Sticky Fingers: Toffee, A Delightfully British Sweet 英国的传承甜食:奶油太妃糖
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年7月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:457
In the U.K. toffee takes pride of place as the most fondly received of treats from grandmother’s kitchen. Toffee’s mouthwatering richness somehow symbolizes that golden era of the past when much of the world lay under the benevolent flutter of the Union Jack.
The modern art of toffee making has its origins in Halifax, a small town in northern England. There, in 1890, John Mackintosh revolutionized the candy world with a unique new recipe. He understood the huge potential of combining the soft chewiness of American caramels with the brittleness of traditional British toffee. Mackintosh’s huge success confirmed that he had successfully married the stately traditions of England with the New World flair of the States.
Desire for British toffee shows no sign of lessening, and it is still being made today by descendants of the original “toffee kings,” using recipes that have changed little over more than a century. One venerable toffee family, makers of Walker’s Nonsuch, produces enough toffee yearly to stretch from Land’s End to John o’Groats.
人们对英国太妃糖的需求显然是有增无减,时至今日,以前「太妃糖大王」的后人仍然继续生产制作太妃糖,所用的配方经过一世纪之后,也仍然无甚大变化。有一相当令人敬重的太妃糖家庭,生产「瓦克浓舒Walker’s Nonsuch」品牌的商家,他们每年生产的太妃糖多到足够连接起英伦岛的最南端和最北端【注】。
That’s not to say that toffee makers are stuck in the past. Modern times have brought with them an astonishing variety of toffee flavors ensuring that a sweet tooth can always be satisfied.
delightfully [dɪˋlaɪtfəlɪ] adv. 令人高兴地;讨人喜欢地
toffee [ˋtɔfɪ] n. 乳脂糖,太妃糖
pride of place 最重要的位置
fondly [ˋfɑndlɪ] adv. 深情地;温柔地
received [rɪˋsivd] adj.【正式】被普遍接受的; 公认的
treat [trit] n. 请客; 款待
richness [ˋrɪtʃnɪs] n.(味道等的)浓厚
benevolent [bəˋnɛvələnt] adj. 亲切的,善意的
flutter [ˋflʌtɚ] n.(旗帜等)飘动,飘扬
Union Jack 联合王国国旗(英国国旗)
revolutionize [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵aɪz] v. 彻底改革
recipe [ˋrɛsəpɪ] n.(糕饼等的)制作法
chewiness 耐嚼性
caramel [ˋkærəm!] n.〔含有焦糖的〕糖果
brittleness [ˋbrɪt!nɪs] n. 脆性
stately [ˋstetlɪ] adj. 庄重的;高贵的
flair [flɛr] n. 才华; 资质; 创意
lessen [ˋlɛsn] v. 变小,变少
venerable [ˋvɛnərəb!] adj.【正式或幽默】〔由于年龄﹑经验〕令人尊敬的
stretch [strɛtʃ] v. 延伸
Land’s End [英国] 兰兹角
John o’Groats [英国] 约翰奥格罗茨
sweet tooth 嗜食甜品者 someone with a liking for sweet foods
Sentence of the Day
John Mackintotosh enjoyed the sweet smell of success.
Kitty, an American, and Albert, her British husband, are making toffee for the country fair: 美国籍的凯蒂和她英国籍的先生艾伯特,正在为乡村农产品展售会的场合制做太妃糖:
A: It’s jolly British of us to be making a batch of toffee for the weekend.
K: Actually, we might be using the modern recipe for toffee, but it was made in a very primitive form as far back as 4,000 years ago across Asia and the Middle East.
A: Well, Mrs. Trivia, did you know toffee is famed for its aphrodisiac qualities? It’s right up there with oysters, apparently.
K: Concentrate on what you’re doing, smarty-pants! Pass me 1,400 grams of butter and, let me see … 1,400 grams of sugar too.
A: I’m one step ahead, Kitty. I’ve already melted the butter. Now, I just stir in the sugar until it turns a light brown, right?
K: That’s right. Then pour the mix carefully into this buttered tray.
A: What about these hazelnuts?
K: Wait until you’ve put the mixture in the tray.
A: Maybe next time we could add Brazil nuts. They’re good for the complexion and for curing baldness.
K: Ha! You are a little thin on top. So if our toffee doesn’t work out, I’m sure we could stick your toupee in place with this gooey mixture!
【注】:trivia 这个字是机智问答的意思,在会话中艾伯特调侃凯蒂,说她像个机智问答冠军。
-by Nick Wheeler
jolly [ˋdʒɑlɪ] adv.【英】【口】非常,很
batch [bætʃ] n. 一批生产量[(+of)]
primitive [ˋprɪmətɪv] adj. 早期的; 原始的
famed [femd] adj. 有名的;著名的[(+for)]
aphrodisiac [͵æfrəˋdɪzɪ͵æk] n. 催情剂﹐春药
right up there 不亚于;并驾齐驱
oyster [ˋɔɪstɚ] n. 牡蛎;蚝
smarty-pants [ˋsmɑrtɪ͵pænts] n. 自以为是的家伙 a smart aleck
tray [tre] n. 盘子,托盘
hazelnut [ˋhez!͵nʌt] n. 榛子﹐榛实
complexion [kəmˋplɛkʃən] n. 面色,肤色;气色
baldness [ˋbɔldnɪs] n. 秃;秃头
toupee [tuˋpe] n.(男士的)假发
gooey [ˋguɪ] adj. 黏﹑松软而甜的
Sentence of the Day
Toffee reminds us that the sun once never set on the British Empire.
set [sɛt] v.(日,月等)落