Market Entry Strategy for Exporters 出口商如何切入国外市场
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年1月09日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:481
Successful exporters implement well thought out market entry strategies. There are three main alternatives: sell directly to end users, export indirectly through an intermediary in the foreign markets, or find domestic buyers who export to foreign markets. Given these options, the paramount consideration is the level of resources an exporter is willing to commit to exporting process.
Not surprisingly, direct selling yields the highest returns, and it allows the exporter to retain total control over brand image and price. However, the time and money needed to make inroad into a foreign market may be prohibitive. A more viable option is to sell indirectly through a foreign agent or distributor. A strong local partner can open many doors, especially where unfamiliar business practices and cultural differences are involved. For example, a domestic sales representative probably wouldn’t know that a Saudi businessman might wish to hold hands as a sign of confidence.
Companies that want to export their products without the risk and hassle of doing so personally may sell to domestic export trading companies (ETCs). ETCs make it their business to sell products overseas. This is the safest but least profitable.
As with most business ventures, the greater an exporter’s commitment, the greater the risk and profit potential.
implement [ˋɪmpləmənt] v. 履行;实施;执行
well-thought-out [ˋwɛl͵θɔtˋaʊt] adj. 缜密计划的; 精心设计的 resulting from careful thought
intermediary [͵ɪntɚˋmidɪ͵ɛrɪ] n. 调解人; 中间人
paramount [ˋpærə͵maʊnt] adj. 最重要的;主要的
inroad [ˋɪn͵rod] n.〔在力量﹑贸易﹑选票等方面〕进攻〔竞争者或敌方的领域〕﹐侵占
prohibitive [prəˋhɪbɪtɪv] adj.〔价格〕高得负担不起的﹐贵得使人望而却步的
hassle [ˋhæs!] n.【美】麻烦;困难;问题
commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺; 责任; 义务
Sentence of the Day
Exporting may involve a not inconsiderable investment of resources.
not inconsiderable【正式】相当大规模的; 相当重要的
Kay greets Steve after his return from a business trip to America: 史提夫去美国出差回来了,凯向史提夫打招呼:
K: Steve, welcome home! When did you get back?
S: I’ve literally just stepped off the plane. But I was so wired I thought I’d follow up on some of the potential distributors I met with.
K: Distributors? I thought we decided it was best to work with an agent on commission. That allows us to retain control over pricing and advertising.
S: True. But I found that, in the North American market, most imported household appliances are currently sold using established distribution firms. Besides, I don’t think we want the headache of worrying about after-sales service.
K: I see your point. We don’t really have the resources to deal with warrantees, buyer financing, and servicing. So then, how did you shortlist your candidates?
S: I mainly looked at their product mix and sales records. Ideally, we should work with a growing firm which represents product lines that are complementary to appliance.
K: You should also consider their customer profile, warehouse facilities, and territorial coverage. Why don’t we look over your notes right now?
S: Actually, you’d better give me a day, Kay. I think my jet lag is starting to kick in.
-by Howie Phung
wired [waɪrd] adj.【美﹐非正式】极其兴奋的; 极其紧张的
follow up 在...之后采取进一步行动 to increase the effectiveness or enhance the success of by further action
commission [kəˋmɪʃən] n. 佣金
warrantee [͵wɔrənˋti] n. 被保证人
shortlist [ˋʃɔrt͵lɪst] v. 把……列入供最后挑选用的候选人名单
complementary [͵kɑmpləˋmɛntərɪ] adj. 互补的,互配的
profile [ˋprofaɪl] n.【美】传略;概况
jet lag 时差(感);长途高速飞行后的生理节奏失调和疲乏烦躁感
kick in【非正式】开始产生效果 Informal to become operative or take effect
Sentence of the Day
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.