Strange Animal Senses 奇妙的动物直觉
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年10月23日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年11月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:298
We constantly use our five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. We rely on them for almost everything. They keep us safe by warning us of potential danger and enable us to learn about our environment. Other animals have senses that are much more powerful than our own, and some even have senses that we do not have.
Bats and dolphins look very different, yet they both use “echolocation” to navigate. They give off high-pitched sounds which echo off of objects around them. Special ear and brain adaptations allow them to identify the size and shape of objects based on the echoes. Bats, for example, have enlarged ear flaps that gather and direct sound towards thin, supersensitive eardrums.
When a butterfly lands on something, it is doing more than just taking a rest. Butterflies have taste receptors in their feet, so it is also finding out what its perch tastes like. Also, when they are flying, butterflies can feel changes in air pressure. This is done through special hairs on their wings.
Homing pigeons are birds that never have to worry about getting lost. They have been selectively bred to be able to find their way home over great distances. Flights of nearly 1,700 miles have been recorded in pigeon racing. Homing pigeons navigate by using the Earth’s magnetic field. Once they get closer to home, they are guided by natural landmarks, much like we are.
potential [pəˋtɛnʃəl] adj. 潜在的
adaptation [͵ædæpˋteʃən] n. 适应作用
perch [pɝtʃ] n. 栖息处
selectively [səˋlɛktɪvlɪ] adv. 有选择地
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constantly [ˋkɑnstəntlɪ] adv. 不断地;时常地
rely [rɪˋlaɪ] on 依靠, 信赖
echolocation [͵ɛkoloˋkeʃən] n.【物】回波定位(法)
navigate [ˋnævə͵get] v. 航行; 导航
give off 发出〔气味﹑光﹑热﹑声音等〕to send forth; emit
high-pitched [ˋhaɪˋpɪtʃt] adj. 声调高的;尖声的
identify [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] v. 识别;鉴定
flap [flæp] n. 垂下物
homing pigeon [ˋpɪdʒɪn] n. 信鸽
landmark [ˋlænd͵mɑrk] n. 地标,陆标
Dogs can be very helpful in many ways, and one of their greatest contributions is helping with police work. This is because their olfactory membrane, responsible for their sense of smell, has an area of about 150 square centimeters. Human beings, by comparison, have only about four square centimeters. The canine sense of smell is so acute that dogs are used to sniff out bombs, drugs, and even to assist in search and rescue missions after a disaster.
One of the oddest animals on earth is the platypus. It uses electric sensors in its bill to help locate its prey. The sensors can detect the tiny electrical currents that come from the muscles of its prey. It also has receptors in its bill that can both detect temperature and feel objects.
If you thought snakes taste the world with their forked tongues, think again. Actually, their tongues cannot taste anything. Snakes have special pits on the roofs of their mouths called “Jacobson’s organs,” which are used for tasting and smelling. All the tongue does is carry tastes and smells into the mouth!
假如你认为蛇的味觉来自牠分岔的舌头,那可就错了。事实上,蛇类的舌头根本无法分辨味道。蛇的上颚有两个被称为「贾克布森氏器官」(译注:以丹麦解剖学家Ludwig L. Jacobson为命名)的特殊小凹穴负责味觉及嗅觉,而舌头的作用只是将气味送入口中!
These fascinating animal senses are necessary for their survival. So next time you see an animal, remember that they might be seeing, hearing or even tasting you!
−by Joseph Schier
sniff [snɪf] v. 嗅,闻
prey [pre] n. 被捕食的动物
fascinating [ˋfæsn͵etɪŋ] adj. 迷人的
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contribution [͵kɑntrəˋbjuʃən] n. 贡献
olfactory [ɔlˋfæktərɪ] adj. 嗅觉的
be responsible for 负责
by comparison [kəmˋpærəsn] 相比之下
canine [ˋkenaɪn] adj. 犬的,狗的
acute [əˋkjut] adj. 尖锐的;敏锐的
assist [əˋsɪst] v. 帮助,协助[(+with/in)]
platypus [ˋplætəpəs] n. 鸭嘴兽
electric [ɪˋlɛktrɪk] adj. 电的
sensor [ˋsɛnsɚ] n. 传感器
bill [bɪl] n. 鸟嘴,喙
forked [fɔrkt] adj. 分岔的
pit [pɪt] n. 坑
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is true of both bats and dolphins?
A. The sounds they give off are very low-frequency.
B. They each have enlarged ear flaps.
C. They rely on echoes to know what is around them.
D. Their eardrums aren’t very sensitive.
2. How do homing pigeons find their way home?
A. By following the natural navigation system provided by the earth.
B. Through random breeding and long-distance racing.
C. By following other birds’ migrations and man-made landmarks.
D. Through their strong eyesight and sense of smell.
3. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of police dogs?
A. To locate bombs that may have been planted somewhere.
B. To alert police if someone is carrying drugs.
C. To find people who may have been lost as the result of a disaster.
D. To assist police officers in developing their strong sense of smell.
4. What can be inferred from the article?
A. Because of their superior senses, animals will one day dominate humans.
B. Animals’ strange senses allow them to do things that humans cannot.
C. Because they have better senses, animals are a threat to man.
D. Due to evolution, animals are becoming increasingly intelligent.
1. ( C ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |