Welcome to the Webinar 视频会议受青睐
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年10月20日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:460
Traditional in-the-flesh meeting usually involve considerable man-hours, organization, travel, and hospitality cost, the end result of which is often large outflows of company time and money. But “webinars,” Web-based Internet seminars do away with many of these logistical headaches and expenditures.
An increasingly popular method of communication among corporations and government departments, a webinar is basically a meeting utilizing webcams and microphones. In many respects, the procedure differs little from traditional face-to-face meetings, with the exception that the power of the chair is perhaps more absolute.
The host of the webinar usually holds the chair. Controlling the meeting via his or her computer, the chair decides who talk and when, which graphics or images are displayed, and the pace of the meeting. Webinar technology also allows participants to vote on various issues requiring a ballot.
With technology such as high-speed internet connections, high-resolution digital webcams, and inexpensive graphics software readily available, webinars are coming to be held in a similar regard as their conventional counterparts. And given many people’s reluctance to travel due to fears of terrorist attacks or the possibility of global epidemics such as SARS, webinars are beginning to strike many in government and business as the preferable option as well as the practical one.
in-the-flesh 亲自; 本人
man-hour [ˋmænˋaʊr] n. 人时﹐工时〔一人一小时完成的工作量〕
hospitality [͵hɑspɪˋtælətɪ] n. 殷勤好客;招待
outflow [ˋaʊt͵flo] n.〔钱﹑货物等从银行﹑国家等的〕外流
do away with 废除, 停止
logistical [lɑˋdʒɪstɪk!] adj. 后勤方面的
expenditure [ɪkˋspɛndɪtʃɚ] n. 支出,花费
respect [rɪˋspɛkt] n. 方面,着眼点
chair [tʃɛr] n.(会议的)主席
ballot [ˋbælət] n. 无记名投票〔选举或表决〕
resolution [͵rɛzəˋluʃən] n.【计算机】分辨率
regard [rɪˋgɑrd] n. 器重; 注重
epidemic [͵ɛpɪˋdɛmɪk] n. 流行病﹐传染病
strike [straɪk] v. 打动,感动,给……以印象[(+as)]
Sentence of the Day
The smart money is on it.
smart money 因掌握内情而下的赌注
Bill and Alexandra are discussing their latest webinar meeting: 比尔和亚丽山卓正在讨论他们刚开过的网络会议:
B: The chairman was much more animated during this week’s webinar, wasn’t he?
A: Yes, unfortunately. I think he should stop trying to entertain us and just get on with the agenda. These webinar Wednesdays are supposed to foster communication, not highlight our chairman’s bad comedic skills.
B: A webinar has to be entertaining in some way, though. Otherwise people tend to lose interest in the meeting.
A: But I don’t find the chairman’s jokes entertaining. Why doesn’t he hire a professional webinar host to chair the weekly meeting? That way you wouldn’t get people like myself tuning out.
B: The sensitivity of some of the material discussed at the meetings means that only people privy to information from our department are allowed access to it. So, unfortunately, we’re stuck with the bad jokes.
A: Actually, a webinar is preferable to a meeting with the chairman in the flesh. Have you smelled his breath? Talk about halitosis.
B: Well, I was thinking more along the lines that the meeting save the department money, which makes our management-expenses budget look good.
A: But that will eventually lead to budget cuts. That’s never good.
B: Just remember: those are taxpayers’ dollars we’ll be saving.
-by Eddie Cameron
animated [ˋænə͵metɪd] adj. 活跃的;欢快的;热烈的
get on with 继续做某事(尤指中断后)
foster [ˋfɔstɚ] v. 培养,促进
comedic [kəˋmidɪk] adj. 喜剧的
tune out【非正式﹐尤美】不理睬﹐ 置之不理
privy [ˋprɪvɪ] adj. 私下的,不公开的
stick [stɪk] v.【口】(通常用于疑问句和否定句)容忍,忍受
halitosis [͵hæləˋtosɪs] n. 口臭
along the lines (of something) 类似于,与…近似… similar to (something); in a general direction or manner
budget [ˋbʌdʒɪt] n. 预算;预算费;经费
Sentence of the Day
Let's get down to brass tacks.
get down to 开始做某事; 重视某事物; 认真处理某事
brass tacks【口】基本事实;事实真相