African Band Turns Junk into Funk 刚果街头的放克传奇
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年4月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年10月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:522
Sometimes the road to success takes a most unlikely route. For Konono No. 1, a traditional Congolese band, it came from playing old tunes with an unintentionally modern twist.
有时,通往成功的路会循着最不可能的路线。对Konono No. 1这个传统的刚果乐团来说,成功来自用现代手法玩传统音乐,而一切都是无心插柳。
Three decades ago, KN1 was part of a state-planned revival of traditional Congolese music. But they had a problem. Whenever they performed outdoors, their sound would get drowned out by traffic noise. Too poor to buy proper amplifiers, the band scrounged about for scrap metal, automobile parts, and old radios. They used these to assemble makeshift microphones and amplifiers. The result: traditional music with a raw, electric distortion that, like modern western electronic music, was somehow appealing to the ear.
The parallels were coincidental, however, as none of the band members had had music exposure to western music. This didn’t matter to Belgian music producer Vincent Kenis. After hearing KN1’s sound on French radio, Kenis traveled to Congo to meet the band members. Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, KN1 had broken up. Due to the political upheaval there, the Congolese cultural revival had been short-lived.
After years of searching, Kenis found the band members and encouraged them to regroup. With Kenis producing, KN1 created an album called Congotronics. A “mix of traditional….. trance music, lo-fi electronic, and more,” the album has attracted fans of electronic music all over the world. Considering KN1’s humble beginnings, this journey to the top is as remarkable as the music itself.
−by Murray Walker & Robert Kelly
unintentionally [͵ʌnɪnˋtɛnʃənlɪ] adv. 非故意地;非存心地
revival [rɪˋvaɪv!] n. 复活;再生
distortion [dɪsˋtɔrʃən] n. 扭曲;失真
parallel [ˋpærə͵lɛl] n. 类似的人(或事物),可相比拟的人(或事物)
coincidental [ko͵ɪnsəˋdɛnt!] adj. 巧合的﹐碰巧的
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Congolese [kɑŋgəˋliz] adj. 刚果人的
twist [twɪst] n. 窍门,花样
amplifier [ˋæmplə͵faɪr] n. 扩音器;放大器
scrounge [skraʊndʒ] v. 搜寻;四处寻找
scrap [skræp] n. 垃圾,破烂; 废料,废金属
Belgian [ˋbɛldʒən] adj. 比利时的
upheaval [ʌpˋhiv!] n. 动乱;激变
short-lived [ˋʃɔrtˋlaɪvd] adj. 短暂的 short-lived: Living or lasting only a short time; ephemeral
makeshift [ˋmek͵ʃɪft] adj. 临时代用的;权宜的
drown out 淹没, 压过 to be so loud that someone or something cannot be heard.
remarkable [rɪˋmɑrkəb!] adj. 不寻常的﹐奇特的
Konono No.1
Lo-Fi Electronic Music