Roadmap to Success: The Export Plan 成功之途:出口计划
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年10月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:478
Once a company makes the decision to export, the crucial next step is to create an export plan. Like a roadmap, an export plan tells you where your company is and where it’s going. A sound plan will include the company’s objectives, capacity, and constraints, as well as an action plan to steer the company in the right direction. Time and again, it has been shown that business with a plan experience greater success than those without one.
An export plan must be agreed upon by senior management and the staff ultimately responsible for carrying out the project. These key people must first assess the company’s capabilities and then come to a consensus on export objectives. Then they must determine which products are most suitable for international marketing and which countries have the greatest sales potential.
The export plan isn’t a static document. It may start off as a simple three-page paper, but as management acquires more experience, it can grow into a comprehensive, detailed document. It becomes a management tool with which actual results can be compared to objectives, thus allowing a business to adjust its strategies and motivate its personnel. With a solid plan, your company will be on its way to export success.
roadmap [ˋrod͵mæp] n. 路标
crucial [ˋkruʃəl] adj. 决定性的,重要的
constraint [kənˋstrent] n. 约束;限制
steer [stɪr] v. 指导;带领
time and again 反复地, 再三地, 屡次,一再
agree upon 对……取得一致意见
assess [əˋsɛs] v. 评价﹐评定
consensus [kənˋsɛnsəs] n. (意见等的)一致,合意
static [ˋstætɪk] adj. 静态的; 固定的
start off 开始; 出发
comprehensive [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsɪv] adj. 广泛的;无所不包的;综合的
motivate [ˋmotə͵vet] v. 激发﹐激励
on one’s way to 在去…的途中
Sentence of the Day
It will help the product sell like hotcakes.
sell like hotcakes 销售很快, 畅销
Steve and Kaye, an exporting consultant, are waiting for a table: 史提夫和身为出口顾问的凯正在等空位要用餐:
S: I’m putting the finishing touches on this export plan. Any morsels of wisdom?
K: Sure, it is my job. First, ask yourself, “Who will read this plan?”
S: Well, we’ve already used the plan’s benchmarks to motivate our exporting team. Now, I’m making some revisions in order to secure bank financing for the project.
K: You’ve done your homework. Many firms don’t allocate enough time and resources to thoroughly research their plan, or they haphazardly create theirs by modifying a sample plan.
S: I sure hope this plan is compelling. If we can’t secure this line of credit, all our efforts will be for naught.
K: The most important sections are the financial plan and the executive summary. The bank will be concerned that you have made realistic cash flow and operational cost assumptions and that you have a sound marketing strategy.
S: So, they’ll be scrutinizing our financial projections with a fine-toothed comb to assess our company’s risk and profit potential?
K: Precisely. However, for many readers, the executive summary is key: it comes first and it might be the only part they read.
S: I’m writing that section last so that I’ll have a clear overview of everything.
K: Speaking of sections – “non-smoking, please.”
-by Howie Phung
consultant [kənˋsʌltənt] n. 顾问
finishing touch 最后润笔 A small change or addition that serves to complete something.
morsel [ˋmɔrs!] n. 少量,一点点
benchmark [ˋbɛntʃ͵mɑrk] n. 基准; 规范
revision [rɪˋvɪʒən] n. 修订;校订;修正
secure [sɪˋkjʊr] v. 弄到,获得;替……弄到[(+for)]
allocate [ˋælə͵ket] v. 分派;分配
haphazardly [͵hæpˋhæzɚdlɪ] adv. 偶然地;随意地;杂乱地
modify [ˋmɑdə͵faɪ] v.【文】修饰; 更改,修改
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 令人信服的
line of credit 信用贷款之最高限额
for naught 徒然地
naught [nɔt] adj. 无价值的,无用的
concerned [kənˋsɝnd] adj. 关心的,感兴趣的
cash flow【会计】现金流转
assumption [əˋsʌmpʃən] n. 假定; 假设; 臆断
scrutinize [ˋskrutən͵aɪz] v. 详细检查;细看
with a fine-toothed comb 细心地, 彻底地(检查某事物)
fine-toothed [ˋfaɪn͵tuθt] adj. 梳子齿细密的
last [læst] adv. 最后地
Sentence of the Day
A good plan is worth its weight in gold.
worth its weight in gold 非常有用的; 无价的