Support for the Cyber Junkie 犯了e-瘾吗?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年3月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年10月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:436
For people suffering from Internet Addiction Disorder, the Net is a bit like a bottomless glass for hardcore alcoholics: in other words, it’s something they can’t resist. But there is help. Last year in Shanghai, the first rehabilitation center for young sufferers opened its doors. And contrary to popular belief, it’s not just introverted computer geeks who need help.
Symptoms of IAD include losing track of time, sacrificing sleep or homework time to use the computer, and becoming agitated or angry when online time is interrupted. A typical addict can spend 30 or more hours a week on the computer and may make involuntary typing movements with his fingers when away from his keyboard.
Although there is very little hard data on IAD, surveys and case studies indicate that it develops much like other addictions. As with gambling, for example, there is an initial stage of enchantment that “hooks” your attention. Teenagers are particularly at risk as online gaming and meeting new friends in chat rooms seem to be far more fulfilling than studying.
Even if IAD proves not to be a real disease, it may be time for all of us to take stock of how often we use the computer. Too much of anything can be dangerous, and once a habit becomes an obsession, we can’t just delete the problem!
−by Laara Hinnegan
addiction [əˋdɪkʃən] n. 沉溺;成瘾;上瘾;入迷
alcoholic [͵ælkəˋhɔlɪk] n. 酒精中毒病人;嗜酒者
introverted [ˋɪntrəvɝtɪd] adj. (性格)内向的;不爱交际的
agitated [ˋædʒə͵tetɪd] adj. 紧张不安的﹐焦虑的
involuntary [ɪnˋvɑlən͵tɛrɪ] adj. 不由自主的; 非自愿的
enchantment [ɪnˋtʃæntmənt] n. 着迷; 陶醉
obsession [əbˋsɛʃən] n. 着迷
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cyber junkie 网络迷
cyber [ˋsaɪbɚ] adj. 电脑(网络)的,信息技术的
junkie [ˋdʒʌŋkɪ] n. 疯狂喜爱某事的人;……迷
hardcore ['hɑrd͵kor] adj. 恶习不改的; 固执的
rehabilitation [͵rihə͵bɪləˋteʃən] n. 康复训练; 复健
geek [gik] n. 怪胎; 计算机玩家
lose track of 失去…的线索, 忘记
hook [hʊk] v. 引(人)上钩;抓住
fulfilling [fʊlˋfɪlɪŋ] adj. 使人满意的; 使人满足的
take stock of 对...作出判断 to ascertain the facts in regard to (something)