Making the Gold Last in Your Golden Years 让银发岁月的财富永续
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年2月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:441
Those approaching retirement should be excited by the prospect of enjoying the financial fruits of their labor. However, despite years of careful investing, many senior citizens have had their retirement funds run out unexpectedly. Even those who have planned and saved diligently must exercise caution before enjoying a long overdue European vacation or home theater system in their golden years.
The biggest pitfall comes during the first year of retirement because retirees – especially those with stock-heavy portfolios – often make an initial withdrawal that is too large. The danger lies in the stock market; if the market experiences a prolonged “bearish” downturn, as it did between 2000 and 2002, a portfolio’s value drops. If a healthy portfolio principal is not maintained, portfolio funds can be depleted in as little as fifteen years. Essentially, retirees need to eat the fruit of their money tree and not the seeds.
While everyone’s situation is different, most financial planners agree that retirees’ yearly withdrawals should be around 4 percent of the initial value of their portfolio. A recent study indicates that a low withdrawal rate will “virtually guarantee” that a portfolio will last thirty years. Next time you hear the old adage “Money doesn’t grow on tree.” remember it’s especially true when you retire.
golden years 退休时期
prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n. 指望;预期
diligently [ˋdɪlədʒəntlɪ] adv. 勤勉地;勤奋地
exercise caution 采取小心的态度
overdue [ˋovɚˋdju] adj. 早就需要﹐早该; 过期的, 未兑的, 迟到的
pitfall [ˋpɪt͵fɔl] n. 陷阱;圈套
retiree [rɪ͵taɪəˋri] n.【美】退休人员
portfolio [portˋfolɪ͵o] n. 投资组合
withdrawal [wɪðˋdrɔəl] n.〔从银行账户中〕提款; 提款额
bearish [ˋbɛrɪʃ] adj. 行情看跌的; 股票看跌的
principal [ˋprɪnsəp!] n. 本金
deplete [dɪˋplit] v. 耗尽……的资源(精力等);削减﹐损耗
adage [ˋædɪdʒ] n. 谚语;格言;古语;箴言
Sentence of the Day
In retirement, you have less money to burn.
burn [bɝn] v. 消耗;浪费
Ted, a recent retiree, is talking to his financial planner Sally: 泰德最近退休了,正在和他的财务顾问莎丽谈话:
S: Ted, I think we need to diversify your portfolio. Almost all of your money is in stocks, and the market’s been sliding a bit lately. If it really drops, you could lose a lot of money.
T: What do you mean? The market’s been strong for years.
S: No stock, even the blue chip variety, is immune to a drop in the market. I suggest you put at least some of your money into bonds.
T: But bonds hardly make any money; sometimes they don’t even keep up with inflation!
S: Bonds aren’t good money-maker – that’s true – but when the market is down, they’re a safe place for your money to cover inflation.
T: Well, bonds may preserve my portfolio value when the market’s down, but stocks make real money when the market is up! I want to keep a healthy percentage of my savings in them.
S: As you’ve just retired though, I suggest a conservative mix: 60 percent in bonds, and the rest in dividend-paying stocks.
T: Sounds reasonable to me. I just don’t want to be stuck watching the rodeo while everyone else is riding that bull market.
-by Alex Adair
diversify [daɪˋvɝsə͵faɪ] v. 使多样化
slide [slaɪd] v. 滑落;下落
immune [ɪˋmjun] adj. 免于……的
inflation [ɪnˋfleʃən] n. 通货膨胀
preserve [prɪˋzɝv] v. 保存
conservative [kənˋsɝvətɪv] adj. 保守的
dividend [ˋdɪvə͵dɛnd] n. 红利;股息
rodeo [ˋrodɪ͵o] n. 牛仔竞技表演〔驯服烈马﹑用绳圈套牛〕
bull market 行情看涨的市场
Sentence of the Day
It may be necessary to pinch your pennies.
pinch pennies 精打细算