Mutual Fund Madness 共同基金太疯狂
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年3月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月21日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:492
Around 95 million Americans have money invested in mutual funds. Here, some of the world’s best money managers grow investors’ money through the deft buying and selling of stocks and bonds. Or so these investors thought.
Since September 2003, mutual fund managers at some of the biggest and most reputable funds have been found guilty of illegal enriching themselves and wealthy clients at the expense of average investors. Arthur Levitt, former Chairman of the SEC, declared it “the worse scandal we’ve seen in 50 years.”
Although Congress passed a bill demanding more transparency in the industry, many analysts claim the bill is too watered-down to have any real impact. Nevertheless, investor confidence seems to have been restored. Or maybe people just don’t know where else to put their money.
What alternatives are there for people who don’t want to dedicate their lives to the market? The cheapest and easiest alternative is an index fund. Index funds are special mutual funds that automatically follow the performance of some specific market, such as the S&P 500. Because they are not managed by high-paid specialists, index funds return more money to their investors. What’s more, most index funds have actually outperformed their actively managed cousins.
And that makes lots of cents.
【注】:美国证管会 Securities and Exchange Commission
deft [dɛft] adj. 灵巧的,熟练的,机敏的
bond [bɑnd] n. 债券;公债
reputable [ˋrɛpjətəb!] adj. 声誉好的,可尊敬的
transparency [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] n. 透明;透明度
watered-down [ˋwɔtɚdˋdaʊn] adj.〔声明﹑计划等比原先〕减弱了的﹐打了折扣的
Sentence of the Day
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Nick and Theresa are hitting balls at the driving range: 尼克和泰瑞莎在高尔夫球练习场上击球:
N: I can’t believe people aren’t getting more upset about this mutual fund scandal!
T: I know the scandal is about fund manager scams. But what exactly happened?
N: The biggest scam is probably “late trading.” Here’s how it works: mutual funds set their price at 4:00 each afternoon. But sometimes there’s news after the market closes that will obviously impact stock prices.
T: Like if some enormous company comes out at 5:30 and says it earned twice as much as everybody expected. So the next day its share price will jump from, say, $50 to $100.
N: Exactly. Now, the fund manager who’s got wads of enormous company stock sells some shares of the fund to his buddies at the closing price of $50.
T: And, ergo, his buddy is guaranteed a profit. But how’s that going to hurt other investors?
N: Well, the stocks he effectively sold for $50 apiece can’t be purchases until the next day ….
T: When they’ll cost $100. And the original fund holders have to cover the difference.
N: Right. Later, the fund manager gets a nice fat kickback. And there’s no telling how many other tricks there are.
T: Sounds like we should be hanging out with more fund managers.
-by Charles Yonts
driving range【高尔夫】练习场
scam [ˋskæm] n.【俚】骗局﹐诡计﹐欺诈
come out (指消息、真相等)周知, 传出, 透露 to be issued or brought out
wad [wɑd] n.【美】【口】大量(尤指金钱)
ergo [ˋɝgo] adv.【拉】因此
effectively [ɪˋfɛktɪvlɪ] adv. 实际上
apiece [əˋpis] adv. 各个,每个
kickback [ˋkɪk͵bæk] n. 佣金;回扣
hang out【非正式】闲荡; 厮混 spend time socially
Sentence of the Day
There’s too much back-scratching in mutual funds.
back-scratching [ˋbæk͵skrætʃɪŋ] n.【口】为共同利益而互相利用