where they go, ABCs are stuck between two worlds. Their identity is bound by neither nationality nor ethnicity. This, perhaps, is their legacy.
formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!] / [fɔrˋmɪdəb!] adj. 难以克服的,难对付的
heritage [ˋhɛrətɪdʒ] n. 传统
pass on 传递
alien [ˋelɪən] adj. 截然不同的; 非常怪异的
quest [kwɛst] n.〔长期的〕寻求﹐探求
birthright [ˋbɝθ͵raɪt] n. 与生俱来的权利
blend [blɛnd] v. 使交融[(+with/into)]
stick out like a sore thumb 很显眼(常含贬义); 扎眼 if someone or something sticks out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they are very different from the other people or things around them
upbringing [ˋʌp͵brɪŋɪŋ] n. 养育;教养
assimilate [əˋsɪm!͵et] v. 使(民族、语音)同化
reserve [rɪˋzɝv] v. 保留[(+for)]
Caucasian [kɔˋkeʒən] n. 高加索人;白种人
bind [baɪnd] v. 捆,绑; 结合
nationality [͵næʃəˋnælətɪ] n. 国籍
ethnicity [ɛθˋnɪsɪtɪ] n. 种族特点;种族渊源
legacy [ˋlɛgəsɪ] n. 遗留之物〔遗留下来的状况〕
Sentence of the Day
“You can’t go home again.” – Thomas Wolfe, 1940
「你再也回不了家。」-- 托马斯.吴尔芙1940年作品
Emily, an ABC, is having coffee in a San Francisco café with her cousin, Sam: 华裔美人爱蜜莉在旧金山一家咖啡店里,和表哥山姆一起喝咖啡:
E: I just don’t understand why mom and dad never like any of my boyfriends, and why they insist I bring home a nice Chinese boy.
S: Sounds exactly like my folks. They nagged me for years to find a Chinese girlfriend. They finally convinced me to go on the Overseas Chinese Youth Study Tour to Taiwan.
E: You mean the Love Boat? I heard that it’s the place for young overseas Chinese to hook up.
S: Yes, but there’s another dimension to it. Besides partying with the opposite sex, it’s a great chance to learn Chinese culture, history, and language.
E: Hmm …. I’ve always wanted to get in touch with my Chinese roots. It would certainly help me understand my parents. So what’s it like to be surrounded by people who look like you?
S: That depends on your grasp of Chinese. With my broken Mandarin, I felt very much an outsider. There was never any overt discrimination, but I never felt like I fit in either.
E: That does sound like a life-changing experience. But tell me more about the other dimension of the program … the spicy side.
S: In that case, order me another cappuccino.
-by Howie Phung
folk [fok] n.【口】家属,亲属;双亲
nag [næg] v. 不断唠叨;责骂不休
overseas [ˋovɚˋsiz] adj.(在)海外的; adv. 在(或向)海外
hook up [俚语] 结婚 to marry or get married.
dimension [dɪˋmɛnʃən] n. 特点;方面
get in touch with 与…取得联系 establish communication with someone
grasp [græsp] n.理解,领会; 能力所及的限度
Mandarin [ˋmændərɪn] n.(M-)中国的官话(北京话)
overt [oˋvɝt] adj. 明显的;公然的
discrimination [dɪ͵skrɪməˋneʃən] n. 歧视
fit in 〔因为有共同的看法﹑趣味等〕被他人接受﹐相处融洽 to belong or conform, esp after adjustment
spicy [ˋspaɪsɪ] adj.〔故事〕下流的﹐ 粗俗的
Sentence of the Day
Sam felt a bit out of place in Taiwan.
feel out of place 感到如鱼出水,很不自在,局促不安