Tzu Chi: A Bridge of Compassion 慈济搭起爱的桥梁
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年7月25日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:440
Although Taiwan is a small island, an unassuming Buddhist nun named Cheng Yen has been busy constructing a bridge of compassion stretching from Taiwan to the rest of the world. This bridge is the Tzu Chi foundation, and its mission is to shelter all suffering beings under the sky with a network of love.
Founded in Hualien by Master Cheng Yen in 1966, the Tzu Chi Foundation promotes universal compassion by soothing pain and suffering. Key to Tzu Chi’s mission is the notion that force is not the solution to suffering on our Earth. To maintain the purity of its mission, the Tzu Chi foundation is funded only through public donations and volunteers carry out over ninety percent of its work. The Tzu Chi Foundation concentrates on four missions; charity, medicine, education, and culture.
Since 1991’s typhoon disaster in Bangladesh, Tzu Chi has extended its compassionate efforts to international relief work. People in over forty countries across five continents have benefited from its help. Transcending political and ethnic boundaries, Master Cheng Yen and the volunteers of Tzu Chi are living testaments to the Great Vow Bodhisattva: “Attain Nirvana only after all living beings have been enlightened and saved from the misery of the world.”
unassuming [͵ʌnəˋsjumɪŋ] adj. 谦虚的;不出风头的;不装腔作势的;保守的
compassion [kəmˋpæʃən] n. 怜悯;同情
suffering [ˋsʌfərɪŋ] adj. 受苦的,受难的; n.〔肉体或精神上的〕痛苦﹐困难(的经历)
charity [ˋtʃærətɪ] n. 慈善事业; 施舍
Bangladesh [ˋbæŋglə͵deʃ] n. 孟加拉国共和国
compassionate [kəmˋpæʃənet] adj. 有同情心的;怜悯的;慈悲的
transcend [trænˋsɛnd] v. 超越
testament [ˋtɛstəmənt] n. 证明,证据
vow [vaʊ] n. 誓,誓言,誓约
Bodhisattva [͵bodɪˋsʌtvə] n.(佛教用语)菩萨
nirvana [nɪrˋvænə] n.(亦作N-)(佛教)涅盘;解脱;极乐世界
enlighten [ɪnˋlaɪtn] v.【正式】指导﹐教导; 启迪
Sentence of the Day
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Two classmates, Neil and Carrina, meet after a holiday break: 假日后,两位同班同学尼尔和卡琳娜碰面了:
N: How was your trip to Hualien?
C: Great. The mountains around Hualien are beautiful, but my visit to Tzu Chi Foundation was even more inspiring!
N: How so? What did you learn about the organization?
C: First of all, the Tzu Chi Foundation isn’t one of those religious organizations that hides its head in the sand when it comes to face the problems of the world.
N: Well, helping all beings that suffer is a central Buddhist goal. I suppose they take that goal seriously.
C: Very! In January, they finished an eleven-day relief trip to Afghanistan.
N: What was involved in their relief effort?
C: The foundation prioritized areas not receiving aid from the World Food Program. They distributed food, cooking oil, medical supplies, and, most importantly, blankets to protect refugees from the freezing Afghan winter.
N: It seems ironic for a Buddhist foundation to go to Afghanistan. After all, didn’t the Taliban regime destroy those monumental fifth century Buddhist statues several years ago?
C: Yes, but for Tzu Chi, anyone suffering is worthy of compassion.
N: They’re certainly exemplars of their own values, but it sounds like they’re involving themselves in dangerous situations.
C: Right you are. Next, they’re organizing a relief mission to Iraq!
-by Michael Loncar
inspiring [ɪnˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 鼓舞人心的; 启发灵感的
hide one’s head in the sand (把头扎进沙堆的)驼鸟政策,回避现实 to refuse to think about an unpleasant situation
when it comes to 谈到...时
relief [rɪˋlif] n. 帮助;援助
prioritize [praɪˋɔrə͵taɪz] v. 按优先级处理
refugee [͵rɛfjʊˋdʒi] n. 难民;流亡者
regime [rɪˋʒim] n. 政体;政权
monumental [͵mɑnjəˋmɛnt!] adj. 巨大的;重要的;留存于历史上的;不朽的
exemplar [ɪgˋzɛmplɚ] n.【正式】模范; 典型
Sentence of the Day
They offer a helping hand.
helping hand 帮助, 援助, 援手