The Double-Edged Sword of Antibiotics 使用抗生素,当心双面刃
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年12月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:378
In 1946, just a year after winning the Nobel Prize for discovering penicillin, Sir Alexander Fleming noted the Achilles’ heel of antibiotics: “the production of resistant strains of bacteria.” Indeed, the greatest medicine in history has gradually become less effective. The incredibly rapid reproduction of bacteria combined with their ability to impart acquired resistance to other bacteria by transferring genetic material have led to today’s ‘superbugs’ : bacteria that are refractory to all conventional antimicrobial treatment.
Several factors, such as overuse of antibiotics in hospitals, and, possibly, widespread use of antibiotics in livestock farming, have hastened the development of antibiotic resistance. Currently in the U.S., 90,000 people die each year from bacterial infections acquired in hospitals, and 70 percent of these bacteria are resistant to at least one antibiotic drug.
A new generation of drugs, called ‘Ramp’ antimicrobials, is under development to treat resistant strains of bacteria. By emulating the body’s own defense mechanisms, Ramp drugs are much more effective than current antibiotics, and some researchers believe this will make it less likely for microbes to develop resistance to Ramp drugs.
Other researchers disagree: should Ramp-resistant bacteria arise, our natural bacterial defenses would be seriously compromised. If this occurred, even simple scratches would take far, far, longer to heal.
Sir [sɝ] n.(大写)爵士
Achilles’ heel 致命弱点, (尤指某人个性中可导致一败涂地的)缺陷
strain [stren] n.(动植物的)种,品种
impart [ɪmˋpɑrt] v. 分给;给予;传授[(+to)]
superbug [ˋsupɚbʌg] n.【口】(用常规方法难以消除的)超级病菌
refractory [rɪˋfræk͵torɪ] adj. 有抵抗力的
conventional [kənˋvɛnʃən!] adj. 按惯例的; 因袭的; 传统的
antimicrobial [ˌæntɪmaɪ'krobɪəl] adj. 抗菌的; n. 抗菌剂,杀菌剂
livestock [ˋlaɪv͵stɑk] n.(总称)家畜
hasten [ˋhesn] v. 催促;加速
emulate [ˋɛmjə͵let] v. 效仿﹐模仿
arise [əˋraɪz] v. 产生,出现,形成
compromise [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] v. 连累,危及
scratch [skrætʃ] n. 抓痕;擦伤
Sentence of the Day
There can be too much of a good thing.
too much of a good thing 好事过头反成坏事;好事过头
Sarah is having brunch with her friend Howard at a juice bar: 莎拉和好朋友霍华在一处鲜果吧用早午餐:
S: That cough sounds nasty.
H: (coughs) Yeah. Y’know, a friend suggested I take antibiotics, but almost all upper respiratory infections like this are viral, so antibiotics would be silly.
S: They sure would. Unnecessary use of antibiotics and people not completely finishing a course have contributed significantly to the problem of superbugs.
H: Right. Not finishing a course of antibiotics allows any surviving bacteria the chance to build up resistance to that drug. You wonder what on earth people used to do to fight bacteria.
S: Mostly, they used natural herbs. Like during the Black Plague, doctors used medicinal plants such as thyme and lavender to ward off infection.
H: But lots of people still died. Even if those herbs work, obviously they’re not as powerful as modern medicine. So why bother?
S: Well, for one thing, research suggests the antibacterial oils in those herbs don’t promote bacterial resistance.
H: OK, but under American law, herbal products can’t claim to cure anything, only promote a general effect.
S: Nevertheless, the more we can battle bacteria without antibiotics, the more effective antibiotics will remain when they’re really needed.
H: You’re right there. Then maybe what I need now is an OJ with echinacea.
【注】:口语中OJ是柳澄汁orange juice的缩写。
-by Iain Ferguson
nasty [ˋnæstɪ] adj. 严重的
respiratory [rɪˋspaɪrə͵torɪ] adj. 呼吸的
viral [ˋvaɪrəl] adj. 病毒(性)的﹐病毒引起的
contribute to 对某事起促成作用
plague [pleg] n. 瘟疫
medicinal [məˋdɪsn!] adj. 药的;药用的;有药效的
thyme [taɪm] n.【植】麝香草属植物;百里香
lavender [ˋlævəndɚ] n.【植】熏衣草
ward off 避开; 挡住; 防止 to try to keep away someone or something that would hurt you
bother [ˋbɑðɚ] v. 麻烦,费心
claim [klem] v. 自称,声称;主张[Y][+to-v][+(that)]
echinacea [ˌekɪ'neɪsiə] n. 紫锥花;紫锥菊;紫雏菊
Sentence of the Day
They may help when you're feeling green around the gills.
green around the gills 欲吐的样子
gill [gɪl] n.(鱼)鳃