The World’s Biggest Casino 全世界最大的赌场
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年12月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月13日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:408
The stock market is often likened to a casino and in a sense it is. But there is a fundamental difference: In a casino, the house ultimately wins, whereas with markets, the investor usually wins eventually – but there are provisos.
First, winning at stocks requires the investor to assess both the risk and the potential returns. The “risk” is simply the probability that you’ll lose your money. A company may be considered risky either for systemic reasons – which apply equally to all companies in a given industry or geographic area – or for company-specific reasons such as uncompetitive products or poor management. As a rule of thumb, the riskier the company, the greater the potential returns … or losses.
Most importantly, you can’t count on a quick buck with stocks. For example, one dollar invested in the US stock market in 1900 would be worth over US$10,000 today. Then again, that same dollar invested in Nasdaq at the peak of the tech bubble in 2000 would now be worth just 33 cents. You can usually rest assured that any company that does not go belly-up will pay off in the long run. But as renowned economist John Maynard Keynes once quipped, “In the long run, we’re all dead.”
liken [ˋlaɪkən] v. 把……比作[(+to)]
in a sense 在某种意义上 considering a situation in a particular way
proviso [prəˋvaɪ͵zo] n. 但书;附带条件
assess [əˋsɛs] v. 对……进行估价,评价
rule of thumb 基本原则; 经验法则; 行事法则
count on 依靠, 依赖, 信赖; 指望
rest assured 放心 to be assured; to be certain
belly-up 破产的,倒闭的; 死的
pay off【口】(尤指冒风险的政策、做法等) 带来好结果, 成功, 行得通
quip [kwɪp] v. 讥讽;嘲弄
Sentence of the Day
Chad had naively assumed that he would soon be making money hand over fist.
hand over fist 大量地, 不费力气地, 既稳又快地
Raymond and Jess occupy adjacent cubicles in an office: 雷蒙和婕丝两人在办公室里是相邻的隔间:
R: I can’t take it any more – I’m out!
J: Out of what?
R: The market. My portfolio’s down 3 percent on the week and practically 10 percent on the year. I might as well just hit the casino. At least I’d get free drinks from them.
J: The way you play the market, there really wouldn’t be much difference. You’re always taking a gamble on dicey new start-ups, like that Bre-X thing in Indonesia. Blue chip stocks and index funds are the way to go.
R: Hey, no risk, no reward. In the old days, I couldn’t seem to go wrong. While your money was rotting away safely, I was on my way to joining the ranks of the nouveau riche.
J: My index funds are vastly diversified across several markets; they were performing quite nicely during and after the tech bubble. I just don’t obsess about my stocks.
R: Right, you’re a ‘buy and hold’ investor who’s happy with a 10 percent average annual return.
J: Remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare? My money also benefits from compound interest. Yours doesn’t.
R: Could you be any more boring?
J: Sure, I could babble on about my stocks incessantly ….
-by Charles Yonts
cubicle [ˋkjubɪk!] n. 小隔间
portfolio [portˋfolɪ͵o] n.(投资者持有的)全部有价证券,投资组合
might as well 不妨,倒不如
dicey [ˋdaɪsɪ] adj. 不确定的, 冒险性的
start-up 新运作的公司
blue chip 绩优股
index fund 指数基金;指数型基金
rot away 变得瘦弱; 烂掉
nouveau riche【法】暴发户
diversify [daɪˋvɝsə͵faɪ] v. 把(资金)分投在几家公司内
obsess [əbˋsɛs] v. 使着迷; 使缠绕; 使心神不宁
fable [ˋfeb!] n. 寓言
tortoise [ˋtɔrtəs] n.【动】陆龟;龟,乌龟
hare [hɛr] n. 野兔
babble [ˋbæb!] v. 唠唠叨叨
incessantly [ɪnˋsɛsntlɪ] adv. 不断地,不停地
Sentence of the Day
Slow and steady wins the race.