Is Trade for You? 你适合贸易这行业吗?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:505
Imagine you’re shopping in New Delhi, India. You discover some statues that sell for big money in upscale Taipei boutique, and the solicitous Delhi merchant offers you wholesale prices. Should you jump at this opportunity, or is there more to consider when starting an import-export business?
The foremost consideration is: Do you have customers? Because the toughest part – selling – is done on home turf, many import-export tyros first try their hand at importing. However, importers must almost always buy in order to sell and pay before getting paid. The alternatives, starting as an export agent or broker, are safer and require less investment, but are, of course, less profitable. However, neither importing, nor exporting can be undertaken without a modicum of start-up funds.
In international trade, buyers will only pay if they receive exactly what was ordered. For example, if a buyer orders 100 units in 10 boxes, and is inadvertently sent 100 units in 20 boxes, such a technicality may delay payment. Orders must also pass through linguistic and cultural barriers, so importer-exporters with an understanding of foreign cultures and an eye for detail will fare better.
In this business, the more money, skills, and contacts you have, the greater your chance of success.
statue [ˋstætʃʊ] n. 雕像,塑像
upscale [ˋʌp͵skel] adj.【美】适合高消费阶层的﹐高档的
boutique [buˋtik] n. 出售流行服饰的小商店﹐精品店
solicitous [səˋlɪsɪtəs] adj. 热心的; 热切期望的
foremost [ˋfor͵most] adj. 最先的; 最重要的
home turf 本土市场
turf [tɝf] n.【美】【俚】地盘;势力范围
tyro [ˋtaɪro] n. 初学者;生手;新手
modicum [ˋmɑdɪkəm] n.【正式】〔尤指好的方面〕少量﹐一点点
start-up adj. 创办时的〔成本〕; 起始(阶段)的 n. 新运作的公司 a business or an undertaking that has recently begun operation
inadvertently [͵ɪnədˋvɝtntlɪ] adv. 不慎地; 非故意地
technicality [͵tɛknɪˋkælətɪ] n. 技术细节
linguistic [lɪŋˋgwɪstɪk] adj. 语言的; 语言学的
fare [fɛr] v. 进展
Sentence of the Day
You must ask yourself some serious questions before seeking your fortune in the import-export business.
Kim, manager of a small hotel, is discussing a business with her neighbor Steve: 金是一家小旅馆的经理,她和邻居史提夫正在讨论一个生意点子:
S: I hear you’re getting into the import-export business.
K: That’s right. I’ve found a manufacturer of straw matsin southern China. With some refinements, I think I can sell them to hotels and resorts as beach mats.
S: Sounds like a great idea. You’ve been in the hospitality industry for a long time, so you probably know exactly what your potential customers need.
K: Yes. I’ve also built an excellent network all around the world, so I know precisely who to call on.
S: Are you going to quit your job?
K: That’s what I’m not so sure about. Do you think I can do this part-time?
S: It’s not easy to make a quick buck in this business. Most firms lose money for at least a year. My advice is to have enough money to survive without income for up to two years.
K: Well, money is a major issue, which is why I’m hoping to find a partner. It’s hard for one person to possess all the assets and qualities to run a business.
S: So you need someone with money and trading experience. Like myself, perhaps?
K: Exactly. So … what do you say?
-by Howie Phung
get into 开始从事(某职业)
straw [strɔ] n. 稻草
refinement [rɪˋfaɪnmənt] n. 细微的改良; 修正; 改进
hospitality industry 酒店业;服务业; 餐旅服务业
hospitality [͵hɑspɪˋtælətɪ] n. 好客;殷勤招待
precisely [prɪˋsaɪslɪ] adv. 清晰地,明确地
call on 拜访 to order or request to undertake a particular activity
quit [kwɪt] v.【非正式﹐尤美】〔尤因烦恼或愉快而〕辞去〔工作〕
asset [ˋæsɛt] n. 资产﹐财产
Sentence of the Day
To make her business work, Kim will have to keep her nose to the grindstone.
keep one’s nose to the grindstone【口】使某人努力工作