Merriam-Webster: The People Who Defined American English 韦氏辞典,美语权威
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2007年1月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年12月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:350
The name Webster is synonymous with American English. Webster’s dictionaries have done a tremendous amount to shape how English is learned and spelled in America and throughout the world. It all started with a visionary named Noah Webster.
Noah Webster was born in 1758 in Connecticut, in the USA. As a young man, he participated in the Revolutionary War, fighting to free America from British rule. Although America won the war, Webster felt that it was not truly independent. All of America’s primary schoolbooks were still written and published in English!
Webster was determined to correct this problem by creating grammar and spelling books that has a distinctly American flavor. He published his first dictionary in 1806, and the book was well received. Encouraged by this success, he dedicated the next 27 years to compiling his epic work, An American Dictionary of the English Language. He meticulously catalogued every American English word that could not be found in British dictionaries. Webster’s overall approach also reflected America’s democratic system. Unlike British dictionaries, which were based on aristocratic English, Webster’s dictionary was meant to reflect common speech. In other words, what was popular was defined as correct.
Most ambitiously of all, Webster worked to standardize English spelling. His most famous change was to drop the “u” from British words such as “colour” or “honour.” This was another reflection of his populist philosophy. He wanted to represent words as they were commonly pronounced, not as the elite believed they should be pronounced.
tremendous [trɪˋmɛndəs] adj. 巨大的,极大的
participate [pɑrˋtɪsə͵pet] v. 参加,参与[(+in)]
determined [dɪˋtɝmɪnd] adj. 已下决心的[F][+to-v][+that]
distinctly [dɪˋstɪŋktlɪ] adv. 清楚地; 明白地
publish [ˋpʌblɪʃ] v. 出版;发行
meticulously [məˋtɪkjələslɪ] adv. 极细心地,一丝不苟地
democratic [͵dɛməˋkrætɪk] adj. 民主的
be based on 以…为基础,以…为根据
aristocratic [͵ærɪstəˋkrætɪk] adj. 贵族的
elite [eˋlit ɪˋlit] n. 精英;优秀分子
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synonymous [sɪˋnɑnəməs] adj. 同义的;同义词性质的
epic [ˋɛpɪk] adj. 巨大的﹐宏伟的; 史诗般的
catalogue [ˋkætəlɔg] v. 归类,编列目录
overall [ˋovɚ͵ɔl] adj. 包括一切的,全面的
ambitiously [æmˋbɪʃəslɪ] adv. 雄心勃勃地
populist [ˋpɑpjəlɪst] adj. 平民主义的;平民化的
Although it was a work of monumental scope, An American Dictionary of the English Language was initially not very successful. The first version, published in 1828, sold only 2,500 copies. In fact, the sales were so poor that Webster had to mortgage his house in order to finance a second edition!
Gradually, the demand for these books grew, and they ultimately had a profound impact on the development of American English. Before Webster, Americans spoke in dialects that were highly regional. These who lived near the Spanish colonies of Texas and Florida, for example, tended to incorporate Spanish words such as “canyon” or “vigilante” into their speech. Others would borrow words from local native communities, which changed from region to region. “Canoes” and “raccoons” were ubiquitous across the American landscape, but their names were not. Webster’s dictionary changed this, creating a unified American English for the first time.
After Noah Webster’s death in 1843, the rights to his books and name were sold to brothers George and Charles Merriam. They published several new editions, adding illustrations to make the dictionaries more visually appealing.
Today, Webster’s dictionary remains the world’s foremost authority for American English. In fact, if you want to understand how American culture had changed over the years, all you have to do is check which words were added to the dictionary. In recent years, many of the new additions have had to do with computers and technology. In the 2006 edition, words like “spyware” and “Google” made their first appearance. Almost 200 years after it was first published, Webster’s dictionary continues to represent America’s evolving society!
−by Michael Karanicolas
monumental [͵mɑnjəˋmɛnt!] adj. 巨大的
version [ˋvɝʒən] n.(同一作品的不同)版本
mortgage [ˋmɔrgɪdʒ] v. 抵押
profound [prəˋfaʊnd] adj. 深远的;深刻的
incorporate [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret] v. 包含;加上[(+in/into)]
ubiquitous [juˋbɪkwətəs] adj. 无处不在的
unified [ˋjunə͵faɪd] adj. 统一的;统一标准的
illustration [ɪ͵lʌsˋtreʃən] n. 插图
appealing [əˋpilɪŋ] adj. 有吸引力的; 有趣的
have to do with 与……有关
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scope [skop] n. 范围,领域
dialect [ˋdaɪəlɛkt] n. 方言,土话
regional [ˋridʒən!] adj. 地方的,地域性的
canyon [ˋkænjən] n.(既长又深,谷底常有溪流的)峡谷
vigilante [͵vɪdʒəˋlæntɪ] n.【英】治安维持会成员;自发组织的维持治安者
canoe [kəˋnu] n. 独木舟
raccoon [ræˋkun] n. 浣熊
foremost [ˋfor͵most] adj. 最重要的
spyware 间谍软件; 【计算机】暗中侦察软件(一黑客软件,用户利用此程序,在受害者上网联机时,在其不知情的状况下,将其个人资料传送至其指定的目的网站等)
evolving [ɪ'vɑlvɪŋ] adj. 进化的,展开的
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, what can be said of the name Webster?
A. To most people, it doesn’t mean anything.
B. It is highly associated with American English.
C. It has slowly lost its meaning over time.
D. It is connected with the Revolution War.
2. Which of the following is true about An American Dictionary of the English Language?
A. It reflected America’s economic system.
B. It was well received in its first edition.
C. It standardized English spelling in America.
D. It was based on aristocratic English.
3. How has Webster’s dictionary been able to maintain its significance for so long?
A. By creating regional dialects of different sections in America.
B. By forcing the American public to buy copies of it.
C. By constantly evolving with changes in the English language.
D. By including great translations of other different languages.
4. What can be inferred from the article?
A. The Merriam brothers destroyed Webster’s initial version.
B. Webster’s dictionaries are no longer a good source of American English.
C. Sales of Webster’s dictionaries will continue to decline.
D. Webster’s dictionaries have become a popular source of American English.
1. ( B ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |