Who Circled the World First 是谁首度环绕世界?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年4月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月25日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:519
In 1421: The Year China Discovered America, the popular history by retired British submarine commander Gavin Menzies, the author suggests that it was Admiral Zheng He’s Ming Dynasty fleet which first circumnavigated the world – seventy years before Columbus. To boot, Zheng He’s expeditions alleged mapped the Americas, Antarctica, and the precise locations of the North and South Poles.
Menzies’s primary evidence for this extraordinary theory rests on his interpretation of a world map purportedly obtained by a Portuguese prince in 1428 that may have been based on a Chinese map. Given this and many other tenuous chains of evidence supporting Menzies’s theory, most scholars have rejected his claims as unfounded. An Oxford professor of history quipped: “He’s put five gallons in a half-pint pot.”
Despite scholarly skepticism, Menzies’s book has become a best-seller worldwide. Its popularity is due partly to the public’s love of a great comeuppance, but also rests on a great deal of accepted archeological evidence that does suggest pre-Columbian contact between the New World and Old World.
When considered in light of Helge Ingstad – Norwegian amateur who, in 1961, discovered an eleventh-century Viking settlement in Newfoundland, Canada – we must accept that amateurs sometimes rewrite the history books. Nevertheless, Menzies may still well be a kook.
【注】:本书在不同国家有不同的名称,在台湾出版的书名为1421:The Year China Discovered the World,中文书名为「1421:中国发现世界」。
admiral [ˋædmərəl] n. 舰队司令
circumnavigate [͵sɝkəmˋnævə͵get] v. 绕一周;环航
to boot 【古】除此以外; 再者 in addition; besides; in view of
expedition [͵ɛkspɪˋdɪʃən] n. 远征队;探险队;考察队
purportedly [pɝˋpɔrtɪdlɪ] adv. 据称地
tenuous [ˋtɛnjʊəs] adj. 薄弱的; 无力的
unfounded [ʌnˋfaʊndɪd] adj. 没有事实根据的,无理由的
skepticism [ˋskɛptəsɪzəm] n. 怀疑的态度
comeuppance [kʌmˋʌpəns] n.【口】报应,罪有应得
archeological [͵ɑrkɪəˋlɑdʒɪk!] adj. 考古学的
in light of preposition 按照,根据 because of, considering,
amateur [ˋæmə͵tʃʊr] n.(科学,艺术,运动等的)业余从事者
kook [kuk] n.【美】【口】怪人;疯子;傻瓜
Sentence of the Day
Menzies’s book is rocking the boat.
rock the boat【口】(做某事从而)使局面失去平衡
Janet meets her friend Andrew, who’s reading 1421, in a library coffee shop: 珍奈特和她正在读「1421」的朋友安渚在图书馆的咖啡店碰面:
J: What do you think of that book? I was online recently looking at Menzies’s website. He’s trying to collate scattered evidence to prove his case.
A: Well, the burden of proof certainly rests with Menzies – and he’s still carrying that weight. At the very least, it’s an entertaining description of life on Chinese ships.
J: From The Washington Post review I read, Menzies’s scholarship is questionable. He wrote that Zheng He’s fleet used flat-bottomed boats; if he’d read any primary Chinese accounts, he’d have known that’s untrue.
A: Sure, his evidence is patchy. But the early fifteenth century maps he presents do appear to show that European cartographers knew about islands along the east coast of North America.
J: Europeans were dreaming about faraway islands in the Atlantic long before they found any, and early mapmakers often embellished their works based solely on imagination. Recall the sixth –century legends of Saint Brendan.
A: Menzies isn’t alone, though. A loose-knit movement called diffusionism suggests there was extensive New World contact before Columbus.
J: That’s true. But Viking settlements aside, many scholars believe Europeans or Asians might have visited the Americas before Columbus, but no solid evidence exists.
A: We’ll have to wait and see what turns up.
-by Charles Leary & Iain Ferguson
collate [kəˋlet] v. 校对,核对
burden of proof【律】提供证据之责任
account [əˋkaʊnt] n. 记述,描述;报导
patchy [ˋpætʃɪ] adj. 不完整的﹐零零碎碎的
cartographer [kɑrˋtɑgrəfɚ] n. 制图师
faraway [ˋfɑrəˋwe] adj. 遥远的,远方的
embellish [ɪmˋbɛlɪʃ] v. 美化;装饰
loose-knit [ˌlusˈnɪt] adj. 松散的
diffusionism [dɪf'fjuʒənɪzəm] n. 扩散主义; 传播论
turn up 出现, 被发现 to happen unexpectedly
Sentence of the Day
It’s not plain sailing yet for Menzies’s bold theory.
plain sailing 一帆风顺
'Zheng He' - The Great Voyager 1405-1433 AD