Bagels: Still Making the Rounds 小小贝果:连战皆捷
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年5月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:491
Sweet, salty, rich or light – no matter the taste, there’s a bagel to match it. Once relegated to the breakfast table, bagels are now served at any time of the day and in more flavors than you can shake a stick at.
In its basic form, a bagel consists of flour, water, salt and yeast. It’s twisted into a donut shape, and is the only bread product that is boiled in water before it’s baked. This creates its characteristic hard, glazed crust and chewy interior.
The origin of the bagel is something of a mystery, but it probably dates back to 1683. According to legend, a Jewish baker in Vienna, Austria wanted to thank the king of Poland for protecting its countrymen from Turkish invaders. He baked him a special hard roll shapes as a stirrup (“bugel” in German) in celebration of the king’s favorite pastime.
Two centuries later, courtesy of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, bagels hit American shores. There, the art of making bagels became a closely guarded secret as the Bagel bakers’ Union only admitted sons of its members as apprentices. However, as the bagel’s popularity grew, the secret diminished. Today, bagels can be found anywhere, from supermarkets to coffee shops around the world.
make the rounds 串门拜访;四处走动 to be passed from person to person
relegate [ˋrɛlə͵get] v.【正式】将…置于次要地位; 贬低
more than one can shake a stick at 数量多到数不清的 a large quantity, more than one can count
twist [twɪst] v. 捻,搓;捻成,搓成
glazed [glezd] adj. 光滑的,像玻璃的
stirrup [ˋstɝəp] n. 马镫
pastime [ˋpæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣;娱乐
courtesy [ˋkɝtəsɪ] of (用来表示感谢)承蒙…的好意,蒙…提供
apprentice [əˋprɛntɪs] n. 学徒,徒弟
diminish [dəˋmɪnɪʃ] v. 减少,减小
Sentence of the Day
They're the greatest thing since sliced bread.
the greatest thing since sliced bread if someone or something is described as the best thing since sliced bread, people think they are extremely good, often better than they really are
Carla’s boyfriend, Eric, is raiding her kitchen in search of a meal: 卡拉的男友艾力克在她厨房里搜括,想找顿饭吃:
E: Bagels! But I’m ravenous! I’m not a baby whining for a teething ring! Don’t you have something less mundane?
C: Bagels are far from ordinary! Once, people even used to sing songs about them!
E: A bagel kicking up a song and dance – now I’ve heard everything!
C: It’s true. People in Russia thought they brought good luck and possessed magical powers.
E: Don’t you think that’s a bit over the top?
C: I don’t know, but I do know what to put on top of a bagel to make it a tantalizing treat.
E: I doubt that! A bagel will always be just a hard piece of bread!
C: When we’re finished preparing these strawberries and cream bagels you’re going to eat humble pie! Help me mix a quarter cup of mashed strawberries with half a cup of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of sugar.
E: OK. Let me guess, we now spread this on the four toasted bagel halves and top them with the sliced strawberries.
C: That’s right! Wow, they look good enough to frame! But the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so taste one.
E: That’s unreal! I had no idea bagels could taste so heavenly.
-by Wade Barnett
raid [red] v. 【幽默】〔因饥饿而〕扫荡(食物橱/冰箱)
ravenous [ˋrævɪnəs] adj. 饿极了的,狼吞虎咽的
whine [hwaɪn] v. 哀诉;嘀咕着说
teething ring(婴儿长牙时咬的)橡皮环;塑料环
mundane [ˋmʌnden] adj.【正式】世俗的; 尘世间的﹐人世间的
kick up 激起 to stir up
song and dance【口】(常和make连用)小题大作, 大肆宣传 typical answer, old routine, cliché
over the top 【主英】【口】过火; 过头 excessively expressive or dramatic
tantalizing [ˋtænt!͵aɪzɪŋ] adj. 逗人的;惹弄人的;撩人的
eat humble pie 赔罪; 赔礼; 道歉 to act very humble when one is shown to be wrong
mashed [mæʃt] adj. 磨碎的
cottage cheese 农家干酪〔一种白色软干酪﹐用酸奶制成〕
frame [frem] v. 给……装框子
the proof of the pudding is in the eating 【谚】布丁好不好, 吃了才知道(评价人或事物只能凭实际体验不能凭表象或理论) the only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for
unreal [ʌnˋril] adj. 不真实的﹐ 虚幻的
heavenly [ˋhɛvənlɪ] adj. 【口】极好的,美好的
Sentence of the Day
They broke bread.
break bread 进餐