Meetings: Getting Your Proposal Across 让你的提案在会议中过关
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年6月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月03日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:458
Jessica and Rick visit Sandy, an Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) bureaucrat, to pitch a proposal for which they are seeking EPA funding: 洁西卡与瑞克两人拜访环保署官员珊蒂,为了提案的事他们寻求环保署的经费支持:
J: Thank you very much for seeing us, Sandy.
S: It’s my pleasure. Tell me a bit more about your organization.
R: Sure. The Recycling Group is an NGO based in Vancouver, Canada. Essentially, we are working toward the creation of a minimal-waste and minimal-pollution world.
S: A praiseworthy mission indeed. One of our goals in Taiwan is to reduce the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills and incinerators by maximizing the amount of trash recycled. So, how do you think you could assist us?
J: Experience has shown that the best way to a green future is through public education.
R: And we have years of experience educating students and the community at large about the importance of recycling.
S: Sounds good. Since we initiated our recycling program several years ago, there has been a 35 percent overall reduction in the amount of garbage collected. Though the benefits are obvious, our message doesn’t seem to have gotten across to the general public as yet.
R: Well, we believe The Recycling Group has the experience and know-how to assist the EPA in getting its message across.
【注】:「NGO」是非政府组织「Non-governmental organization」的缩写。
bureaucrat [ˋbjʊrə͵kræt] n. 官吏; 官员
pitch [pɪtʃ] v.【美】【俚】竭力推销
praiseworthy [ˋprez͵wɝðɪ] adj. 值得称赞的,可嘉的
landfill [ˋlændfɪl] n. 垃圾填埋;垃圾填埋地
incinerator [ɪnˋsɪnə͵retɚ] n. 焚化炉
at large (用于名词后)整个地, 一般地, 总地 as a whole; in general
overall [ˋovɚ͵ɔl] adj. 总的,全部的,全面的
get across 解释清晰明白, 使人了解
know-how [ˋno͵haʊ] n.【非正式】实用本领; 技能; 知识; 窍门
Sentence of the Day
Jessica and Ricks are hoping to get a green light for their proposal..
green light 准许;许可; 授权
Jessica and Rick continue their meeting with Sandy, an EPA official: 洁西卡和瑞克两人继续与珊蒂的会谈:
S: You’ve piqued my interest. Now, how do you plan to implement your education program?
R: We generally employ a three-tiered strategy. First, we take our message to public schools. Then, we set up projects in the community. And finally, we help establish local environmental groups to carry on our work.
S: Sounds like a substantial undertaking. What personnel requirements do you anticipate?
J: Initially, we’ll bring in our own consultants. But by the end of the project, most of the people running the show will be local.
R: Of course, we would also like to have a liaison with your department.
S: Sure. And speaking of departments, I think I could get my colleagues at the Ministry of Education interested in this.
J: Fabulous! It would be better as a multi-departmental project. You might consider organizing a committee to get input from other departments.
S: Great idea. Let’s talk numbers. If I can generate interest in this project, how much are we looking at?
R: We’ve broken down the numbers in this budget here.
S: Hmmm …. Unfortunately, our budget has been set for this year, but I’ll definitely consider this proposal for the upcoming fiscal year.
J: Great. Thanks for your time.
S: My pleasure.
-by Howie Phung
pique [pik] v. 刺激,激起(好奇心等)
tier [tɪr] n. 阶层,等级
substantial [səbˋstænʃəl] adj. 大量的; 重要的
undertaking [͵ʌndɚˋtekɪŋ] n. 事业;企业
anticipate [ænˋtɪsə͵pet] v. 预期,期望
liaison [͵lɪeˋzɑn] n. 联系;沟通
fabulous [ˋfæbjələs] adj.【口】极好的
look at 接受; 考虑 take into consideration for exemplifying purposes
break down 划分(以便分析)
fiscal year【美】会计年度;财政年度
Sentence of the Day
Their proposal will have to be put on the backburner for the moment.
on the backburner 暂且放一放; 以后再做(或考虑)某事