Red, Cold & Green: Bob Marley, Reggae Messiah 雷鬼音乐教父:巴布马利
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年5月11日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:499
On this day twenty-three years ago, Jamaican singer/songwriter Robert Nesta Marley passed from this world into the hands of “Jah”. Bob Marley popularized reggae music, along with the Rastafarian religion, to the world outside Jamaica. He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb. Along the way, Marley wrote the greatest popular spiritual music of the twentieth century.
Jamaica is an island rich in cultural influences – native Caribbean, African, European, North American – but is also marked by the legacy of slavery and colonialism. Born in the rural town of St. Ann on February 6, 1945, Bob Marley, like so many Jamaicans, was lured to the capital of Kingston in the late fifties seeking a better life. Yet the reality of life for the urban poor in the shanties of Kingston’s Trenchtown was dismal and violent.
Despite its squalor, Trenchtown proved a fertile breeding ground for music. After forming his band The Wailers, Marley recorded his first single, “Judge Not”, in 1962. Even this first single displayed Marley’s hallmark pop sensibility and biblical message; however, the sensuous syncopation and Rastafarian proselytizing so typical of reggae music didn’t fully emerge until Marley collaborated with the eccentric yet brilliant music producer Lee “Scratch” Perry in 1970.
reggae [ˋrɛge] n. 雷鬼摇摆乐(一种牙买加流行音乐)
messiah [məˋsaɪə] n. 救世主耶稣
Jamaican [dʒəˋmekən] adj. 牙买加的;牙买加人的
Jah [dʒɑ] n. 耶和华,上帝
popularize [ˋpɑpjələ͵raɪz] v. 使通俗化;普及;宣传
Rastafarian [͵ræstəˋfærɪən] n. 拉斯特法里(派)(牙买加黑人教派,信奉黑人是上帝将拯救的人)
messianic [͵mɛsɪˋænɪk] adj. 救世主的;以救世主自居的
fervor [͵fɝvɚ] n. 热烈,热情
aplomb [əˋplɑm] n.【法】沉着;泰然自若
colonialism [kəˋlonɪəl͵ɪzəm] n. 殖民主义;殖民政策
lure [lʊr] v. 引诱,诱惑
shanty [ˋʃæntɪ] n. 简陋小(木)屋
dismal [ˋdɪzm!] adj. 忧郁的;沉闷的;凄凉的
squalor [ˋskwɑlɚ] n. 污秽﹐肮脏
hallmark [ˋhɔl͵mɑrk] n. 特点﹐特征; 标志
sensuous [ˋsɛnʃʊəs] adj. 给感官以快乐的﹐给人以快感的
syncopation [͵sɪŋkəˋpeʃən] n.【音】切分法;切分音
proselytize [ˋprɑs!ɪ͵taɪz] v.【正式】极力劝诱〔某人〕入教[加入政党等]〔常含贬义〕
eccentric [ɪkˋsɛntrɪk] adj.(人、行为等)古怪的,反常的
Sentence of the Day
His life was a rags-to-riches tale.
rags-to-riches 由穷致富的
Through a sensation around the Caribbean by 1971, Bob Marley and The Wailers remained virtually unknown elsewhere. By 1972, a series of misadventures landed the band in London without ticket home. In desperation, Bob approached Chris Blackwell, head of Island Records, for a record deal. Blackwell advanced the band ₤4,000, put them in a state-of-the-art studio, and heavily promoted their completed album. Though Catch A Fire was a moderate commercial success, tracks like “Stir It Up” and “Kinky Reggae” – with their Jamaican roots, militant politics, and guitar rock patina – set Marley completely apart from the excesses of seventies rock.
Following Catch A Fire, Marley rose to international fame quickly. In December 1976, two nights before Bob was to give a free peace concert, a gunman attempted to assassinate him in his Kingston home. He escaped and hid. Despite the threat of death, Bob bravely played the concert, but left immediately afterwards for London.
Marley’s subsequent album, Exodus (1977) was an epochal musical exhortation of his religious convictions. The title track, especially, churns along like a locomotive of redemption.
Bob Marley died in 1981, aged thirty-six, at the height of his popularity. His untimely death may well vindicate the old adage, “Only the good die young.”
sensation [sɛnˋseʃən] n. 轰动的事件(或人物); 轰动,激动
misadventure [ˋmɪsədˋvɛntʃɚ] n.【文】不幸﹐灾难; 事故
desperation [͵dɛspəˋreʃən] n. 绝望
advance [ədˋvæns] v. 预付
moderate [ˋmɑdərɪt] adj. (变化)不大的,有限的
patina [ˋpætɪnə] n.(人因长年经历而形成的)神态
excess [ˈɛkˌsɛs] n. 过分的行为
assassinate [əˋsæsɪn͵et] v. 暗杀,对……行刺
Exodus [ˋɛksədəs] n.(E-)(《圣经•旧约》中的)《出埃及记》
epochal [ˋɛpək!] adj. 划时代的;有重大意义的
exhortation [͵ɛgzɔrˋteʃən] n. 规劝;告诫
conviction [kənˋvɪkʃən] n. 确信,信念
churn [tʃɝn] v. 剧烈搅动;翻腾
locomotive [͵lokəˋmotɪv] n. 火车头
redemption [rɪˋdɛmpʃən] n.【宗】赎罪,救赎
untimely [ʌnˋtaɪmlɪ] adj. 过早的;不适时的
vindicate [ˋvɪndə͵ket] v.【文】证明……正确;证实
adage [ˋædɪdʒ] n. 谚语;格言;古语;箴言
Sentence of the Day
Bob Marley was the sine qua non of reggae music.
sine qua non【拉】必要的条件;必不可少的事物
Peter greets his roommate Bunny, who’s dancing to reggae music: 彼得向室友斑妮打招呼,而她正配合着雷鬼乐在跳舞:
P: Yeh mom, dis rockas!
B: I just can’t get enough of that Bob since I came back from Thailand.
P: Yeah, Bob Marley is virtually the soundtrack to beach culture worldwide. Odd that people love his music so much and know so little about his religious beliefs.
B: Rastafarianism, right? I know he refused conventional treatment for the cancer that killed him, but I’m not sure why.
P: Well, the Rasta religion grew out of the biblical teachings of the preacher Marcus Garvey in the 1930s. Although it’s mostly a Jamaican religion, there are followers around the world.
B: Most Rastas lead a very strict lifestyle, right?
P: Exactly. That’s why Bob Marley decided on a controversial, natural treatment of his cancer.
B: Those values have sure inspired some amazing, uplifting music, though. Did you know Marley and The Wailers were invited to perform at the independence ceremony when Rhodesia became Zimbabwe in 980?
P: Sure, he even wrote a song for it. The United Nations was so impressed with his message of peace, especially for the Third World, that it awarded him the Medal of Peace in seventy-eight.
B: More like a prophet than a pop star!
P: But he was all musical genius.
-by Iain Ferguson
greet [grit] v. 迎接,招呼
soundtrack [ˋsaʊnd͵træk] n. 电影配乐;原声音乐;音带
conventional [kənˋvɛnʃən!] adj. 按惯例的; 因袭的; 传统的
grow out of 产生于
preacher [ˋpritʃɚ] n. 传教士,牧师
lead [lid] v. 过(活);使过(某种生活)
controversial [͵kɑntrəˋvɝʃəl] adj. 有争议的
uplifting [ʌpˋlɪftɪŋ] adj. 令人振奋的;使人开心的
Zimbabwe [zɪmˋbɑbwe] n. 津巴布韦(南非洲的一共和国)
Third World 第三世界(泛指全球未开发或开发中国家;另一说指与共党集团及非共集团皆不结盟之亚非国家,1967年以后流行之政治术语)
prophet [ˋprɑfɪt] n.【宗】先知,传达神旨的人
Sentence of the Day
Rastafarians seek the promised land.
promised land【宗】《圣经》中上帝许给以色列人的肥沃土地, 迦南; 期望中的乐土或安乐境界
Music: Judge Not by Bob Marley & The Wailers
Music: Stir It Up by Bob Marley & The Wailers
Music: Kinky Reggae by Bob Marley & The Wailers
Music: Exodus by Bob Marley & The Wailers