Johnny Cash: The Man in Black 钱宁凯许:黑衣歌者
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年3月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:483
American singer/songwriter Jonny Cash sang of love, God, murder, and America. His baritone tales of trains rollin’, religious devotion, senseless homicide, and plain love epitomized the dark places and high aspirations of the human condition. Nicknamed “the Man in Black” for his signature black clothes, Johnny was tireless champion of the common man.
Born to a dirt-poor Arkansas farming family on February 26, 1932, Johnny grew up next to the mighty Mississippi, pickin’ cotton and absorbing work songs, gospel music, country tunes, even Mexican radio drifting up from the border at night. Following a tour of duty with the Air Force, Johnny began his recording career in 1955 on Sun Records, alongside contemporaries Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis.
His first release with Sun laid the pattern that would characterize Johnny’s music throughout his career. “Folsom Prison Blues” tell the story of a prisoner’s yearning for freedom following his heartless killing of a man, while a follow-up single, “I Walk The Line,” is a heartfelt paean to fidelity and love. Johnny was at home with contradictions.
Despite his success on country and pop charts, Johnny’s assertive politics ran afoul of country music conservatism. Eventually, Cash took out a page in Billboard Magazine to lambaste country radio for not swallowing his “strong medicine.”
baritone [ˋbærə͵ton] n. 男中音
devotion [dɪˋvoʃən] n. 献身;奉献
senseless [ˋsɛnslɪs] adj. 失去知觉的;无感觉的
homicide [ˋhɑmə͵saɪd] n. 杀人犯; 【尤美】谋杀﹐杀人
epitomize [ɪˋpɪtə͵maɪz] v. 象征; 体现
aspiration [͵æspəˋreʃən] n. 强烈愿望; 志向﹐抱负
dirt-poor [ˋdɝtˋpʊr] adj. 【口】极贫困的
Arkansas [ˋɑrkən͵sɔ] n. 美国阿肯色州
gospel [ˋgɑsp!] adj. 福音的;传播福音的;福音赞美诗的
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] n. 同时代的人
lay [le] v. 铺设
yearn [jɝn] v. 渴望;向往[(+for/after/towards)][+to-v]
heartless [ˋhɑrtlɪs] adj. 无情的,冷酷的
heartfelt [ˋhɑrt͵fɛlt] adj. 衷心的,真诚的
paean [ˋpiən] n.【文】赞歌; 感恩歌; 凯歌
fidelity [fɪˋdɛlətɪ] n. 忠诚;忠贞
at home (像在自己家里一样)自在, 无拘束 comfortable and relaxed; at ease:
assertive [əˋsɝtɪv] adj. 武断的,独断的
run afoul of 与... 发生冲突 to act in a way not allowed by rules or the law
afoul [əˋfaʊl] adj. 冲撞的;纠缠的
lambaste [læmˋbest] v. 粗暴地骂;严责
Sentence of the Day
He was the salt of the earth.
salt of the earth 优秀公民, 社会精华, 人间楷模
Strong medicine, particularly amphetamines, also became a problem for Johnny in the late fifties. Yet despite mounting personal problems, Johnny penned the extraordinary love song, “Ring of Fire” in 1963.
With its Biblical imagery and jubilant mariachi horns, “Ring of Fire” remains a towering testament to the delirious blindness of love. Appropriately, Johnny co-wrote this song with his soon-to-be wife, June Carter.
Johnny’s life hit a low in 1965 when he was arrested at the Mexican border with a guitar case full of pills. In a remarkable about-face by 1969 Johnny had found Jesus, married June, kicked drugs, and recorded the prison performance Live At San Quentin and Live At Folsom Prison, which became his most famous albums.
Following decades when it seemed Cash’s significance was waning, heavy metal/hip-hop producer Rick Rubin served as catalyst for Johnny’s career renaissance. Starting in 1994, Johnny recorded four volumes of American Recordings for Rubin’s Def American Records. These albums combined Cash originals with tasteful renditions of songs by younger artists like Beck and U2.
Johnny’s final Def American singles “Hurt” – originally by industrial band Nine Inch Nails – is a swan song of timeless power and pathos; it was released shortly before June Carter Cash’s death in May, 2003. Johnny, ever the devoted husband, followed her on September 12.
-by Iain Ferguson
amphetamine [æmˋfɛtə͵min] n.【药】安非他命
mount [maʊnt] v. 增长,上升
imagery [ˋɪmɪdʒərɪ] n.〔绘画﹑电影等中表达思想的〕意象﹐形象化描述
jubilant [ˋdʒub!ənt] adj. 欢腾的,喜气洋洋的
mariachi [͵mɑriˋɑtʃi] n. 街头音乐〔一种墨西哥舞曲〕
horn [hɔrn] n. 管乐器
towering [ˋtaʊərɪŋ] adj. 杰出的,卓越的
delirious [dɪˋlɪrɪəs] adj. 极度兴奋的,狂喜的
appropriately [əˋproprɪ͵etlɪ] adv. 恰如其分地
about-face [əˋbaʊt͵fes] n.(立场、观点等的)彻底改变
wane [wen] v. 衰落;没落
catalyst [ˋkætəlɪst] n. 导致重大变化的人[事物]; 促进因素
renaissance [ˈrenəsɑns] n. 新生;复活
tasteful [ˋtestfəl] adj. 雅致的,高雅的,优美的
rendition [rɛnˋdɪʃən] n. (剧本、诗歌或音乐作品的)演出,表演,演绎
swan song 最后的诗篇;绝笔;最后的功业
pathos [ˋpeθɑs] n.(文学或音乐作品、演讲)激起怜悯(或同情等)的因素;感伤力
Sentence of the Day
After Johnny, they broke the mold.
break the mold 打破窠臼
Folsom Prison Blues
Ring of Fire