Happy Endings and Meetings 高效益的圆满会议
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年11月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:541
A meeting without a summary is like a movie without an ending. Participants may be left feeling uncertain about what was accomplished or doubtful that their contributions were worthwhile. To prevent this, a productive meeting should end with a verbal summary of the meeting.
A well-balanced agenda allocates time at the end of the meeting for a solid wrap-up. This summary often begins with a restatement of the meeting’s objectives and any decision made. If decisions require action, this is the time to assign responsibility and clear deadlines for those action items. And call for volunteers – people are keen to get the credit when everyone’s watching.
A memo summarizing the meeting is often circulated after the meeting. The minutes of a meeting constitute the official detailed record of proceedings. A meeting summary, in contrast, should be succinct. In content, it should be similar to the verbal meeting summary, but its intended audience is wider. Stockholders, executives, and others absent from the meeting may have interest in the issues addressed as well.
Meetings can be tiring affairs. It’s tempting to disperse once agenda items have all been tackled. But doing so without wrapping things up may leave participants wondering why they didn’t go to the movies instead.
summary [ˋsʌmərɪ] n. 摘要
worthwhile [ˋwɝθˋhwaɪl] adj. 值得花费时间(或金钱)的,值得做的
allocate [ˋælə͵ket] v. 分配﹐配给
wrap-up【美﹐非正式】结论; 总结说明 a concluding, summarizing statement, report, etc
restatement [riˋstetmənt] n. 重述
action item 执行项目
credit [ˋkrɛdɪt] n. 荣誉,赞扬
minute [ˋmɪnɪt] n. 会议记录
succinct [səkˋsɪŋkt] adj. 简练的;简洁的
tempting [ˋtɛmptɪŋ] adj. 诱惑人的;吸引人的
disperse [dɪˋspɝs] v. 解散
wrap up【美】【口】完成, 结束 to bring to a conclusion; settle finally or successfully
Sentence of the Day
Effective meeting summaries help keep your company on an even keel.
on an even keel 平稳的[地],稳定的[地]
Peter and Jenny work for a public company and have just gotten out of a shareholders’ meeting: 彼得和珍妮在公关公司做事,两人刚从股东会议出来:
P: Writing these minutes will be an onerous job. The information is so dry! I just don’t think anyone reads them.
J: Ever since last year’s initial public offering, our company is legally bound to produce proper records of important meetings. It’s good you’re going to get this done while the meeting is still fresh in your memory.
P: Well, I try to keep true to the facts and always use official meeting language. For example, “Lucy supported the motion” or “Jack objected to the proposed amendment,” but sometimes it’s hard to know exactly what to say.
J: Next meeting, try to clarify those statements with the chair as the meeting progresses. Will you be including a list of attendees with the minutes?
P: Yes, but it was an open meeting, so I only recorded the names of those with voting rights.
J: Fair enough. A brief summary of the complete minutes is a good idea, too.
P: Absolutely. With a summary, I can get across the gist of the meeting and also indicate who was made responsible for each action item at the meeting.
J: Hey, our minutes are running out. Let’s get back to work!
-by Darshan Tyler
shareholder [ˋʃɛr͵holdɚ] n. 股东﹐股票持有者
onerous [ˋɑnərəs] adj.【正式】繁重的﹐艰巨的
dry [draɪ] adj. 枯燥乏味的
initial public offering 首次公开招股发行
motion [ˋmoʃən] n.(会议上的)动议,提议
attendee [əˋtɛndi] n. 出席者;在场者
get across 将〔想法﹑信息〕传达给某人 to make understandable or clear
gist [dʒɪst] n. 要点,主旨
Sentence of the Day
Those who take the minutes at a meeting need to be like a fly on the wall.
fly on the wall 隐蔽的或不引人注意的观察者