The Beastie Boys 野兽男孩合唱团
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年9月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:459
Jay is talking to his friend Kate, who has picked up some photos taken at the Tenth Tibetan Freedom Concert: 杰和他的朋友凯特聊天,看着几张在第十届西藏自由音乐会拍下的照片:
J: You’ve got some wicked shots of that concert the Beastie Boys hosted here in Taipei back in April.
K: Cool, huh? They’re incredible musicians, and their active involvement in politics is rare in today’s music scene. Plus, the lineups for their Freedom Concerts are like a who’s who of popular artists.
J: Totally. That live album they released in 1997 had Beck, Björk, Cypress Hill, the list goes on … But I kinda wish they’d spend more time making music.
K: Then check out the new song they released online in March opposing the Iraq War. The Beastie Boys have been around for almost twenty-five years; sometimes good music, like good food, takes a little time.
J: But I need more of their phat beats! Have you seen their DVD music video anthology? It’s sweet: you can customize each video with song remixes, alternate video angles, or both.
K: The “Sabotage” video on that DVD is an outrageous parody of 70s cop shows. It’s amazing how the Beasties can dress up in silly costumes one minute, then discuss Buddhism or politics the next.
J: For guys supporting serious causes, they sure know how to laugh.
【注】:一般习惯已经接受「kind of」的口语发音为「kinds」。
wicked [ˋwɪkɪd] adj.【俚】很棒的
shot [ʃɑt] n.【口】照片; 拍摄
lineup [ˋlaɪn͵ʌp] n. (选手)阵容
who’s who 名人录, 名人词典
totally [ˋtot!ɪ] adv. 彻底地; 绝对地
kinda [ˋkaɪndə] adv. 有点儿,有几分(= kind of)
phat [fæt] adj. 精彩的;极棒的 Excellent; first-rate.
anthology [ænˋθɑlədʒɪ] n.〔故事﹑诗﹑歌曲等的〕选集
remix [riˋmɪks] n. 混音版音乐; 重混乐
sabotage [ˋsæbə͵tɑʒ] n.〔对敌人或对手的设备﹑车辆等的〕蓄意破坏
outrageous [aʊtˋredʒəs] adj. 极不寻常的; 有点可笑[吓人]的
parody [ˋpærədɪ] n.〔文章或音乐的〕诙谐性模仿作品﹐ 滑稽的模仿作品
cause [kɔz] n. 目标,理想,事业
Sentence of the Day
They're a barrel of laughs.
a barrel of laughs 使人愉快的﹐令人快乐的 enjoyable
No white hip-hop artists have contributed more to music and political awareness than New York-based trio, the Beastie Boys. Featuring Adam Horowitz (Adrock), Adam Yauch (MCA), and Michael Diamond (Mike D), the Beasties’droll wordplay, funky grooves, and continual innovations – musical and personal – have kept them relevant in the unforgiving world of popular music.
没有任何白人嘻哈艺术家比来自纽约的三人组,野兽男孩,对音乐及政治意识有更大的贡献。此三人组由亚当哈洛维兹(Adrock)、亚当亚区(MCA)、和麦可戴蒙(Mike D)组成;野兽男孩玩的文字游戏;放克曲风;和在音乐上及个人上不断的创新,这些都让他们在这无情的音乐世界里持续受到关注。
Formed as a punk band in 1981, the Beastie Boy’s music began to incorporate hip-hop as it emerged from its Bronx cradle. Their groundbreaking 1986 debut, Licensed to Ill, is a mesh of loud guitar, catchy beats, and juvenilia. Lyrics like “You wake up late for school-man you don’t wanna go/You ask your mom, “Please?”-but she still says, “No!” made songs like “Fight For Your Right (To Party)” instant teen anthems.
The band’s reputation as moronic frat boys obscured their seminal second album, 1989’s Paul’s Boutique. Generally considered an ancestor of the cut-and-paste sampling and cheeky irony so characteristic of ‘90s pop, Paul’s Boutique foreshadowed the ingenuity of their music to come.
On their third album, 1992’s Check Your Head, the Beasties showed a new mastery of their craft by actually playing instruments – a rare occurrence in hip-hop – and by writing increasingly thoughtful, socially critical, and wry lyrics. Like a fine wine, they were improving with age.
【注】:一般习惯已经接受「want to」的口语发音为「wanna」。
droll [drol] adj. 滑稽的;离奇好笑的
wordplay [ˋwɝd͵ple] n. 文字游戏
groove [gruv] n.(流行音乐的)节奏
unforgiving [͵ʌnfɚˋgɪvɪŋ] adj. 不原谅人的;无情的
punk [pʌŋk] n. 庞克摇滚乐〔一种20世纪70年代末期和80年代流行的音乐〕
mesh [mɛʃ] n. 啮合
catchy [ˋkætʃɪ] adj.(曲调等)动听而易记的
juvenilia [͵dʒuvəˋnɪlɪə] n. 年轻时代的作品;少年读物
anthem [ˋænθəm] n.〔某个羣体认为非常重要的〕歌曲
moronic [moˋrɑnɪk] adj. 低能的
frat [fræt] n. 兄弟会
obscure [əbˋskjʊr] v. 遮蔽﹐ 使朦胧; 使听不清
seminal [ˋsɛmən!] adj.【正式】〔书﹑乐曲等〕开创性的﹐有重大影响的
sampling [ˋsæmplɪŋ] n.(乐曲的)节录
cheeky [ˋtʃikɪ] adj.〔尤指对师长〕厚脸皮的﹐ 不敬的﹐ 放肆的
irony [ˋaɪrənɪ] n. 反语;冷嘲;讽刺
foreshadow [forˋʃædo] n. 预示;成为……的前兆
ingenuity [͵ɪndʒəˋnuətɪ] n. 独创性; 独出心裁
mastery [ˋmæstərɪ] n. 熟练;精通
occurrence [əˋkɝəns] n. 发生;出现
wry [raɪ] adj. 富于幽默的;讽刺的
Sentence of the Day
They've got savoir faire.
savoir faire [ˋsævwɑrˋfɛr] n.【法】机智,手腕,才干
May, 1994 was a pivotal month for the Beastie Boys. It marked both the release of their fourth album, Ill Communication, and the official foundation of the Milarepa Fund. This fund, named after an eleventh century Tibetan saint who enlightened through song, was organized by Adam Yauch to support political awareness of Tibet. That summer the band headlined the Lollapalooza tour and capitalized on the exposure to promote the Milarepa Fund.
Musically, Ill Communication beefed up their fresh smorgasbord of innovative hip-hop, funky ‘70s instrumental, and the occasional punk scream-a-long. The Beasties’ Buddhist connection is strikingly demonstrated on “Bodhisattva Vow”: Yauch unreels a mesmerizing devotional rap atop Himalayan overtone chanting. Lyrically, “For The Sake Of All Begins I Seek/The Enlightened Mind That I Know I’ll Reap” is a far cry from asking Mom’s permission to skip school.
Following their fourth album, the Beasties released an instrumental soul-jazz compilation in 1996, The In Sound From Way Out, which belied their punk and hip-hop roots. With the Beastie Boys actively involved in the Tibetan cause, fans have had to wait longer for new tunes. Nonetheless, 1998’s Hello Nasty proved that, though the trio may no longer be beastly, they haven’t lost the funk.
-by Iain Ferguson
pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 重要的
enlighten [ɪnˋlaɪtn] v.【正式】指导﹐教导; 启迪
headline [ˋhɛd͵laɪn] v. 给……加标题
lollapalooza [͵lɑləpəˋluzə] n. 非常出色的人(或物)
capitalize on 趁…, 利用…,
beef up 增强,加强
smorgasbord [ˋsmɔrgəs͵bɔrd] n. 北欧式的正餐前小菜; 大杂烩
strikingly [ˋstraɪkɪŋlɪ] adv. 显著地;显目地;突出地
Bodhisattva [͵bodɪˋsʌtvə] n.(佛教用语)菩萨
unreel [ʌnˋril] v. 进行;展开
mesmerize [ˋmɛsmə͵raɪz] v. 使着迷﹐ 使迷住
devotional [dɪˋvoʃən!] adj. 虔诚的;祈祷的
overtone [ˋovɚ͵ton] n.【音】【物】泛音; 弦外之音;言外之意;暗示
chant [tʃænt] v. 反复(单调)地唱歌(或说话);吟诵
reap [rip] v. 获得,得到
a far cry from【口】与...大不相同
compilation [͵kɑmpəˋleʃən] n. 编纂﹐ 编辑; 汇编
belie [bɪˋlaɪ] v. 掩饰
nasty [ˋnæstɪ] adj. 龌龊的;令人作呕的;使人难受的
beastly [ˋbistlɪ] adj. 野兽(般)的;野蛮的
funk [fʌŋk] n.〔以爵士乐和非洲音乐的强劲节奏为基础的〕乡土爵士乐
Sentence of the Day
They've never rested on their laurels.
rest on one’s laurels 满足于已有的成就