Named After a Name: Eponyms 以「名」为名

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If you’ve ever ridden in a jeep, used a band-aid, or asked for a Kleenex to blow your nose with, you’re familiar with eponyms – even if you’re unfamiliar with this word. Any time a word is derived from a proper noun, it is called an eponym. Pennsylvania, named after its founder William Penn, is one example of an eponym.



Eponyms are especially common in science and medicine. Theories, laws, diseases, and chemical elements are often eponyms of the individuals who first discovered them. Some examples are Newton’s laws of motion and Alzheimer’s disease.



Much more interesting are proprietary eponyms. This is when a well-known name brand comes to be used as an everyday, common noun. “Kleenex” is a leading brand of facial tissues; “Band-Aid” is a well-known brand of adhesive bandage; and “Jeep” is a kind of SUV. These terms are now used commonly in a general way and are often not capitalized. Occasionally, the companies owning these brand names become protective of them. For example, the company “Dumpster” has become famous for reminding people that a “large metal trash container” should never be called a dumpster unless it is actually a “Dumpster.” Conversely, the company that makes the luncheon meat “SPAM,” isn’t too concerned that junk e-mail is also called spam.



Yet surely the most confusing eponym is from Texas, where any fizzy soft drink is called “coke,” and you must say “Coca-Cola” to get the real thing!



by Ben Andrews & Iain Ferguson





founder [ˋfaʊndɚ] n. 创立者;奠基者

remind [rɪˋmaɪnd] v. 提醒

container [kənˋtenɚ] n. 容器

conversely [kənˋvɝslɪ] adv. 相反地


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name after 以...的名字来命名

eponym [ˋɛpə͵nɪm] n. 名祖(其名字用来命名人种,土地,时代的人)

blow one's nose 擤鼻涕

proprietary [prəˋpraɪə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 专利的

adhesive bandage 有黏性的绷带

adhesive [ədˋhisɪv] adj. 黏的;黏着的;有黏性的

bandage [ˋbændidʒ] n. 绷带

occasionally [əˋkeʒən!ɪ] adv. 偶尔,间或

be protective of 保护

dumpster [ˋdʌmpstɚ] n. 【商标﹐美】置垃圾的大铁桶

fizzy [ˋfɪzɪ] adj. 起泡沫的

the real thing 货真价实

capitalize [ˋkæpət!͵aɪz] v. 用大写书写

luncheon [ˋlʌntʃən] meat 罐头猪肉

junk [dʒʌŋk] n.【口】垃圾

come to 达到某种状态; 逐渐