Spam Wars: The Invisible Battles of Cyberspace 垃圾邮件大战:虚拟世界的隐形战争
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年4月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:460
Every night, clandestine spam gangs fire billions of spam messages across cyberspace into the e-mail inboxes of unsuspecting victims. In response, an army of self-appointed anti-spam advocates has arisen to combat this nightly assault. Both sides are willing and able to act ruthlessly: the “spam wars” have begun.
A pivotal aspect of this war hinges on the establishment of Spam Prevention Early Warning Systems (SPEWS) by anti-spam advocates. SPEWS, which block e-mail from IP addresses used by spammers, function as Internet “blacklists.” Most commercial e-mail marketers are vehemently opposed to SPEWS. They see the anti-spammers as “cyberspace vigilantes” who arbitrarily decide who are and are not spammers.
One network administrator and anti-spam activist, known only as “The Man in the Wilderness,” caught spammer Rodona Garst illegally forging domain names from his network. This individual hacked into Garst’s computer and posted information about her illegal activities, as well, as partially nude photos of her, on a website under the heading, “Let’s Get Brutal.”
Spammers, who often consider themselves legitimate businesspeople, take such actions quite seriously. Ronnie Scelson of Slidell, Louisiana, known as the “Cajun Spammer,” sees his fight against anti-spammers as a mission to defend the free enterprise system. “I’m willing to die for what I believe in,” he said.
spam [spæm] n. 垃圾邮件
cyberspace [ˋsaɪbɚ͵spes] n.【电脑】网际空间
clandestine [klænˋdɛstɪn] adj. 秘密的;暗中的
unsuspecting [͵ʌnsəˋspɛktɪŋ] adj. 不怀疑的﹐无疑心的
self-appointed [͵sɛlfəˋpɔɪntɪd] adj. 自命的﹐自封的
pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 重要的
hinge on 取决于, 视…而定 depend on, rest on
hinge [hɪndʒ] v. 决定于[(+on/upon)]
vehemently [ˋviəməntlɪ] adv. 激烈地;强烈地
vigilante [͵vɪdʒəˋlæntɪ] n.〔非官方的〕治安维持会成员
arbitrarily [͵ɑrbəˋtrɛrəlɪ] adv. 独断独行地
forge [fɔrdʒ] v. 伪造
domain name【电脑】区域名称,域名
brutal [ˋbrut!] adj. 不讲情面的﹐不顾他人感情的
Cajun [ˋkedʒən] n. 移居美国刘易斯安纳州的法人后裔
Sentence of the Day
Anti-spam groups are trying to stem the tide of unsolicited e-mail.
stem the tide 力挽狂澜;抑制住
stem [stɛm] v. 逆……而行;顶着……而上
unsolicited [͵ʌnsəˋlɪsɪtɪd] adj. 未经请求的;主动提供的
Steve and Brenda are MBA students who have just attended a lecture about spam in their business ethic class: 史提夫和布兰达是企管系的学生,两人才刚刚参加了企业伦理课程一场有关垃圾邮件的演讲:
S: Commercial e-mail marketing is capitalism at its best: using advanced technology to access markets at a minimal cost.
B: I disagree! The massive amount of spam sent over the Internet costs ISPs millions to process – and they get nothing for their efforts. Because it’s sent without their consent, it’s plain theft.
S: E-mail marketers are simply minimizing their advertising costs.
B: That’s ludicrous, Steve. What if consumers don’t want to receive spam messages?
S: Does anyone want the junk mail they get in their mailboxes every day? If you don’t want it, toss it out.
B: In order to be deemed spam, an email message must be unsolicited. It’s the fact that it’s unsolicited that makes it wrong.
S: Not necessarily. Commercial e-mail marketers believe that a message is spam only if the message, product or service being peddled is either fraudulent or deceptive.
B: It would be impossible to regulate every product or service on the Internet!
S: Hey, caveat emptor.
B: You’re incorrigible. By the way, what do you plan to do with your MBA degree?
S: Start my own commercial e-mail marketing business. I could offer you an entry-level position.
B: Stuff it, Steve!
-by William F. Levings
ethic [ˋɛθɪk] adj. 伦理(学)的;道德的; n. 伦理; 道德体系
capitalism [ˋkæpət!͵ɪzəm] n. 资本主义(制度)
at one’s best 最佳情形, 全盛状态
consent [kənˋsɛnt] n. 同意,答应
ludicrous [ˋludɪkrəs] adj. 滑稽的;荒唐可笑的
junk [dʒʌŋk] n. 废物;垃圾
toss out 丢弃;扔掉
deem [dim] v. 认为,以为;视作
peddle [ˋpɛd!] v. 叫卖,挨户兜售
fraudulent [ˋfrɔdʒələnt] adj.〔行动或言语〕骗人的﹐欺诈性的
caveat emptor [ˈɛmpˌtɔr]【拉】顾客留心(意为货物出门概不退换)
caveat [ˋkevɪ͵æt] n.【正式】〔做决定或行动前必须注意的〕警告﹐提醒
incorrigible [ɪnˋkɔrɪdʒəb!] adj. 屡教不改的,不可救药的
stuff it(英,非正式)[表示冷漠、无奈或拒绝] 够了!别说了!; 闭嘴 take back something. This idiom is used, often as an interjection, to express contempt or defiance
Sentence of the Day
He’s hoping to take liberties with e-mail.
take liberty with 不正经, 随便