The Big Picture for Importers and Exporters: Globalization and Trade Agreements 进出口业者的大愿景:全球化与贸易协议
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年9月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:512
Importers and exporters work within a global movement towards free trade. This globalization movement seeks the multilateral elimination of trade barriers, thereby allowing commerce to operate freely; according to the economic law of comparative advantage, free trade enhances the net economic advantage for all participants. The WTO, ASEAN, NAFTA, and EU are all products of this movement.
Since April, 1995, the WTO has been committed to increasing international trade by eliminating tariffs, quotas, and duties. Many of its 147 member countries are also involved in regional trade blocs like NAFTA and ASEAN. Member countries in each of these blocs reduce trade barriers for each other, but retain barriers for non-members. The EU goes even further by agreeing on a common tariff for non-member countries, in addition to allowing the free movement of labor and capital within the EU.
Trading companies must be knowledgeable about such trade agreements. For example, the recent EU expansion into Eastern Europe means European access to a new market of over 74 million people. Consequently, the cost of French exports to Latvia decreased overnight. By contrast, for American exporters to Latvia, EU expansion means increased competition.
By understanding the big picture, traders can capitalize on new opportunities and avoid costly misadventures.
big picture 大视野;大局观
multilateral [ˋmʌltɪˋlætərəl] adj. 多边的; 多国间的;多方的
elimination [ɪ͵lɪməˋneʃən] n. 排除;除去
comparative advantage 相对优势
net [nɛt] adj. 实的,净值的
participant [pɑrˋtɪsəpənt] n. 参加者﹐参与者
be committed to 致力于..
committed [kəˋmɪtɪd] adj. 忠诚的,坚定的
tariff [ˋtærɪf] n. 关税
quota [ˋkwotə] n. 配额;限额
duty [ˋdjutɪ] n. 税
bloc [blɑk] n. 团体;联盟
capital [ˋkæpət!] n. 资本;本钱
knowledgeable [ˋnɑlɪdʒəb!] adj. 有知识的,博学的;有见识的[(+on/about)]
access [ˋæksɛs] n. 通道,入口,门路[C][U][(+to)]
Latvia [ˋlætvɪə] n. 拉脱维亚(原苏联共和国之一,1991年8月宣布独立)
capitalize on 利用…
capitalize [ˋkæpət!͵aɪz] v. 利用
misadventure [ˋmɪsədˋvɛntʃɚ] n. 运气不佳的遭遇;灾祸
Sentence of the Day
The free trade movement hopes to encourage a roaring trade in just about everything.
roaring trade 兴隆的生意
Steve is updating Kay, his co-worker in a kitchen appliance company, on export markets: 史提夫和凯是厨具公司的同事,史提夫正在向凯说明外销市场的最新动态:
S: I’ve got good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?
K: Let’s get the bad news out of the way.
S: All right. We have competition in the States. A Mexican competitor has emerged and taken a chunk out of our market share.
K: That is bad news! But it was bound to happen, since NAFTA makes it cheaper for Mexican exporters to enter the U.S.
S: It’s not just cheaper, but also easier for NAFTA member countries to trade with each other. Member-country trading companies face fewer delays at customs and are given more government support.
K: Right. Governments usually follow up on these trade agreements by improving their infrastructures to facilitate trade. For example, they might offer low-interest loans to exporters looking to trade with other member countries.
S: Enough bad news. Some trade agreements are a blessing for us, like Taiwan’s bilateral trade agreement with Panama.
K: But we don’t have a market for our kitchen appliance in Panama!
S: No. But we can import motors for our range hoods from Panama instead of Australia. It’s cheaper and should reduce our production costs.
K: Great! Hopefully, that will offset bad news.
-by Howe Phuong
update [ʌpˋdet] v. 为……提供(或补充)最新信息
get something out of the way 除去…
chunk [tʃʌŋk] n. 相当大的部分(或数量)
be bound to 一定会(做)be certain or destined to
custom [ˋkʌstəm] n.(常大写)海关
follow up 把...贯彻到底
infrastructure [ˋɪnfrə͵strʌktʃɚ] n. 基础设施〈如运输﹑通讯﹑银行制度等〉; 基础结构
facilitate [fəˋsɪlə͵tet] v. 促进;帮助
blessing [ˋblɛsɪŋ] n. 好处,幸事
bilateral [baɪˋlætərəl] adj. 双方的;双边的
Panama [ˈpænəˌmɑ] n. 巴拿马
range hood 抽油烟机
offset [ˋɔf͵sɛt] v. 补偿;抵销
Sentence of the Day
Trade agreements grease the wheels of importing and exporting.
grease the wheels 使..顺利进行
range hood