Praxis Against Evil 核武戒防──美国港口严密把关
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年6月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:406
With his post-September 11 declaration that the acquisition of nuclear weapons is a “religious duty,” Osama bin Ladin delivered to the world the frightening specter of a nuclear attack by terrorists. Thankfully, due largely to increased international cooperation and monitoring, the chances of al-Qaeda buying, stealing or making a nuclear bomb are currently not great; however, the consequences of a nuclear detonation in a U.S. city surely would be.
Over 15,000 cargo containers enter U.S. ports every day, making the seas the most likely avenue by which a nuclear device could be smuggled into the country. A Hiroshima-sized bomb detonated in a port would level building up to three kilometers away, start fires (especially in a port that handles petroleum and chemicals), spread fallout over many square kilometers, and slow international commerce to a crawl. Most of all, it would probably kill thousands of innocent people.
Given their loathing of the United States and thirst for mass carnage, al-Qaeda’s leaders must surely perceive a nuclear attack on America as highly desirable. Assorted contraband is smuggled into America with seemingly unstoppable regularity. So if terrorists do manage to lay their hands on a bomb, what’s to stop them from getting it into American port?
praxis [ˋpræksɪs] n. 习惯作法;惯例
acquisition [͵ækwəˋzɪʃən] n. 获得,取得
specter [ˋspɛktɚ] n. 恐怖的根源; 恐怖之物
detonation [͵dɛtəˋneʃən] n. 爆炸; 引爆
avenue [ˋævə͵nju] n. 途径,方法[(+to)]
smuggle [ˋsmʌg!] v. 走私,非法私运
fallout [ˋfɔl͵aʊt] n. 辐射性落尘,原子尘
crawl [krɔl] n. 缓慢移动﹐ 徐行
loathing [ˋloðɪŋ] n. 嫌恶;强烈的反感
carnage [ˋkɑrnɪdʒ] n.〔尤指战争中的〕大屠杀﹐ 残杀
perceive [pɚˋsiv] v.〔以某种方式〕理解﹐ 领悟
assorted [əˋsɔrtɪd] adj. 各色具备的,什锦的;各种各样(混在一起)的
contraband [ˋkɑntrə͵bænd] n.(总称)走私货;违禁品
regularity [͵rɛgjəˋlærətɪ] n. 正规;经常,定期
lay hands on 抓住, 找到, 捕获 find, obtain
Sentence of the Day
The news came as a bombshell.
bombshell [ˋbɑm͵ʃɛl] n. 令人震惊的消息; 突发意外事件
Radiation detection equipment is deployed at American ports, but it is not sensitive to lead-shielded radioactive material. In any event, it would be too late to do much about a nuclear bomb should it reach the shores of the U.S. Thus, America’s preventative efforts are being directed toward the source of cargo, namely, foreign ports.
As of recently, all shipping companies carrying cargo to the United States must furnish U.S. Customs with a goods manifest for every container on their ships. Aided by intelligence from the CIA and ultra-secret National Security Agency, customs officials grade each container from zero (no risk) to 300 (highest risk). Containers with a score above 190 are inspected by local officials. In countries that handle a high volume of U.S.-bound cargo, such as Canada and the Netherlands, U.S. inspectors are on hand to oversee matters. But much of the system’s efficacy rests on the wariness of foreign officials, not all of whom can be considered above corruption.
U.S. Customs officials acknowledge that no system is foolproof, and that most successful preventative measures involve an ounce of luck. Fortunately, the primary impediment to nuclear terrorism continues to be the great difficulty of acquiring the weapon itself.
-by Hank Blisters
deploy [dɪˋplɔɪ] v. 部署﹐调度〔尤指士兵﹑军事装备等〕
should [ʃʊd] v. aux. 助动词(表示语气较强的假设)万一
as of 截至
furnish [ˋfɝnɪʃ] v. 供应;提供[(+with/to)]
customs [ˋkʌstəmz] n.(常大写)海关
manifest [ˋmænə͵fɛst] n.【海】船货清单
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] n. 情报;情报工作
on hand 在场; 在近处 present; available
efficacy [ˋɛfəkəsɪ] n.【正式】有效性; 功效
wariness [ˋwɛrənɪs] n. 谨慎;小心翼翼
above [əˋbʌv] prep. 不屑于;不致于
foolproof [ˋful͵pruf] n.〔方法﹑计划﹑系统等〕肯定成功的﹐ 万无一失的
ounce [aʊns] n.(常用于否定句)一点点,少量[S][(+of)]
impediment [ɪmˋpɛdəmənt] n. 妨碍,阻碍;障碍物
Sentence of the Day
They are on the watch.
on the watch 守着, 提防着