Mastering Meeting 会议罩得住
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年5月24日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:519
Larry and his fellow senior manager Donna are talking at work: 赖瑞与同为资深经理的朵娜在工作时谈话:
L: Meetings, meetings, meetings. (sigh) All too often they just seem pointless and unproductive.
D: I don’t think anybody loves them, myself included. But I’m organizing our next meeting. Got any tips?
L: Well, first, ask yourself why a meeting is necessary, and whether an alternative, such as the circulation of a memo, would serve the same purpose.
D: Well, our section has had its budget trimmed, so basically we need to decide how to accommodate the cuts.
L: Alright, your management team is required to make decisions on group issues. That suggests, therefore, that a meeting is necessary. What are you doing to make sure that it will be effective?
D: I’ve requested input from those who will be at the meeting regarding the agenda. Then I’m going to put the agenda together and distribute it a week before the meeting in order to give all participants time to prepare.
L: Add the reason for the inclusion of each agenda item. It will help each participant understand their roles and responsibilities at the meeting.
D: Good idea. I’ll do that. I’ll also inform them of the decision-making method for each item, whether it will be by consensus or majority vote.
tip [tɪp] n. 诀窍;忠告;指导
circulation [͵sɝkjəˋleʃən] n.(货币、消息等的)流通,传播
memo [ˋmɛmo] n. 备忘录
section [ˋsɛkʃən] n. 部门
trim [trɪm] v. 削减,缩减
accommodate [əˋkɑmə͵det] v. 使适应;使相符
request [rɪˋkwɛst] v. 要求,请求
regarding [rɪˋgɑrdɪŋ] prep. 关于;就……而论
inclusion [ɪnˋkluʒən] n. 内含物
consensus [kənˋsɛnsəs] n. 一致看法﹐共识
Sentence of the Day
The meeting will be about making (both) ends meet.
make ends meet 使收支相抵, 使收支平衡
Larry and Donna continue their conversation about meeting planning: 赖瑞和朵娜继续谈着关于开会的计划:
D: Another thing: as the convener, I’m going to arrange the agenda items strategically, with the easier items first, in order to ensure that they get covered.
L: I understand not wanting to get bogged down on one issue, but be careful. If people sense that the issue they want to address is being delayed deliberately, they might get miffed.
D: Don’t worry. There’ll be no sleight of hand on my part. And, as the person controlling the direction of the meeting, I’ll be sure to rein in anybody who starts to discuss topics not related to the item at hand.
L: Excellent. That’s effective leadership. Also, designate a time limit for each item, then you won’t end up spending thirty minutes on an inconsequential matter that could be dispensed with in ten minutes.
D: Good idea. I’ve already got a finishing time stated on the agenda. Nobody likes meeting that last for an eternity.
L: Time limits also get people hustling as the end of the meeting approached. When have you scheduled the meeting for?
D: Before lunch. People often experience an energy dip right after lunch.
L: Speaking of which, care to join me for some?
D: Sure. It is about that time.
-by Colin Gread
convener [kənˋvinɚ] n.(会议)召集人
bog [bɑg] down【喻】(使某物)陷入困境不能前进 to impede or be impeded physically or mentally
deliberately [dɪˋlɪbərɪtlɪ] adv. 故意地,蓄意地
miffed [mɪft] adj.【口】略微生气的﹐ 恼火的
sleight of hand (变戏法等的)巧妙的手法 A trick or set of tricks performed by a juggler or magician so quickly and deftly that the manner of execution cannot be observed; legerdemain.
sleight [slaɪt] n. 巧计,手法
rein [ren] v. 驾驭;控制,统治[O][(+in)]
designate [ˋdɛzɪg͵net] v. 指定; 标出;表明
inconsequential [ɪn͵kɑnsəˋkwɛnʃəl] adj. 不重要的; 微不足道的
dispense [dɪˋspɛns] v. 免除[(+with)]
eternity [ɪˋtɝnətɪ] n. 永远,永恒
hustle [ˋhʌs!] v. 催促;赶紧做(某事)
schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl] v. 将……列入计划(或时间)表
dip [dɪp] n.〔某物数量上轻微的〕减少下降
Sentence of the Day
For managers, it is important to run a tight ship.
run a tight ship 严格控制; 管理严格