Blue Whales: The Ocean’s Gentle Giants 蓝鲸:大海的温柔巨人
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年12月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年11月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:440
A jet of water sprays 6 meters into the air, announcing the arrival of Earth’s largest animal, the blue whale. Blue whales can weigh up to 170 tons, or about the same as 12 fully-grown elephants. Imagine swimming beside an animal that has an average length close to that of an airplane! These animals are an impressive sight to behold.
Blue whales are often mistaken for fish, but they are actually mammals. Like other mammals, blue whales are warm-blooded, give birth to live babies, and breathe air. They usually surface every 10 minutes to take a breath, but can stay submerged in the dark depths of the ocean for around 50 minutes! Another amazing fact is that they communicate with each other by using a 180-decibel song, the loudest in the animal kingdom.
It’s interesting that the largest animal’s sole source of food happened to be one of the Earth’s smallest. Blue whales use their broom-like baleen to filter meals, which consist of tiny krill. During the summer feeding season, blue whales gorge themselves, consuming up to 40 million krill a day. Then they can store enough fat to sustain them through the year.
Blue whales have little to fear from predators expect one. Since the beginning of the 20th century, man has hunted them for their meat and blubber, reducing their population to 1% of what it once was. Today, they remain on the endangered species list. Biologists hope these giant whales can make a comeback. With research, time and a little luck, perhaps someday the oceans will teem with these gentle giants once more.
−by Ryan Campbell
be mistaken for 被误解为
mammal [ˋmæm!] n. 哺乳动物
submerged [səbˋmɝdʒd] adj. 在水中的;淹没的
sole [sol] adj. 单独的;唯一的
filter [ˋfɪltɚ] v. 过滤
consist of 由某事物组成或构成
consume [kənˋsjum] v. 吃完,喝光
sustain [səˋsten] v. 维持
endangered [ɪnˋdendʒɚd] adj. 快要绝种的
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fully-grown [͵fʊlɪˋgron] adj. 已经长成的;成熟的
behold [bɪˋhold] v. 看;看见
warm-blooded [ˋwɔrmˋblʌdɪd] adj.〔动物〕温血的﹐恒温的
decibel [ˋdɛsɪbɛl] n. 分贝(声音强度单位)
kingdom [ˋkɪŋdəm] n.(动、植、矿物)界
broom [brum] n. 扫帚;长柄刷
baleen [bəˋlin] n. 鲸须
krill [krɪl] n. 磷虾
gorge [gɔrdʒ] v. 塞饱
predator [ˋprɛdətɚ] n. 食肉动物;掠夺者
blubber [ˋblʌbɚ] n. 鲸脂;鲸油
make a comeback 东山再起;卷土重来
teem with 充满