KIM JONG-IL and His Cult of Personality 金正日与其个人崇拜
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年6月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:477
Diplomats and dissidents describe North Korean leader Kim Jong-il as a paranoid, vain, and extravagant playboy. A Russian emissary reported that Kim had live lobsters air-lifted daily to the train on which Kim and his entourage traveled across Russia; champagne and beautiful young women abounded onboard. It is rumored that Kim Jong-il has young women like these kidnapped from Japan to accompany him in his luxurious villa spread across famine-stricken North Korea.
Conversely, after her visit, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright commented that Kim was well-informed and not delusional. Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung described Kim as a “man of insight.” With mixed information about Kim Jong-il that extends even to the time and place of his birth, the question is how this jumpsuit-clad and perm-sporting man, standing 159cm, maintains his power.
Juche, meaning “self-reliance,” is the official ideology of North Korea. Promulgated by Kim’s father Kim Il-sung after the Korea War, Juche’s isolationist foundation dovetails nicely with a vast personality cult that conflates state and leader. With framed pictures “Dear Leader” can simultaneously be everywhere and nowhere, leaving everyone to speculate on his true nature: manipulative genius or delusional tyrant?
diplomat [ˋdɪpləmæt] n. 外交官
dissident [ˋdɪsədənt] n. 持不同政见者
paranoid [ˋpærənɔɪd] n. 偏执狂患者; adj. 多疑的 ﹐疑神疑鬼的
vain [ven] adj. 爱虚荣的,自负的,炫耀的
extravagant [ɪkˋstrævəgənt] adj. 奢侈的;浪费的
emissary [ˋɛmɪ͵sɛrɪ] n. 特使;密使
air-lifted 空运的
entourage [͵ɑntuˋrɑʒ] n. 随行人员;随员
villa [ˋvɪlə] n. 别墅
famine [ˋfæmɪn] n. 饥荒
conversely [kənˋvɝslɪ] adv. 相反地
well-informed [ˋwɛl ɪnˋfɔrmd] adj. 见多识广的
delusional [dɪˋluʒənəl] adj. 妄想的
jumpsuit [ˋdʒʌmp͵sjut] n. 跳伞装
clad [klæd] adj. 穿……衣服的
perm [pɝm] n. 烫发
promulgate [ˈprɑməlget] v. 传播〔思想﹑信仰〕; 散布
isolationist [͵aɪslˋeʃənɪst] adj. 孤立主义的
dovetail [ˋdʌv͵tel] v. 吻合; 使〔两个计划﹑观点等〕吻合
personality cult 个人崇拜
conflate [kənˋflet] v.【正式】合并﹐混合
simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ] adv. 同时地
speculate [ˋspɛkjə͵let] v. 猜测﹐推测
manipulative [məˋnɪpjə͵letɪv] adj. 善于控制[欺骗]他人的
Sentence of the Day
Kim Jong-il spends most of his time out of the public eye.
Larry and Beth are software engineers who have just left a company strategy meeting: 赖利和柏丝是软件工程师,两人刚开完公司的策略会议:
B: I think the North Korea investment plan is really solid.
L: Solid? You mean like the base of the Juche Tower in Pyongyang? Come on, any guy who would build a monument to himself like that is a power hungry nut. I say avoid Kim Jong-il and his market.
B: But Kim is committed to software development. He loves technology. Regardless of his politics, our company needs to strike while the iron is hot.
L: I disagree. How can you be so sure about your Kim facts? It’s all propaganda, like the alleged double rainbow that appeared when he was born on Mt. Paektu in 1942. Or was that actuallySiberia in 1941?
B: There’s no proof Kim is delusional. Someone who has penned six operas probably has a sound brain.
L: But not a man who blew up a Korean Airlines Jet in 1986.
B: That’s alleged.
L: The bottom line is: whatever the CEO says, we do.
B: Not again, Larry! Our CEO is not like Kim Jong-il!
L: Why not? With policy emanating from the top, this company relies on unquestioned loyalty.
B: Our company is hardly a Stalinist rogue state.
L: Then I guess it’s back to work.
-by David S. Klein
solid [ˋsɑlɪd] adj.(公司,事业等)牢靠的
Pyongyang [ˋpjʌŋˋjɑŋ] n. 平壤(北韩之首都)
propaganda [prɑpəˋgændə] n. 宣传,宣传活动(或计划,方法)
alleged [əˋlɛdʒd] adj. 声称的,被说成的
Siberia [saɪˋbɪrɪə] n. 西伯利亚
pen [pɛn] v. 写;写作
blow up 爆炸, 炸毁
bottom line 基本意思(或情况)
emanate [ˋɛmə͵net] v. 来自(于); (从…)散发出
unquestioned [ʌnˋkwɛstʃənd] adj. 毫无疑问的
Stalinist [ˋstɑlɪnɪst] adj. 斯大林的;斯大林主义的
rogue [rog] n. 恶棍,流氓
Sentence of the Day
Many believe Kim Jong-li is mad as a hatter.
as mad as a hatter: 【口】像三月里(交尾期)野兔般疯狂 crazily eccentric; completely mad