The Evolution of “COOL” 谈「酷」
I’m “cool”, you tell a concerned friend. You mean you’re alright. “Now this guy’s cool,” say your classmates, as they look at the school favorite. They say he is terrific. Cool, cool, cool – we use it all the time, but where, exactly, does this hot morsel of the English language come from?
“Cool” didn’t always mean what it means today. Chaucer used it in the 1300s. Shakespeare did so in Hamlet in 1602, where Queen Gertrude implores her son to meet the flame of his displeasure with “cool patience.” In the early 1900s, it meant a big amount of money, as in a cool million.
The first hint that “cool” would come to mean what it means today – that is, “hip” – emerged in jazz clubs during the 1940s. There, one would encounter “cool” musicians playing their “cool” music. It was also used to signify one’s approval, as in “cool playin’, brother.”
According to some specialists, cool should have cooled down, like so many other slang worlds, after a while. Instead, it managed to survive by evolving. Hippies, surfers, rappers and techno-geeks all adopted it and used it to mean something different. “Cool,” the way we understand it today, went mainstream in the 1950s and ‘60s, when society needed a word to express attitude without anger. The hippies’ flower power and peace were cool.
Cool has certainly become a member of the slang hall of fame. For the moment, cool is cool. It leaves us to wonder what new cool meaning the great survivor will take on next.
−by J. Michael Cole
evolution [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] n. 發展,進展
concerned [kənˋsɝnd] adj. 擔心的; 關心的
signify [ˋsɪgnə͵faɪ] v. 示意
More Information
favorite [ˋfevərɪt] n. 最受歡迎的人
morsel [ˋmɔrs!] n.(食物的)一口,一片; 使人愉快的事
implore [ɪmˋplor] v. 乞求,哀求
hint [hɪnt] n. 跡象; 暗示﹐示意
hip [hɪp] adj. 新潮的﹐趕時髦的
after a while 不久,过一会儿
hippie [ˋhɪpɪ] n. 嬉痞
rapper [ˋræpɚ] n. 饒舌歌手
techno-geek [gik] n. 科技迷
adopt [əˋdɑpt] v. 採納;吸收
slang hall of fame 俚语名人堂的
Reading Questions
1. What does Queen Gertrude mean when she asks Hamlet to use “cool patience?”
A. That he should be cold-blooded in his search for a murderer.
B. That he should avoid becoming angry and be patient.
C. That he should show no patience whatsoever.
D. That he should apply a cool object to his forehead.
2. When did the word “cool” begin to take on its modern meanings?
A. The early 1600s.
B. The mid-nineteenth century.
C. The early 1900s.
D. The mid-twentieth century.
3. Which of the following best characterized the word “cool?”
A. It is a term whose definitions have always been vague.
B. It is an idiom that has remained fixed throughout the years.
C. It is an expression whose definitions have changed with the times.
D. It is a world that can only be associated with a special group of people.
1. ( B) |
2. ( D) |
3. ( C) |