Consensus: The Pot of Gold at the End of the Meeting 共识决:弥足珍贵的决策法宝
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年9月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:448
Most decisions reached in meetings require only the support of key individuals or of a simple majority. However, when decisions present a high risk to the majority of participants or will be difficult to enforce, a consensus decision-making process is desirable.
Consensus building seeks to incorporate disparate views in order to maximize mutual ownership of the final decision. Reaching consensus is time consuming, so it is important to define from the outset what level of agreement is required.
Unanimity is uncommon and even suspect, as oftentimes it implies coercion or unfair persuasion. Unanimity minus one is an important means of tracking solitary, yet possibly far-sighted opinions; this level of agreement plays an important role in betting markets and stock investment. Unanimity minus two builds solidarity among dissenters, and is an important concept with venture capitalists and judicial processes. Whatever level of consensus is sought, dissenting views should always be noted in the minutes to avoid alienated naysayers.
For consensus to work, participants must be empowered to disagree and propose alternatives. Therefore, consensus is unlikely to thrive in adversarial environments.
For controversial issues, it might not be possible to satisfy everyone. If consensus proves elusive, putting decisions to a majority vote may be the only solution.
pot of gold 意思是指那种很难获得的成功/很难实现的理想 an imaginary reward
simple majority 简单多数制;过半数
disparate [ˋdɪspərɪt] adj. 不同的;异类的
outset [ˋaʊt͵sɛt] n. 最初,开始,开端
unanimity [͵junəˋnɪmətɪ] n.【正式】一致同意
suspect [səˋspɛkt] adj. 可疑的;受到怀疑的;不可信的
coercion [koˋɝʃən] n. 强制;强迫
solitary [ˋsɑlə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 单独的,唯一的
betting market 赌博市场;博彩市场
solidarity [͵sɑləˋdærətɪ] n. 团结; 团结一致
dissenter [dɪˋsɛntɚ] n. 反对者,持异议者
venture capitalist 风险投资家;风险投资人 A venture capitalist is a person who invests in a business venture, providing capital for start-up or expansion. Venture capitalists are looking for a higher rate of return than would be given by more traditional investments.
minute [ˋmɪnɪt] n. 会议记录
naysayer [ˋne͵seɚ] n. 反对者;唱反调的人
empower [ɪmˋpaʊɚ] v.【正式】授权〔某组织做某事〕
adversarial [͵ædvɚˋsɛrɪəl] adj. 对立的;敌对的
elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以得到的; 难以实现的
Sentence of the Day
Two heads are better than one.
Angela and Patrick work for a non-profit volunteer organization and are discussing an upcoming meeting: 安杰拉和派崔克两人为非营利志工团体做事,两人正在讨论一项即将召开的会议:
P: Decisions we’ve reached in the past just don’t seem to get implemented! We’ve no way to enforce them. I think we need a different meeting strategy.
A: Well, one problem is that only a few individuals are making decisions and delegating tasks to others.
P: Being an egalitarian group with no substantial hierarchy, we need everyone’s participation and agreement in meetings. Volunteers simply aren’t keen to work without having a say in what they’re doing.
A: I heard other non-profit organizations try to reach a consensus in meetings instead of simply debating and voting. That way decisions are made at the grassroots level and all volunteers can put in their two cents.
P: Sounds good. At the same time, though, facilitating that kind of meeting would be tough.
A: What if some solitary curmudgeon vetoes for no apparent reason?
P: That’s a risk we’d have to take. Besides, even grumps have a role to play.
A: True enough. Nevertheless, we might want to think more about how much consensus is enough.
P: Better make this one a two-hour meeting.
A: Great, now we just need someone to volunteer to mail out the agendas!
-by David Wand
implement [ˋɪmpləmənt] v. 实施;执行
delegate [ˋdɛlə͵get] v. 授(权);把……委托给[(+to)]
egalitarian [ɪ͵gælɪˋtɛrɪən] n. 平等主义者
substantial [səbˋstænʃəl] adj. 真实的,实在的
hierarchy [ˋhaɪə͵rɑrkɪ] n.〔组织﹑团体中的〕统治集团
keen [kin] adj. 极想的[+to-v]
grassroots [ˋgræsˋruts] adj. 基层的,一般民众的
put in one’s two cents 发言 to give one’s opinion in a conversation, often when it is not wanted
curmudgeon [kɚˋmʌdʒən] n. 难以取悦的人;坏脾气的人
veto [ˋvito] v. 否决
grump [grʌmp] n. 脾气坏的人
nevertheless [͵nɛvɚðəˋlɛs] adv. 不过,然而
agenda [əˋdʒɛndə] n. 待议诸事项;议程
Sentence of the Day
Many hands make light work.
light work 轻松的工作