The Noodle King 泡面之父-安藤百福
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年7月26日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年11月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:337
Walk into any convenient store in the world, and there they are: the efforts of one man prominently displayed on the shelves for the hungry, on-the-go masses. The innovative man is Momofuku Ando, and this year, at the age of 96, he is finally stepping back from the instant noodle empire he has created.
走进全世界的任何一家便利超商,你就可以看到它们:某个人的辛勤结果,显着地摆在货架上,供那些饥饿、来去匆匆的顾客取用。这个充满创意的人便是安藤百福(Monofuku Ando)。今年,以96岁的高龄,他终于离开一手建立的方便面王国。
Ando was born in the south of Taiwan in 1910. His parents died when he was just an infant, so he went to live with his grandparents, who ran a small dress shop and allowed him to work there. Every time he made a sale, he could feel the spirit of an industrialist growing within him.
In his mid-thirties, inspiration struck Ando as he noticed the long lines of people who were always waiting outside noodle shops. “I invented instant noodle ….. because I could imagine how happy people would be if I delivered to households Ramen they can eat any time, anywhere and safely,” he said. However, Ando struggled for over a year to bring his idea to life. He would wake up each day at 5 a.m., and go to the hut in the backyard of his house, where he would work zealously to develop “instant noodles.” He would often work until as late as 2 a.m., only to produce failure after failure.
But hard work and exhaustion eventually paid off. Today Ando’s empire generates NT$94.5 billion in sales every year. His story is an inspiration to those who may think they are too old to try something new. “There is no such thing as late in life,” says the triumphant Ando. “You might succeed, you might fail, but at least it’s better to start a race rather than never to have run at all.
−by Joe Henley”
prominently [ˋprɑmənəntlɪ] adv. 显著地;重要地
display [dɪˋsple] v. 陈列;展出
innovative [ˋɪno͵vetɪv] adj. 创新的
exhaustion [ɪgˋzɔstʃən] n. 精疲力竭
generate [ˋdʒɛnə͵ret] v. 产生,发生
More Information
effort [ˋɛfɚt] n. 努力的成果
on-the-go 活跃的, 忙碌的 constantly busy or active
masses [ˋmæsɪz] n. 平民;群众
step back 后退,退居不重要的部位 to move away
infant [ˋɪnfənt] n. 婴儿
industrialist [ɪnˋdʌstriəlɪst] n. 企业家;工业家;实业家
strike [straɪk] v. 突然想到
household [ˋhaʊs͵hold] adj. 家庭的;家用的
bring ideas to life 想法付诸实行
hut [hʌt] n.(简陋的)小屋
zealously [ˋzɛləslɪ] adv. 热心地;积极地
pay off【口】(尤指冒风险的政策、做法等)带来好结果, 成功, 行得通 to yield profits; to result in benefits
Reading Questions
1. Based on the article, how could we characterize Mr. Ando’s business?
A. That it copied andimproved upon someone else’s idea.
B. That it has rescued the lives of millions of people in many countries.
C. That it has reformed food markets all over the world.
D. That it started small but has turned into a highly profitable venture.
2. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Mr. Ando?
A. He was orphaned at a very young age and was raised by family elders.
B. He finds it ironic that his product has become so popular.
C. He does not buy the idea that age should stop us from pursuing our dreams.
D. He created instant noodles and has been a very successful business.
3. Which of the following would Ando probably NOT believe in?
A. It’s never too late.
B. Practice makes perfect.
C. Too little, too late.
D. Try and you’ll succeed.
improve upon: 對…作出改進 make better
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |