Birth of the Cool 爵士酷乐的诞生
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年7月15日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:457
Legendary jazz trumpeter Mile Davis was a fighter and a master of musical understatement. A proud, fiercely independent man, David refused to be limited by the racial stereotypes of his youth, or the accepted boundaries of jazz music.
Born in 1926 to an affluent family, David had so many professional job offers by the time he was fifteen that his mother had to turn them down so he could finish high school. In 1994, David enrolled in New York’s Julliard School of Music, but he really hit the Big Apple to search after-hours clubs for his hero – saxophonist Charlie “Bird” Parker. Bird soon befriended the young man and served as his musical mentor and bandleader for several years.
David sought out Bird to learn from the man who had revolutionized jazz by creating bebop: a sophisticated style that is too frenetic to be danceable and too demanding for easy listening. Bebop severed the connection between jazz and popular music, but created something musicians then and today consider to be more lofty and refined than earlier jazz. David played bebop until he met arranger Gil Evans who would become his partner for the next fifteen years. Together, David and Evans cooled jazz down and created explosively original music.
trumpeter [ˋtrʌmpɪtɚ] n. 小号手,号手
understatement [ˋʌndɚ͵stetmənt] n. 不充分的陈述;保守的陈述
affluent [ˋæflʊənt] adj. 富裕的
enroll [ɪnˋrol] v. 入会,参加;入学
after-hours 业余时间的;工余时间的;营业(或规定)时间以后的 open after a legal or established closing time
saxophonist [ˋsæksə͵fonɪst] n. 萨克斯管吹奏者
befriend [bɪˋfrɛnd] v. 对……以朋友相待;和……交朋友
mentor [ˋmɛntɚ] n. 导师﹐指导者
revolutionize [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵aɪz] v. 彻底改革,在……方面实现突破性大变革
bebop [ˋbi͵bɑp] v. 比波普爵士乐
sophisticated [səˋfɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj.〔机器﹑系统﹑方法等〕复杂的
frenetic [frəˋnɛtɪk] adj. 狂热的; 激动的
sever [ˋsɛvɚ] v. 切断,割断
lofty [ˋlɔftɪ] adj. 崇高的,高尚的
refined [rɪˋfaɪnd] adj. 优美的,文雅的
arranger [əˋrendʒɚ] n. 编曲者
explosively [ɪkˋsplosɪvlɪ] adv. 爆发地;引起爆炸地
Sentence of the Day
The man liked to blow his own trumpet.
blow one’s own trumpet 自吹自擂,自我标榜
In 1949, David began his own career as a bandleader and pioneered a calmer, lyrical style of bebop on the great Birth of the Cool album. Though slower, this album did not mark a return to popular jazz, but rather the creation of a smooth, intricately arranged sound that took its name from this album: cool jazz.
The early fifties were hit-and-miss for Davis because he had inherited great musicianship – along with an unfortunate heroin addiction – from Bird. By the late fifties, David was on the wagon and his musical partnership with Evans was unstoppable again. David and Evans promptly released two remarkable masterpieces – one a masterpiece of orchestration, the other of improvisation.
Sketches of Spain, Evans and Davis’s thrilling jazz arrangement of Spanish classical compositions, was the first of these two. Performed by David with orchestral accompaniment, his almost fragile-sounding trumpet soars over the music, suggesting the melody with a remarkable economy of notes.
A few months later, David called his sextet together and gave them bare-bones instructions for new music they were to record that night. The result, Kind of Blue, was compared by Evans to the improvised painting of Zen monks. It is exquisitely pure, unhesitating – in short, almost perfect.
lyrical [ˋlɪrɪk!] adj. 抒情的; 感情丰富的
intricately [ˋɪntrəkɪtlɪ] adv. 复杂地; 难懂地
hit-and-miss 得失各占一半的 sometimes succeeding and sometimes not
musicianship [mjuˋzɪʃənʃɪp] n. 音乐技巧;音乐才能;音乐鉴赏力
on the wagon【口】戒酒或毒瘾 abstaining from alcoholic beverages or drug
orchestration [͵ɔrkɪsˋtreʃən] n. 管弦乐编曲, 管弦乐作曲法
improvisation [͵ɪmprəvaɪˋzeʃən] n. 即兴创作
sketch [skɛtʃ] n. 速写,素描
arrangement [əˋrendʒmənt] n.【音】(乐曲的)改编;改编曲
composition [͵kɑmpəˋzɪʃən] n.(大型)乐曲
accompaniment [əˋkʌmpənɪmənt] n.【音】伴奏;伴唱
fragile [ˋfrædʒəl] adj. 纤弱的; 脆弱的
economy [ɪˋkɑnəmɪ] n. 节约,节省
sextet [sɛksˋtɛt] n. 六重唱; 六重奏
bare-bones [ˋbɛr͵bonz] adj. 极简单的;基础的
exquisitely [ɛkˋskwɪzɪtlɪ] adv. 精致地
unhesitating [ʌnˋhɛzə͵tetɪŋ] adj. 不动摇的
Sentence of the Day
He had a monkey on his back.
a monkey on one’s back 有沉重的负担;毒瘾 a serious problem that will not go away
David was youthfully vigorous well into his forties and, as the hippies grew their hair, his music began to incorporate rock music influences. His rock era culminated with his soundtrack to Tribute to Jack Johnson, a film about a legendary African boxer. Few people now remember the film, but Davis’s soundtrack – dipping into raunchy rock and blues and emerging into space-jazz dripping with layers of early synthesizers – is timeless.
In 1975, substance abuse and age finally caught up with Miles and he retired, making occasional forays back into the music world through the 1980’s. Always keen to stay current, he even tried recording with hip-hop artists, yet somehow his fire had cooled. Miles Dewey Davis died in 1991 after five decades of jazz.
Miles’s music – especially that of his rock era – still sounds modern, and directly inspired this generation’s world of ambient electronica and DJ’s. Even technology is catching up with Miles. Many of his releases were abbreviated due to the length limitations of vinyl records. Courtesy of digital technology, several truncated originals may now be heard in their complete form on the CD Panthalassa. The legacy of Miles Davis makes it clear that Miles was always miles ahead.
-by Iain Ferguson
youthfully [ˋjuθfəlɪ] adv. 精神饱满地
vigorous [ˋvɪgərəs] adj. 精力充沛的;壮健的
culminate [ˋkʌlmə͵net] v. 达到最高点;达到高潮
dip into (something) 动用〔存款〕to use a small amount of something
raunchy [ˋrɑntʃɪ] adj. 不修边幅的
drip [drɪp] v. 充溢,充满[(+with)]
synthesizer [ˋsɪnθə͵saɪzɚ] n. 合成者,合成物;合成器,综合器
substance abuse(精神性)药物滥用
catch up with 对...产生预期的坏影响(或恶果) to have unpleasant consequences for,
foray [ˋfɔre] n.〔尤对某项非本行的艰难工作或活动的〕短暂尝试
ambient [ˋæmbɪənt] adj. 周遭的;环绕的
electronica 电子乐 Any of various styles of popular music characterized by the prominent use of electronically generated sounds and computer-based production techniques.
abbreviate [əˋbrivɪ͵et] v. 缩短,使简短
vinyl record 黑胶唱片的总称
vinyl [ˋvaɪnɪl] n. 乙烯基塑料
courtesy of (用来表示感谢)承蒙…的好意,蒙…提供
courtesy [ˋkɝtəsɪ] n. 礼貌;殷勤,好意
truncated [ˋtrʌŋketɪd] adj. 缩短了的
Sentence of the Day
He knocked them dead.
knock someone dead(非正式)给某人留下深刻印象
Kind of Blue 50th Anniversary
Kind of Blue by Mile Davis
Rated X from Panthalassa by Miles Davis