The History of the World in 6 Glasses 历史六瓶装
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年11月27日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年11月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:355
Did you know that world history can be divided into six different kinds of drinks? In TheHistory of the World in 6 Glasses, Tom Standage links beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and cola to different periods of civilization.
Beer in Mesopotamia and Egypt 美索不达米亚及埃及的啤酒
Beer was discovered in the Fertile Crescent and came to be used in religious ceremonies, agricultural ritual, and cooking. By 5,000 BC, people in Mesopotamia and Egypt had settled into an agricultural way of life, in part because they needed to grow grain for beer. Beer held a significant place in the beginning of civilization. Citizens used beer to pay taxes and workers were compensated with it. People were even buried with jugs of beer to take with them into the afterlife. Beer was believed to have magical healing qualities, and toasting to someone’s health is a custom that we still observe today. Since ancient times, beer has been associated with good times, sharing, and bringing folks together.
Wine in Greece and Rome 希腊罗马的葡萄酒
The Greeks were the first to cultivate and produce wine on a large commercial scale. Wine was their prime export, and it helped spread Greek culture. One major example is the Greek symposia, in which intellectuals (including Plato and Socrates) gathered to drink wine and discuss philosophy. Plato believed drinking wine exposed a man’s true nature. When Rome conquered Greece, it absorbed much of the Greek culture. Guests at Roman parties would be served different grades of wine depending on their social status. Wine’s association with culture and class remains to this day.
divide [dəˋvaɪd] v. 分,划分[(+into/from)]
civilization [͵sɪv!əˋzeʃən] n. 文明
fertile [ˋfɝt!] adj.(土地)肥沃的
ceremony [ˋsɛrə͵monɪ] n. 仪式,典礼
ritual [ˋrɪtʃʊəl] n. 仪式
compensate [ˋkɑmpən͵set] v. 补偿,赔偿;酬报
bring together 联合, 团结, 集中
commercial [kəˋmɝʃəl] adj. 商业性的
export [ˋɛksport] n. 输出品
philosophy [fəˋlɑsəfɪ] n. 哲学
conquer [͵kɑŋkɚ] v. 克服;征服
absorb [əbˋsɔrb] v. 吸收
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spirit [ˋspɪrɪt] n. 烈酒
Mesopotamia [͵mɛsəpəˋtemɪə] n. 美索不达米亚
crescent [ˋkrɛsnt] n. 新月;弦月
in part 在某种程度上 in some degree; partly
jug [dʒʌg] n. 水罐
afterlife [ˋæftɚ͵laɪf] n. 来世
toast [tost] v. 为…举杯祝酒
symposium [sɪmˋpozɪəm] n. 讨论会;座谈会
intellectual [͵ɪnt!ˋɛktʃʊəl] n. 知识分子
Spirits in the Colonial Period 殖民时期的烈酒
Spirits became popular during the Age of Exploration as European explorers erected empires around the world. They grew sugarcane on several continents, generating huge profits. The sugar trade was made possible by slave labor. Rum, a liquor made from the waste products of sugar production, was used to control and purchase African slaves. The independence movement in Britain’s American Colonies began with the colonists’ love of rum. When the British tried to tax molasses, an ingredient of rum, Americans became very angry and refused to pay.
Coffee in the Age of Reason 理性时代的咖啡
After centuries of drinking alcoholic beverages, coffee became known as the sobering drink. European coffee houses became hotbeds of intellectual exchange, fueling the Age of Reason. Gossip, philosophy, business, and politics were all subjects for coffee house discussions. Standage likens 17th century coffee houses to today’s Internet. They were hubs of information, both factual and fanciful, and ideal places to create social and business connections.
Many important advances were founded in coffee house. The idea behind the formalized theory of gravity was born during a coffee house discussion. The London Stock Exchange began as an informal trading business at a coffee house. Even The French Revolution began at a coffee house. At Café de Foy in Paris, a young lawyer jumped on top of a table, waving a pistol and yelling to a crowd of revolutionaries “To arms, citizens! To arms!”
colonial [kəˋlonjəl] adj. 殖民地的,殖民的
exploration [͵ɛkspləˋreʃən] n. 探索; 探险
rum [rʌm] n. 兰姆酒
liquor [ˋlɪkɚ] n.(尤指白兰地,威士忌等)烈酒
purchase [ˋpɝtʃəs] v. 购买
beverage [ˋbɛvərɪdʒ] v. 饮料
fuel [ˋfjʊəl] v. 激起;刺激
factual [ˋfæktʃʊəl] adj.(根据)事实的;真实的
fanciful [ˋfænsɪfəl] adj. 想象的
gravity [ˋgrævətɪ] n. 重力;引力;地心吸力
informal [ɪnˋfɔrm!] adj. 非正式的,非正规
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erect [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 树立;建立
sugarcane [ˋʃʊgɚ͵ken] n. 甘蔗
molasses [məˋlæsɪz] n. 糖蜜;糖浆
sobering [ˋsobərɪŋ] adj. 使清醒的;使冷静的
hotbed [ˋhɑt͵bɛd] n. 温床
liken [ˋlaɪkən] v. 把……比作 [(+to)]
formalize [ˋfɔrm!͵aɪz] v. 正式化
Tea and the British Empire 茶与大英帝国
In the late 1600s, the British East India Company established a monopoly on the tea trade. It played a pivotal role in Britain becoming a world power, acting as the government’s extended arm overseas. Tea drinking helped launch the British industrial revolution in the 18th century as well. It helped keep factory workers alert, focused, and healthy due to its natural antibacterial properties. Rich and poor Brits alike fell madly in love with tea, and “tea-time” became as important as eating and sleeping. Britain’s disputes with the Colonies over tea taxes eventually played a big part in the American Recolution.
Coca-Cola and the Rise of America 可口可乐与美国的兴起
Coco-Cola began as a medicinal drink in 1886, and rose to become the most sought-after and recognized soft drink in the world. The United States also rose to become a world power during this time period. Coco-Cola’s brilliant advertising and public relations made it an international phenomenon. “It’s globalization in a bottle,” says Standage. “It may be the second most widely understood phrase in the world after ‘OK.’” Love it or hate it, Coke is a symbol of America.
Epilogue – Back to the Source 结语-回到源头
Oddly enough, bottled water signals a new period of history. Tap water in developed nations is safe to drink, yet, bottled water is favored. Meanwhile, less developed nations suffer from severe shortages of clean water, negatively affecting the health of those populations.
The book concludes with an appendix full of recipes for the ancient beverages. The author warns, however, that some might not taste very good! Cheers!
−by Amy Gittelson
monopoly [məˋnɑp!ɪ] n. 独占;专卖;垄断
alert [əˋlɝt] adj. 警觉的;留神的
property [ˋprɑpɚtɪ] n. 特性
dispute [dɪˋspjut] n. 争论;争执
medicinal [məˋdɪsn!] adj. 药用的
sought-after [ˋsɔt͵æftɚ] adj. 受欢迎的
brilliant [ˋbrɪljənt] adj. 杰出的,优秀的;出色的
signal [ˋsɪgn!] v. 发信号; 标志
severe [səˋvɪr] adj. 严重的
shortage [ˋʃɔrtɪdʒ] n. 缺少,不足
appendix [əˋpɛndɪks] n. 附录
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pivotal [ˋpɪvət!] adj. 重要的
antibacterial [͵æntɪbækˋtɪrɪəl] adj. 抗细菌的
recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] v. 认出﹐认识; 辨认出
epilogue [`ɛpəˏlɔg] n. 结语,尾声, 收场白
tap water 自来水(非蒸馏水)