Playin’ It Safe: Safeguarding Your Office Network 捍卫办公室的网络环境
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月22日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:469
A vital step in setting up a new office computer network involves the creation of solid network security policy. Such a policy plans for a rainy day by planting safeguards against intentional and accidental breaches of security, and is most appreciated when something unfortunate occurs.
Network security policy usually hinges on what needs to be protected. For many companies, the focus is on securing sensitive data like business, financial, and employee information. Media reports of viruses and hackers often obscure the fact that many security breaches are perpetrated by disgruntled employees or by competitors engaged in corporate espionage.
Network protection starts with securing access and authentication. Implementing a password system ensures that network access is commensurate with authorization. Internet-connected networks require a firewall to filter out unauthorized access by way of a “demilitarized zone” where guest users, such as prospective customers, can access external information.
Of course, not all damage is malicious. Sensitive data may be lost due to system or equipment failure and these contingencies must, likewise, be construed as security issues. The success of one’s network security policy can only be assessed when network resources are under threat. Foresight, in the form of well-planned security policy, is the best defense against security breaches.
breach [britʃ] n. 缺口; 漏洞
appreciated [əˋpriʃɪ͵etɪd] adj. 受人们的重视的
hinge [hɪndʒ] v. 决定于 [W][(+on/upon)]
secure [sɪˋkjʊr] v. 使安全;保卫
obscure [əbˋskjʊr] v. 混淆; 遮掩
perpetrate [ˋpɝpə͵tret] v.【正式】做〔错事〕; 犯〔罪〕
disgruntled [dɪs`grʌnt!d] adj.〔尤因事情未像自己所想要的那样发生而〕恼火的; 不高兴的; 失望的; 不满的
espionage [ˋɛspɪənɑʒ] n. 谍报;间谍活动
authentication [ɔ͵θɛntɪˋkeʃən] n. 认证
commensurate [kəˋmɛnʃərɪt] adj. 相称的,相应的,相当的
demilitarize [ˋdimɪlətə͵raɪz] v. 使非军事化;废除(军备)
malicious [məˋlɪʃəs] adj. 恶意的,怀恨的
contingency [kənˋtɪndʒənsɪ] n. 意外事故;偶然事件
construe [kənˋstru] v. 解释为; 理解为[(+as)][O][OZ]
foresight [ˋfor͵saɪt] n. 先见之明﹐预见; 深谋远虑
Sentence of the Day
Even the tightest security sometimes allows security breaches to slip through the net.
Jeff, a government department manager, and Christie, from the IT department, are setting up a new computer network: 杰夫是一位政府部门主管,和来自信息单位的克莉丝蒂正在架设新的计算机网络环境:
J: OK, Christie. I got a green light from the finance department. But I’m a little concerned about protecting sensitive data.
C: Let’s talk security. We can implement a tiered access system. Senior employees get administrator access to data, while everyone else logs in as regular users. Users’ status is determined by their password.
J: I read that 40 percent of passwords are easily guessed.
C: Yes, but truly random passwords may be less effective because people write them down.
J: It’s not just passwords I’m worried about. Last month, a power outage wiped out several hours of work. Any suggestions?
C: Well, we need to ensure that all the network hardware is redundant. That means RAID hard drives and, budget permitting, a standby server.
J: And we can backup important data at night. But what about true calamities like fires and floods?
C: To safeguard against those, backup data must be stored offsite.
J: Maybe I could set up a backup storage arrangement with another department?
C: Good thinking. You know, the last line of defense is sometimes a locked door. Let’s look at your server room.
J: Right. Just as soon as I find my keys.
-by Darshan Tyler
get (or give) a green light 批准
tiered [tɪrd] adj. 层级的
outage [ˋaʊtɪdʒ] n.(水、电等的)中断供应
wipe out 彻底毁灭〔某物〕﹐勾销﹐去除
redundant [rɪˋdʌndənt] adj. 多余的,过剩的
standby [ˋstænd͵baɪ] adj. 备用的
calamity [kəˋlæmətɪ] n. 灾难;大祸;大灾害
off-site 异地;离站;站外 taking place or located away from the site
Sentence of the Day
To be on the safe side, Jeff and Christie are carefully considering network security.